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Iyanda Rabiu

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Rabiu IYANDA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Rabiu Iyanda holds a B.A (Hons.) in French from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 1994. M. A French Studies in French from the University of Ibadan and PhD in French Studies in 2016. He attended training at the Centre de linguistique appliquée, Besançon, France, CAVILAM de Vichy, France and several other Francophone African nations. He has been teaching African literature in French at the Osun State University since 2009. He has acted as the coordinator of the French as a general course of the university from 2015 to 2019. Coordinator, office of linkages and international partnership. He is presently the Coordinator for the Department of French.

Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:
He specializes in Francophone African literature, customs and beliefs of the post-independence African.

Contributions to knowledge:
He has contributed more than 25 scholastic publication in local and international journals and attended trainings, conferences and workshops at local and international levels. He is keen in integrities and philosophy of African societies.

Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Nigerian French Teachers’ Association (NAFT)
Member, University French Teachers Association of Nigeria, UFTAN 
Member, West African Research and Innovation Management Association, WARIMA
Nigeria Representative, International Multicultural Network. IMN 

Academic Appointments:

Coordinator, Department of French 2019 to date
Coordinator, Office of Linkages and International Partnership (OLIP) 2018 to 2019
Coordinator, General Studies - French. 2015 to 2019
Adviser: Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Culture Students Association, 2016 to date
Some recent articles in learned journals:

Iyanda R.O. (2020) Les fables : un instrument incontournable pour la construction d’une société idéale. Mouvance Francophone, Vol.5, no (1)

Iyanda R.O. (2019). Aesthetic and Mythological Philosophies in Yoruba Folktales: A Therapy for Drug Abuse. Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literary Studies (JOLLS. (Imo State Owerri). Vol.9 no.2. page 55-59

Iyanda, R. O. (2018) Le thème de l’immigration dans Un Nègre a violé une blonde à Dallas de Ramonu Sanusi. Mouvance Francophone 3((1)

Iyanda R.O. (2017) Une réflexion critique sur la polygamie en Afrique dans Une si longue lettre, de Mariama Bâ. Uniosun Journal of Law Development and the Humanities. (Osun state University, Osogbo).

Iyanda, R. O. (2017) Oral narratives as agents of communicating and (re)-validating cultural ethos: traditions and socio-political realities in Yoruba. AJOFARD, Ado Journal of French and Related Disciplines. (Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti). Vol.4, no. 1 pp 127-135.

Iyanda R. O. (2017) Eco-critical Exploration of Climate Change and Its Implications on Oratures: Case Study of Fables. ICHEKE Journal of the Faculty of Humanities. Vol.15 no.1. pp.15-31

Conferences attended and paper presented

22nd Annual Conference of University French Teachers Association of Nigeria, UFTAN at Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State from Oct. 13-17 2019. Paper presented : Les fables comme instruments d’intégration : un aperçu sociocritique.

7th Conference of Association of West Africa Universities, AWAU at Université D’Abomey Calavi from 8th to 12th October, 2019. Paper presented: Multilingualism as a panacea to a virile west Africa cooperation and integration.

21st Annual Conference of University French Teachers Association of Nigeria, UFTAN at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto from 7th and 11th October, 2018. Paper presented : Perspectives Socio-culturelles à travers deux œuvres littéraires nigérianes d’expression française.

11th West African Research and Innovation Management Association, WARIMA, Conference, held at Félix Houphouët Boigny University, Abidjan, between 21-26 January, 2018. Paper presented: Cross culturalism in some selected literary texts of the coastal nations of West Africa.

8th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit ISDS 2017. Challenges and Prospects of Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the Planetary Boundaries. University of Ibadan, Centre for Sustainable Development CESDEV, Ibadan, between 22nd-25th August, 2017. Paper presented Eco-critical exploration of climate change and its implications on oratures: case study of fables.

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