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Adebanjo Anifowose

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Adebanjo Jacob ANIFOWOSE, B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D


Adebanjo Jacob ANIFOWOSE holds a 1990 PhD in Environmental and Photochemistry Chemistry from the Hiroshima University, Nigeria. A lecturer at Osun State University, Osogbo (Nigeria) since 2009. His academic career has seen him occupying strategic academic positions in the University system which include member of the Faculty Board of Examiners; member of the Finance Committee of the Faculty; two-time Examinations Officer of the Department, SIWES Coordinator of the Department and Finance Committee member of the Department. An experienced researcher, he has presented in many internal conferences and belongs to several professional associations (see below)
Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:

Photochemical reactions involving reactive oxygen species and inorganic pollutants in natural waters; sources, effects and fates of fluorescent and organic pollutants in natural waters; the dynamics and effects of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere, soil and sediment.

Contributions to knowledge
He has, at least, 13 scholastic publications in local and international Journals. He has supervised several undergraduate Theses. He has attended various local and international Conferences including Taiwan, Singapore and Japan and Workshops.

Scientific /Professional Activities:
In the last few years, he has been a Proctor of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, Nigeria (JAMB) for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination. Also, is a Facilitator and Project Supervisor, Faculty of Science, National Open University of Nigeria (since 2018). He is a researcher on chemical pollutants in natural water.

Awards/ Grants
Dr Anifowose has won several academic awards and grants for his excellent performance. These include the Best Graduating Student in Industrial Chemistry (B.Tech.), Osun State University Special Doctoral Staff Fellowship (2007), Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Ph.D Scholarship (Japan), Hiroshima University Conference Grant (Japan) and the Torii Fund Grant (Japan).
Academic Appointments:

Facilitator and Project Supervisor, National Open University of Nigeria – since 2018
Lecturer, Osun State University, Nigeria – since 2009
Reviewer, UNIOSUN Journal of Science
Editorial Board Member, SF Journal of Environmental and Earth Science
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Environmental Chemistry (IJEC)

Membership of Learned and Professional Association

1. Member, Geochemical Society of Japan
2. Member, American Chemical Society, USA
3. Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Selected recent Publications

1. Anifowose A. J., Oyebode A. W. (2019). Studies on heavy metals contents of Osun River at the pre-urban settlement and across Osogbo city, Nigeria. Journal of Taibah University for Science, 13(1), 318–323.

2. Kamzati L. L. J., Kaonga C. C., Mapoma H. W. T., Thulu F. G., Abdel dayem S. M., Anifowose A. J., Chidya R. C. G., Chitete Mawenda U., Sakugawa H. (2019). Heavy metals in water, sediment, fish and associated risks from an endorheic lake located in Southern Africa. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1–14. DOI: 10.1007/s13762-019-02464-7

3. Anifowose A. J., Takeda K., Sakugawa H. (2015). Photoformation rate, steady-state concentration and lifetime of nitric oxide radical (NO•) in a eutrophic river in Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan. Chemosphere, 119, 302–309.

4. Anifowose A. J., Takeda K., Sakugawa H. (2015). Novel fluorometric method for the determination of production rate and steady-state concentration of photochemically generated superoxide radical in seawater using 3′,6′-(diphenylphosphinyl)fluorescein. Analytical Chemistry, 87, 11998–12005. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00917.

Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
He has attended conferences/workshops across different continents, the most recent being:
1. Workshop on Open and Distance Learning Course Materials, March 20–21, 2019, Osun State University, Nigeria
2. Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Chemical Security, Jan 9–11, 2018, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
3. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress. 13th–17th, June 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
4. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society. 2nd–7th August, 2015, Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore
5. Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan. 16–18th September, 2015, Yokohama, Japan

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