Akinlolu Gabriel OMISORE

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Akinlolu Gabriel OMISORE, MB.Ch.B, MPH, FWACP

Akinlolu G. Omisore is a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, Faculty of Community Health in April 2010. Since joining the Osun State University, in line with the vision and mission of the University, he has been actively involved in research, provision of community service and the teaching and training of students towards producing high quality graduates of high academic standard who could hold their own anywhere in the world. He has had the opportunity of heading two different departments since joining the University and currently he is the Sub-Dean Postgraduate College, Faculty of Clinical Sciences.

Research Interests, Achievements/ Specialization-
Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Health Education and Promotion; Non communicable Diseases and Adolescent Health including School Health. Presentation of research findings at national and international conferences and contributor to important national documents.

Contributions to knowledge-
Contributor to important national/international documents including those led by Int’l bodies such as UNICEF and UNFPA. Contributed two chapters including an entirely new chapter in the Revised Adolescent Health Manual (Nigerian, 2011) as well as in the practical manual of diabetes in pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) management protocol in Osun State. September 2014. He has over 30 scientific publications which are increasingly being cited. He has attended various local and international Conferences and Workshops where he has been involved in the dissemination of knowledge.

Scientific/ Professional Activities
Faculty Member/ Examiner, College of Health Sciences, Osun State University
Editorial Board Member, Research Journal of Health Sciences, UNIOSUN and UNIOSUN Journal of Science.
Peer reviewer for some national and international journals.
Presenter/ Speaker at Scientific conferences
External Examiner- Masters in Public Health programme, OAU, Ile-Ife for the past two sessions.

Has received three grant awards- two international (served as a co-investigator) and one local (serving as Principal investigator in a TetFund approved grant).

Academic Appointments
• Appointed by the University as the Coordinator for Pharmacology department (March 2013- February 2015).
• Ag. HOD, Community Medicine from February 2015 to August 2016.
• Sub-Dean Postgraduate College, Faculty of Clinical Sciences. 2018/2019, 2019/2020 sessions.
• Chairman, College Handbook Committee 2018/2019, 2019/2020 sessions.
• Chairman, Examination Malpractice Committee, CHS 2019/2020 session.

Membership of Learned and Professional Associations

• Member, Nigerian Medical Association.
• Member, Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN).
• Fellow, West African College of Physicians.
• Member, Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (UNIOSUN).

Selected recent Publications
1. Omisore AG (2018). Attaining Sustainable Development Goals in sub-Saharan Africa;
The need to address environmental challenges. Environmental Development 25;138–145 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2017.09.002 (International Journal).
2. Omisore AG, Omisore B, Abioye-Kuteyi EA, Bello IS, Olowookere SA. (2018) In-school adolescents’ weight status and blood pressure profile in South-western Nigeria: urban-rural comparison. BioMed Central (BMC) Obesity 5:2.
3. Olorunmoteni OE, Fatusi AO, Komolafe MA, Omisore A. Sleep pattern, socio-environmental factors, and use of electronic devices among Nigerian school-attending adolescents. Sleep Health. 2018 Dec;4(6):551-557. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2018.09.002. Epub 2018 Oct 23.
4. Omisore AG. (2017) Transiting from the millennium development to the sustainable development goals in Nigeria: positives, problems, processes and prospects. UNIOSUN Journal of Sciences. 2(1): 5-13
5. Omisore AG. Babarinde GM, Bakare DP, Asekun-Olarinmoye EO. (2017). Awareness and Knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals in a University Community in South western Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences. 27(6):669-676. (International Journal).

Conferences attended
i. Doctors as Educators Training Workshop organized by the West African College of Physicians. September 2018
ii. National Partner and Stakeholder Meeting on Diabetes Mellitus.Jjointly hosted by World Diabetes Foundation, Federal Ministry of Health, and SIDCAIN at Abuja. August 2017. 7th Annual Essentials in Primary Care Summer II Conference, Hammock Beach Resort, Palm Coast, Florida, July 11-15, 2016. (TetFund sponsored conference).
iii. West African College of Physicians 41st National Scientific Conference and AGM. Asaba 2017. .

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