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Ayinla Raheem

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Jamiu Ayinla RAHEEM, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Email: +2348033866221

Jamiu Ayinla RAHEEM holds a B.Sc in Economics from the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State (2005), PGDE from the National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna/Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2009), M.Sc in Economics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (2014). He is presently undergoing a Ph.D degree programme in Economics at Kwara State University, Malete, Kwara State. He had worked in some private Secondary Schools in Osun State between 2007 and 2009, WAEC and NECO Examiner (2009), Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Osun State College of Education, Ilesa and Department of Economics, University of Ibadan, Osun State College of Education, Ilesa chapter between 2014 and 2015. He joined the service of Osun State University, Osogbo in March, 2015. He teaches undergraduate students in the Department of Entrepreneurial Studies, Faculty of Management Sciences.

Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:
Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Sustainable Development, Entrepreneurial Economics, Entrepreneurial Finance and Entrepreneurship Development.

Contributions to Knowledge
He has over eight (8) scholastic publications in local and international Journals. He has supervised several final year students’ projects and attended various Scientific Courses, Conferences and Workshops.

Academic Appointments:
Secretary, Department of Entrepreneurial Studies Academic Board 2015 - 2019
Secretary, Faculty of Management Sciences Examinations Committee 2016 - 2018
Staff Adviser, 100L Students 2018/2019 Academic Session
Staff Adviser, 200L Students 2019/2020 Academic Session
Examination Officer, Department of Entrepreneurial Studies - since 2019.

Membership of Learned and Professional Association
(i) Associate Member, Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria (ICEN)
(ii) Certified Teacher, Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)
(iii) Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM)

Selected Recent Publications
(i) Oyeleke, J. O., Raheem, A. J., and Falade, E. O. (2016): Government Capital Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Any Lesson from Disaggregated Functional Analysis? European Journal of Business and Management (EJBM). 8(31): 76-84.
(ii) Raheem, A. J. and Akintayo, A. A. (2017): ‘Impact of Environmental Factors on Entrepreneurship Development in Osun State’. UNIOSUN International Journal of Business Administration (UIJBA).1(3):133-141.
(iii) Raheem, A. J. (2016): Effects of Functional Disaggregated Government Capital Expenditure on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1981-2015). UNIOSUN Journal of Law, Development, and the Humanities (UJLDH). 1(2):167-174.
(iv) Raheem, A. J. (2018): ‘Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Entrepreneurship Development in Lagos State’. UNIOSUN International Journal of Accounting and Finance (UIJAF). 3(1):100-113.
(v) Morakinyo, D. A. and Raheem, A. J. (2017): ‘Entrepreneurship Practices and Small & Medium Scale Development. In Akintayo D. I., Oladoja M. A., & Ilesanmi O. A. (Ed.) Perspectives in Business and Human Resource Management Book of Reading, Faculty of Management Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. 191-212.
(vi) Raheem, A. J. (2017): ‘Production Planning and Control in an Organisation. In Akintayo D. I., Oladoja M. A., & Ilesanmi O. A. (Ed.) Perspectives in Business and Human Resource Management Book of Reading, Faculty of Management Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. 339-356.
(vii) Raheem, A. J. and Odepidan, M. A. (2018): Youth Entrepreneurship: Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in Osun State. In Akintayo, D. I. (Ed.) Perspectives in Business Administration and Finance Book of Reading, Faculty of Management Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. 152-172.
(viii) Morakinyo, D. A. and Raheem, A. J. (2017): Tackling Unemployment Problems in Nigeria: Review of Government Enterprise Development Programmes. International Conference on ICT, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurship Education. Theme: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development: Building Linkages for Sustainable Development. Organised by: Institute for Entrepreneurship and Development Studies (IFEDS), O.A.U, Ile-Ife 210-218.

Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
(i) International Conference on ‘Revitalization of Education through Multi-Disciplinary and Consultations in Africa (2016)’. Organised by: Association of Educationist for International Cooperation and Development (ASEICODE) in Collaboration with L’Universite D’Abomey-Calavi (Republic of Benin).
(ii) Training Workshop on modern Techniques of Agricultural Investment/Entrepreneurship Training and Skills (2018) Organised by: Ishiba Development and Empowerment Centre, Abuja.
(iii) Training Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development (2017) organised by: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA in conjunction with Osun State University, Osogbo.
(iv) Advanced Digital Appreciation Programme for Tertiary Institutions (ADAPTI) (2015) Organised by: Digital Bridge Institute, International Centre for Information and Communications Technology Studies in conjunction with Osun State University, Osogbo.
(v) Leadership Development Training Programme (2013) on Leading People and Managing Change, Leading in Foreign Market, Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers. Organised by: “The institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria”- ICEN.

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