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Dr. J. K Olowookere PhotoJohnson Kolawole OLOWOOKERE, B.Sc., MSc. MBA., M.Phil., Ph.D., ACTI, FCA.
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Johnson Kolawole OLOWOOKERE (Ph.D.) holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degrees in Accounting from Ogun State University (now Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye and the prestigious University of Lagos respectively. He obtained his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
He began his academic career at the Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, from where he proceeded to Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State. He also taught at Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso for over ten years before joining the Services of Osun State University in August 2017 as a Senior Lecturer. He is currently the Acting Head, Department of Accounting. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN). He is currently serving as a member of Students’ Affairs Committee of ICAN. He teaches Auditing and Assurance Services, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Public Sector Accounting and Financial Management.

Research interest/Achievement/Specialization
Dr. Olowookere J.K. research interest includes Financial Reporting, Audit Market Concentration and Risk Management. He is the author of Fundamentals of Auditing and Assurance Services; he also co-authored Fundamentals of Management Accounting. He is a reviewer and editorial member to some national and international journals. He has served and still serving as an External Examiner to many departments of Accounting in many Federal, State and Private Universities in Nigeria. He has worked as an adjunct lecturer in the following universities; The Federal Universities of Technology, Akure; Redeemers University, Ede; Bowen University, Iwo and Kings University, Odeomu.
He has over 25 publications to his credit both in national and international journals among which are:
1. Adeyemi, S. B. & Olowookere, J. K. (2012): Non-Audit Services and Auditor Independence – Investors’ Perspective in Nigeria. Business and Management Review, Vol. 2(5); 89 – 97 July.

2. Olowookere, J.K. & Adebiyi, W. A. (2013) Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Quality in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. International Journal of Business and Management Invention. Vol.2 Issue 9. September: 63-69.
3. Adebiyi, W. K. & Olowookere, J. K. (2016). Ownership Structure and The Quality of Financial Reporting: Evidence from Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, United Kingdom. Vol. 4(1): 541-552.

4. Olowookere, J. K. & Inneh, G. E. (2016). Determinants of External Auditors Choice in Nigerian Quoted Manufacturing Companies. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol. 7(6) 49-57
5. Soyemi, K. A. & Olowookere, J. K. (2016) ‘The Effects of Clients’ Attributes and Auditor Size on External Audit Fees among Listed Non-Financial Companies in Nigeria’. Ogun Journal of Accounting and Banking & Finance (OJAF), Special Edition, 160-175. (Publisher: Department of Accounting, Banking &Finance, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye)
6. Soyemi, K. A. & Olowookere, J. K. (2016) ‘The Effects of Clients’ Attributes and Auditor Size on External Audit Fees among Listed Non-Financial Companies in Nigeria’. Ogun Journal of Accounting and Banking & Finance (OJAF), Special Edition, 160-175.(Publisher: Department of Accounting, Banking &Finance, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye)
7. Olowookere, J. K. & Soyemi, K. A. (2017): Audit Market Concentration, Firm Characteristics and Audit Fees: Evidence from Nigerian Consumer Goods Sector. Ilorin Journal of Accounting, Vol. 4 (1 & 2) 26 – 34.

8. Olowookere, J. K. & Soyemi, K. A. (2017): Audit Market Concentration, Firm Characteristics and Audit Fees: Evidence from Nigerian Consumer Goods Sector. Ilorin Journal of Accounting, Vol. 4 (1 & 2) 26 – 34.

9. Siyanbola, A. A., Olowookere, J. K., Oyetunji, O. T. & Taiwo, O. J. (2018). Audit Theory and it’s Implication on Audit today: The Nigerian experience. IMSU Business and Finance Journal, 9(1), 259-271.

10. Otekunrin A. O.; Asamu F. F; Oye O. O. & Olowookere J. k. (2019): Current Market Price of Share Capital and Profitability of selected firms on Nigerian Stock Exchange. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Vol. 10(1), 1274 - 1287. Scopus indexed
11. Olowookere, J. K. (2017): Patterns of Audit Market Concentration Among Quoted Companies in Nigeria (2002-2014). Uniosun International Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 1 (3) 142 – 152.
12. Salami, A. O; Olaifa, O. O.; & Olowookere, J. K.; Tella, A. R. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Waiting Lines in the Nigerian Banking Industry. RSU Journal of Strategic and Internet Business, 4(1), 359-379. (Publisher: River State University)
13. Adeyemi, S. B. & Olowookere, J. K. (2012): Non-Audit Services and Auditor Independence – Investors’ Perspective in Nigeria. Business and Management Review, Vol. 2(5); 89 – 97 July.
14. Akinwumi, I. A. & Olowookere, J. K. (2015). Adequacy of Financial Statement and Information for Investors Decision on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. Elixir Financial Management 89; 36431 – 36437.
15. Sanni, M. R.; Olowookere, J. K. & Ojedele, M. I. (2019). Influence of International Financial Reporting Standards on Share Prices of Nigerian Quoted Oil and Gas Firms. UNIOSUN International Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 2 (June 2019).
16. Ajide, F. M., Olowookere, J. K., & Siyanbola, T. T. (2019). Ethical issues in Corporate Reporting. In F. K. Emeni (Eds). Accounting: A Book of Readings, (pp. 522-539). Lagos.
CONFERENCES ATTENDED (Indicating titles of paper present if any)
a. 2nd Annual International Conference on “Accountability and Sustainable Business Development in Emerging Economics”, O.A.U., Ile-Ife, April7 – 9, 2014
b. 2nd International Conference on “Issues and Challenges in Africa’s Quest for Development”, O.A.U, Ile-Ife, July 8-9, 2015
c. 3rd Annual International on Accounting Finance and Management (ICAFIM) 4TH -6TH April, 2016 organized by Department of Management & Accounting, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Paper Presented: “Determinants of Audit Fees among Nigerian Quoted Manufacturing Companies: A Panel Analysis (2002 – 2014).
d. 1st International Conference on Institutional Framework, Building and National Development, 10th – 12th February, 2016 organised by Department of Management & Accounting. Faculty of Management Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. Paper Presented: “Internal Audit and Corporate Survival among Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria”


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