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Ayodeji AjayiArchitect Ayodeji Olusola AJAYI (Ph.D)
Telephone: +234-7033871651

An experienced Architect and a consultant to both public and private sector organisations on architectural design, urban planning, development and management. Registered with the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and also a Ph.D. holder in architecture and a university lecturer, offering practical experience in teaching students at both undergraduate and post graduate levels. He has over 11 years of professional experience and his portfolio includes architectural concept development and design, programme design, construction management as well as master plan development. His main research area is the built environment, behaviour and health; which also serves to inform his industrial practice towards designing buildings and environments that are healthy and also promote healthy behaviour.

Contributions to knowledge
He has over 13 publications in reputable and relevant local and international journals. In addition, he has supervised several dissertations.
Scientific /Professional Activities
As a lecturer at Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria (UNIOSUN), he has been nominated into positions in several university committees in relation to his professional experience such as Direct Labour Committee, Tender Analysis Committee, Implementation Committee for UNIOSUN Integrated Farm Project, Building Committee for UNIOSUN Cathedral and Master Plan Committee for the 6 UNIOSUN Campuses.

Academic Appointments:
Work Experience in Osun State University:
i. Graduate Assistant: November16, 2009- July 2011
ii. Assistant Lecturer: July 2011- October 2015.
iii. Lecturer II: October 2015- October 2018
iv. Lecturer I: November 2018
Membership of Learned and Professional Association
i. Associate member, NIA (Nigerian Institute of Architects)
ii. Registered Architect (Architects Registration Council of Nigeria) F/3774

Recent Publications

Contribution to Books:
i. Ajayi, A.O., Amole, O.O., and Ajayi, A.O. (2020). The State-of-The-Art of Research in Open Spaces and Health (In Ibrahim, R.B., and Muili, B.A Edited) Planning and Management of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Nigeria. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Oyo State.pp 714-738
Published Journal Articles
i. Ajayi, A. O. and Amole, D. O. (2019). Quality of Urban Open Spaces in a Southwestern Nigerian City. Osun Geographical Journal, Department of Geography, Osun State University, Osun State, Nigeria. Vol 2, pp 52-63
ii. Adelabu, J. K. Amole D.and Ajayi, A. O (2019). Physical Characteristics of Student Residential Environment in Relation to Food Activities in University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Agrosearch,. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Development, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. 19(1) pp 87-98
iii. Ajayi, A. O. , Ajayi, A. O. and Oke, O. E. (2019). Correlates of Workplace Satisfaction in University Secretariat Buildings in Osun State” Journal of the Association of Architectural Educators in Nigeria. 19(1) pp 62- 71
iv. Ajayi, A. O. and Amole, D. O. (2018). Residents Evaluation of the Quality of Urban Open Spaces in a Nigerian City. Journal of Geography and Planning Sciences, Department of Geography and Planning, Adekunle Ajasin University, Ondo State, Nigeria Vol 3. No. 2 2018, pp 88-102
v. Ajayi, A. O., Ajayi, A. O. and Adelabu, J. K. (2018). Determinants of Workplace Satisfaction in Secretariat Buildings of Selected Universities in Osun State. Journal of Environmental Spectrum, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Vol 2 No 1 pp 97-110
vi. Ajayi, A. O. (2015). Students’ Satisfaction with Teaching Spaces: Study of a State Owned University in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architectural Research. Vol. 2, No. 11, 2015, pp1116-1123
vii. Ajayi, A. O. and Ajayi, A. O (2015). Housing Quality in a Selected Urban Fringe in Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architectural Research, Vol. 2, No. 12, 2015, pp. 1192-1198
5. Edited and Refereed Conference Proceedings
i. Ajayi, A.O and Amole O.O (2020). Accessibility and Patronage of Urban Open Spaces in a South-Western Nigeria City In : Abidoye, L.K.; Okedere, O.B.; Alawode, K.O.; Ibrahim, R.B.; Adebanjo, A.U.; Thanni, M.O.; and Adeyemo, K.A. (Eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. November 5-7,2019. Pp422-440
ii. Adedotun, S.B, Yakubu, D.A, Ajayi,A.O, Adedotun,D.O and Tewogbade,M.(2020). An Assessment of Urban Household Outdoor Recreation Behavior in Osogbo,Osun State, Nigeria In : Abidoye, L.K.; Okedere, O.B.; Alawode, K.O.; Ibrahim, R.B.; Adebanjo, A.U.; Thanni, M.O.; and Adeyemo, K.A. (Eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. November 5-7,2019. Pp368-380

Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Environmental Sciences, organized by the Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Osun State University. 5th – 7 November,2019. Paper presented: Accessibility and Patronage of Urban Open Spaces in a South-Western Nigeria City
ii. The 2nd workshop on data ethics and skills for reproduction of research findings using Stata, organized by Association of African Universities and Osun State University. 10th – 14 march, 2019 at MicCom Golf Hotel, Ada, Nigeria
iii. The 1st International Interdisciplinary Annual Conference at Kisii University, Kenya held on 30th July to 2nd August 2014. Paper presented: Students’ Satisfaction with Teaching Spaces: Study of a State Owned University in Southwestern Nigeria
iv. The 44th National Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners 5th- 9th November, 2013 Owerri, Imo State. ‘‘Urban Agriculture and Wetlands Utilisation in Osun State: A Polycentric Environmental Planning Perspective’’
v. The West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, 12-14 August 2013, Accra, Ghana. Paper presented: The Missing Links Between Construction Sector and Development in Nigeria: A Polycentric Planning Perspective In: Laryea, S. and Agyepong, S. (Eds.) Procs 5th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference

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