Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education

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The Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education was one of the two Departments in the College of Education of Osun State University. The Department was established at the inception of the University on September 21, 2007.
The Department offers four degree programmes, namely B. Ed. Biology, B. Ed. Chemistry, B. Ed. Mathematics and B. Ed. Physics.

The academic staff are supported by Technologists and Laboratory Assistants/ Attendants at the College of Science, Engineering and Technology since the Department utilizes laboratory resources and personnel at the College of Science, Engineering and Technology for the practical components of its courses. The laboratories are well equipped to cope with teaching of the students and for the use of academic staff for research purposes.

The students registered in the Department offer Education courses at the 100 level but start to offer courses in their chosen disciplines from the 200 level. At the 400 level, all students in the Department are required to return back to the College and offer Education courses.
The four programmes of the Department operate academic curricular that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.

The philosophy and objectives of the B.Ed. Degree programmes in the Department are as follows:

Education Biology
The B. Sc. (Ed.) Biology Programme is being undertaken to produce the right caliber of committed professionals in the area of education biology in the right quality and quantity in order to meet the national needs and contribute to the achievement of the national goals on education particularly at the secondary school level. Teacher trainees at the end of programme should be capable of effectively teaching all components of biology in the secondary, as the programme aims at providing prospective teachers with solid background knowledge in the subject. To this end, the programme is set to achieve the following objectives.
At the end of the programme the students will be able to:
(i) view biology as a process of inquiry into the living world.
(ii) develop in students power of accurate observation and provide a framework into which their observed facts can be fitted.
(iii) interprete data, formulate and test hypotheses and develop broad generalization.
(iv) use concepts and methods developed in the course in new areas of study and in everyday situations.
(v) critically analyse the activities of living things in their environment.
(vi) make rational judgments based on the understanding of methods of science.
(vii) demonstrate intellectual excellence and professional skills useful in teaching secondary school biology.

Education Chemistry
The philosophy of education chemistry in Osun State University is to produce suitable qualified chemistry Teachers to man our secondary institutions. The programme of the unit of education chemistry is structured to equip the student for the effective performance of their duties in academic, administrative and classroom management. The students are also properly equipped with the principles and practicals of education, sixty percentage work load in their respective subjects of specialization as well as continuous assessment, the superstructure on which the National policy on Education is built.
The objectives of the education chemistry programme at the University level are to produce highly qualified Teachers knowledgeable in both the processes of chemistry and capable of inculcating these in the students. Students should have the following competencies:
(i) Ability to develop functional knowledge of chemistry concept and principles.
(ii) Ability to observe and explore the chemical environment.
(iii) Ability to apply the skills and knowledge gained through the study of chemistry to solve day to day problem.
(iv) Ability to explain simple natural phenomena.
(v) Ability to develop scientific attitudes including curiosity.
(vi) Ability to manipulate simple apparatus for purpose of demonstration and use.
(vii) Ability to improvise simple equipment from available junk in the chemical environment.

Education Mathematics
The philosophy of education Mathematics in Osun State University is to produce suitable qualified Mathematics Teachers to man our secondary institutions. The programme of the unit of education mathematics is structured to equip the student for the effective performance of their duties in academic, administrative and classroom management. The students are also properly equipped with the principles and practicals of education, sixty percentage work load in their respective subjects of specialization as well as continuous assessment, the superstructure on which the National policy on Education is built.
The objectives of the education Mathematics programme at the University level are to produce highly qualified Teachers knowledgeable in both the processes of mathematics and capable of inculcating these in the students. Students should have the following competencies:
(i) Ability to develop functional knowledge of Mathematics concept and principles.
(ii) Ability to observe and explore the mathematics environment.
(iii) Ability to apply the skills and knowledge gained through the study of mathematics to solve day to day problem.
(iv) Ability to explain simple natural phenomena.
(v) Ability to develop scientific attitudes including curiosity.
(vi) Ability to manipulate simple apparatus for purpose of demonstration and use.
(vii) Ability to improvise simple equipment from available junk in the mathematical environment.

Education Physics
The B. Sc. (Ed) Physics Programme is being undertaken to produce the right caliber of committed professionals in the area of education physics in the right quality and quantity in order to meet the national needs and contribute to the achievement of the national goals on education particularly at the secondary school level. Teacher trainees at the end of programme should be capable of effectively teaching all components of physics in the secondary, as the programme aims at providing prospective teachers with solid background knowledge in the subject. To this end, the programme is set to achieve the following objectives.
At the end of the programme the students will be able to:
(i) view physics as a process of inquiry into the living world.
(ii) develop in students power of accurate observation and provide a framework into which their observed facts can be fitted.
(iii) interprete data, formulate and test hypotheses and develop broad generalization.
(iv) use concepts and methods developed in the course in new areas of study and in everyday situations.
(v) critically analyse the activities of living things in their environment.
(vi) make rational judgments based on the understanding of methods of science.
(vii) demonstrate intellectual excellence and professional skills useful in teaching secondary school physics.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

Departmental Admission Requirement
U.M.E. Candidates
B. Ed. Biology
For admission into the first degree programme in Education Biology, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Biology to form the core subjects, with credit in two other relevant science subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

B. Ed. Chemistry
For admission into the first degree programme in Education Chemistry, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Chemistry to form the core subjects, with credit in two other relevant science subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

B. Ed. Mathematics
For admission into the first degree programme in Education Mathematics, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language and Mathematics to form the core subjects, with credit in three other relevant science subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

B. Ed. Physics
For admission into the first degree programme in Education Physics, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Physics to form the core subjects, with credit in two other relevant science subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
B. Ed. Biology
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Education Biology programme must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) science subjects one of which must be Biology, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects listed above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with NCE and approved equivalents with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

B. Ed. Chemistry
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Education Chemistry programme must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) science subjects one of which must be Chemistry, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects listed above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with NCE and approved equivalents with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

B. Ed. Mathemaics
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Education Mathematics programme must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) science subjects one of which must be Mathematics, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects listed above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with NCE and approved equivalents with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

B. Ed. Physics
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Education Physics programme must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) science subjects one of which must be Physics, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects listed above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with NCE and approved equivalents with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

Get In Touch

For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
  • Email:
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