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Yemi Tunrayo Fatokun

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Yemi FatokunMrs. Yemi Tunrayo FATOKUN B.Sc., M.Sc.

Yemi Tunrayo Fatokun was born in Osogbo, Egbedore Local Government, Osun State. She attended Federal Polytechnic, Ede where she obtained National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer Science between 1998 and 2000, 2001 and 2004 respectively. She had her B.Sc. in Mathematics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in 2006 and did her service at Konduga Girls’ College, Konduga, Borno State between 2007 and 2008.

Professional Career
Yemi Fatokun started building her career when she did her SIWES programme at the Computer Centre, Nigerian Electric Power Authority, NEPA, Osogbo (now IBEDC) where Bills are being processed and vetted for errors. In 2001, she did three months Industrial Training with Addax and Cryax Petroleum Company (now Addax Petroleum Development, Nigeria) in Lagos where she was trained on the basic troubleshooting of Hardware/Network devices and intensively trained on the software applications used for oil and gas. She later continued her Industrial Training at Nigerian National Petroleum Company, Lagos Zonal Office where she was trained on the use of IT applications towards effective business management.

In February, 2009, Yemi assumed duty as Higher Technical Officer (Customer Support Services) in Osun State University where she provided support for all organs of the University. She proceeded for her Masters in Information Technology in National Open University of Nigeria and graduated in 2013. Yemi has diligently discharged her duties assiduously, got promotions steadily till her present position as Principal Support Services Administrator. She has single-handedly managed the Identity Card Section from 2009 till 2019 and coordinates in-house training for IMTC Support Staff. She also maintains and updates the content of the university’s website. She is the current Head of the Support Team in the IMTC Unit.

Areas of Interest
Quantum Computing, Information Security, Data Mining and Office Automation

Membership of Professional Associations
- Member, National Computer Society
- Member, Computer Professional of Nigeria
- Member, International Association of Engineers

Professional Certificates
- CISCO Certified IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software by CISCO Networking Academy
- CCAI Routing and Switching by CISCO Networking Academy

Conferences/Workshops Attendance
- Application of Information Communication Technologies to Teaching, Research and Administrations (AICTTRA 2009) 4th International Conference, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife 28th – 30th September, 2009
- Theory and Applications of Constraint-Based Modeling, Including Human Computer Interaction (HCI) by the African Languages Technologies Initiative (ALT-i) at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife 8th – 19th August, 2011
- International Conference on Cloud Computing and e-Governance, Dubai 17th – 19th July, 2013

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