Department of History and International Studies

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Brief History of the Department
The Department of HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES is one of the two foundation Departments in the College of Humanities and Culture of Osun State University, established at the inception of the University in September, 2007. Currently, the Department offers B.A. History and International Studies programme.

The Department plays a pioneering role in the development of interdisciplinary teaching and research. For instance, in January 2010 the Department entered into an agreement with the Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA). Under this agreement, Dr. Jean-Luc Martineau, a French historian and an expert in historical methodology, co-teach, in an adjunct ex gratia capacity, HIS 304: Methods of Historical Research.
Moreover, the Department organises a weekly Departmental Seminar Series that has been attracting scholars from within and outside the country.

The Department operates an academic curriculum that is tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.

Philosophy and Objectives
The Department of History and International Studies seeks to provide liberal arts education with the highest breath in comprehensive human experiences. It offers students the opportunity to study the past, not only for its own sake, but for the perspectives it offers the present. The curriculum lays emphases on training students to understand the nature of evidence and how to interpret evidence. The programme is designed to develop in students intellectual abilities, which will be useful for future careers in diverse fields. It offers perspectives on local history, cultural analysis, cultural diversity, methodology, and gender, while maintaining the traditional strengths in the fields of African, European, American and World history.

The programme therefore seeks to produce students with a mind capable of a rational and intuitive grasp of events in order to bring critical and analytical attitude to bear on national and international issues for the socio-political and economic development of the society. Ultimately, the programme trains a complete person relevant to our diverse and changing world.

Aims and Objectives
The Department of History and International Studies aims at;
i. producing students that are imbued with strength of character, power of judgment, capacity of analysis and effectiveness of expression,
ii. educating students in historical movements and issues of international or global importance to enable them acquire better knowledge of the World and thus promote World peace,
iii. developing students’ ability to appreciate the historical forces that have shaped and continue to shape their immediate environment,
iv. giving students thorough understanding of Nigeria and global issues,
v. instilling in students a critical and broad mind that will enable them appreciate the various dimensions of any given issue,
vi. providing students with advantages usually associated with academic training, viz: critical, analytical and balanced judgment needed particularly in administrative and managerial responsibilities in the competitive global village,
vii. preparing students for careers in the diplomatic service, academia, journalism, government, politics, international business, museums, historical research, public history, historic sites preservation, and Non-Governmental Organisations.

Thus, in order to realise these objectives, the Department offers courses in African, American, and European History as well as issues in International Relations. Also, a number of courses have been designed to introduce students to the use of historical documents in studying the past and understanding contemporary international issues.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

U.M.E. Candidates
For admission into the first degree programme in History and International Studies, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, History or Government to form the core subjects, with credit in any other three arts/social sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level History and International Studies programme, must have Advanced Level passes in History or Government, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidate with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be record for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

Get In Touch

For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
  • Email:
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