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Dr. Afeez Bello

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Afeez BelloAfeez Adefemi BELLO, B. Tech, M.Sc, PhD
Email: dean.ees,


Afeez Adefemi BELLO holds a 2010 PhD in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. An Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Osun State University since 2016, his academic carrier has seen him occupying several academic position in the University system ranging from Examination Officer for the Departments of Civil Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering for three years (2008-2010); Chairman, Students’ Welfare Committee, Faculty of Engineering (2013-2014); Departmental SIWES Coordinator (2010- 2014); Departmental SWEP Coordinator (2010-2014); Coordinator, Summer Programme, Departments of Civil and Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Faculty of Engineering SIWES Coordinator (2011-2014); Faculty of Engineering SWEP Coordinator (2011-2014); Departmental Undergraduate Project Co-ordinator (2011-2014); Member, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences Board of Studies (2013 to 2015); Member, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences Review Panel (2013 to 2015); Member, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences Research Committee (2013 to 2015); Chairman, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences Examination Malpractice Committee (2013 to 2015); Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering (August, 2013 – July, 2014); Acting Head, Department of Civil Engineering (August, 2014 – July, 2015); Chairman, Valuation Committee for Rehabilitation of Ikire Campus, Osun State University (2014); Ag. Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences ( 31st July, 2015 - 2017); Member, Committee of Provost, Deans and Directors (August, 2015 - 2017 ); Member, Committee of Deans of Engineering and Technology of Nigeria Universities (August, 2015); Cognate Dean, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences (August, 2015 -2017, 2019 till date); Member, Appointment and Promotion Committee (Academics, Technical, Library Administrative) (August, 2015 -2017, 2019 till date); Member, Students Disciplinary Committee, Osun State University, Osogbo (August, 2015-2017); Member, Post graduate Board, Osun State University (August, 2015 – 2017, 2019 till date); Chairman, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences Review Committee (2015-2017, 2019 till date); Ag. Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2015- 2017 and 2019 till date); Chairman, Direct Labour Committee, Osun State University (2019 till date).

Research Interests/ Specialization

His research interest include waste utilization, improvement of expansive (shrink- swell) and non-expansive soils and the use of same as pavement materials in geotechnical/geo-environmental applications (i.e., liners in waste containment systems).

Contributions to knowledge

He has over fifty (50) publications to his credit in referred Journals within and offshore of Nigeria and has also presented papers in both Local and International Conferences.

Scientific / Professional Activities

He has been external examiners to Ladoke Akintola University of Technology and Federal University of Technology, Akure. He has also served as Geotechnical Consultant in few of the following University Projects: Access road to Faculty of Environmental Sciences Building, Osun State University, Osogbo; Access road to the main Campus of Osun State University, Osogbo; Osun State University Master Plan; Geotechnical investigative studies for inter campus road construction for Ifetedo Campus of Osun State University; Geotechnical investigative studies for Centre for Entreprenueship, Osun State University, Osogbo Main Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Computer Based Test Centre, Osun State University, Osogbo Main Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Twin Lecture Theartre, Osun State University, Ejigbo Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Joint Office, Osun State University, Osogbo Main Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Centre for Entreprenueship, Osun State University, Okuku Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for UNIOSUN Central Mosque, Osun State University, Osogbo Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Twin Lecture Theartre, Osun State University, Ipetu Ijesha Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Twin Lecture Theartre, Osun State University, Osogbo Main Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for Faculty of Environmental Sciences Building, Osun State University, Osogbo Main Campus; Geotechnical investigative studies for 500 Seater Lecture Theartre, Osun State University, Okuku Campus; Design of Access Road to Faculty of Environmental Science, Osun State University, Osogbo Campus and supervision of a host of maintenance works across campuses of Osun State University.

Awards/ Grants

Distinguished Personality Award, Department of Civil Engineering by Association of Civil Engineering Students, Osun State University, Osogbo (2015); Best Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering by Association of Civil Engineering Students, Osun State University, Osogbo (2013); Best Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering by Association of Civil Engineering Students, Osun State University, Osogbo, (2011); Most dedicated Teacher, Al-Monsur Model College, Ifon Osun (2004); Best Student in 200 Level Civil Engineering Department, LAUTECH (1996 – 1998); Best Student, Ilobu Grammar School, Ilobu (1995); Ilobu Descendants’ Union Scholarship, (1996 – 1998)
Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Federal Government of Nigeria (₦2,000,000) in (2011); Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Federal Government of Nigeria (₦1,940,000) in (2013) and Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Federal Government of Nigeria (₦1,740,000) in (2015)

National Activites

• Member, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) Accreditation Panel to the Faculty of Engineering, Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka, Anambra State, March 2018
• Member, National University Commission (NUC) Accreditation Panel to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bauchi, November 201
• Member, National University Commission (NUC) Accreditation Panel to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Abuja, June 2017
• Member, Committee of Deans of Engineering and Technology of Nigerian Universities (August, 2015 to date)

Membership of Professional Association

• Professional Engineer: Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) (R. 14, 823)
• Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (17,234)

Selected Recent Publications

1. Bello, A. A. and Yusuff R. O. (2018) ‘Characterization of Volumetric shrinkage and Hydraulic conductivity of Lateritic soil Corn cob Ash Admixture as liner materials ’ Journal of New Trend in Civil Engineering, 1(1): 32-39
2. Ishola, K., Olawuyi, O. A., Bello, A. A. and Yohanna, P. (2019) ‘Effect of Plantain Peel Ash on Strength Properties of Tropical Red Soil’ Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 4(1): 447- 459.
3. Adeyemo, K. A., Yinusa, G. H. and Bello, A. A. (2019) ‘Effect of Compactive Efforts on Hydraulic Conductivity of Black Cotton Soil Treated with Cassava Peel Ash’ UNIOSUN Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 1(1): 11 – 18
4. Ishola, K., Olawuyi, O. A., Bello, A. A.,. Etim, R. K., Yohanna, P. and Sani, J. E. (2019) ‘Review of Agricultural waste utilization as improvement additives for residual tropical soils’ Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, AZOJETE, 15(3): 733-749.

span style="color: #808000;" />strong>Conferences/Workshop Attendance</strong></span></p> <p>International Conference of College of Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (COLENG, 2018): Stem: A driving Force for sustainable development, 14 – 17 May, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, pp. 388 – 395.<br /> Paper presented:<br /> Influence of compaction delay on CBR and UCS of a Lateritic soil stabilized with Corn Cob Ash and Cement.</p> <p>1st International Conference on Engineering and Environmental Sciences (ICEES, 2019: Advancing Technology and Environmental Burdens (Challenges and Sustainable Solutions) 5 - 7 November, Osun State University, Osun State, Nigeria.</p> <p> Papers presented:<br />Assessment of Volumetric shrinkage and Hydraulic conductivity of laterite stabilized – cowbone ash admixture as liner materials.</p> <p>Influence of compaction energies on soil samples from Abeokuta – South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria.</p> </p> <p> </p>""

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