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Acting Provost, College of Education_Prof Soriyan

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Prof. O. O. SORIYANProf. O. O. Soriyan, B.Sc, M.Sc, Doctor of Philosophy (Ife)

Prof. O. O. Soriyan is a Professor of Chemistry and the Acting Provost of the College of Education. He graduated in 1981 from the University of Ife with the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) honours, degree in Chemistry. He subsequently bagged Master of Science (M.Sc) degrees of the University of Ife (1987) and as well as a Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) of the Obafemi Awolowo University (2007). Professor Soriyan joined the service of the Obafemi Awolowo University in 1983 as a graduate assistant. He was regraded assistant lecturer on the completion of his M.Sc. programme in 1984; promoted a lecturer II in 1987, lecturer I in 1992, a senior lecturer in 1996 and a reader in 2007. Osun State University appointed him a Professor of Chemistry in 2010.

All the published articles of Prof. O. O. Soriyan were in the kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions in miceller medium and different media. He is a member of the Chemical Society of Nigeria, Science Forum of the commonwealth of the Bahamas, and New York Academy of Science. He was an examination officer of the department and students’ advisor as well as a class administrator. He was appointed to the Faculty Research Committee.

He was an elected member of Senate 1998 – 2000 and during this period, he represented the senate on the A & P committee. He was chairman of the task force on OAU dam in 1999; member of several investigating panels (e.g. series of theft in Maintenance Division) and served as a fellow of Awolowo Hall from 2001 – 2003. Prof. Soriyan has shown evidence of maturity and academic leadership by his publications and supervision of many undergraduate, supervision of five Masters graduate students and two Ph.D students who have successfully completed their degrees. Professor Soriyan was appointed the Acting Provost on 1st of August, 2011.

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