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January, 2021
Monday, 4th January Opening of e-Portal for registration and
Payment of fees for returning students
Monday, 4th January Resumption for Harmattan 2020/2021
/Commencement of lectures for returning
Monday, 25th January Resumption/Registration for Fresh Students
Thursday, 28th January Senate
February, 2021
Monday, 15th February Commencement of Harmattan 2020/2021
lectures for fresh students
Friday, 5th February Closing of e-Portal for returning students
Monday, 8th February Orientation for Fresh Students
Thursday, 25th February Senate
March, 2021
Thursday, 25th March Senate
April, 2021
Friday, 16th April End of lectures (300 – 500 level)
Monday, 19th April – Friday, 23rd April Lecture Free Week (300 -500 level)
Monday, 26th April – Tuesday, 11th May Harmattan Semester Examinations starts for 300 - 500 levels
Thursday, 29th April Senate
May, 2021
Tuesday, 11th May Harmattan Semester Examinations ends for 300 - 500 levels
Wednesday, 12th May – Tuesday 25th May Harmattan Semester Break (300-500 level)
Wednesday, 26th May – Wednesday, 16th June Markings of Examination Scripts
Wednesday, 26th May Resumption/Opening of Portals for registration and
Commencement of lectures for Rain Semester for 300 - 500 levels
Wednesday, 27th May Matriculation of Fresh Students
Thursday, 27th May Senate
June, 2021
Friday, 4th June End of lectures (100 – 200 level)
Monday, 7th June – Friday, 11th June Lecture free week 100 – 200 Levels
Monday, 14th June – Thursday, 1st July Harmattan Semester Examinations (100 –
200 level)
Monday, 28th June – Thursday, 1st July Harmattan Semester GNS Examination
for all levels
Friday, July 2nd – Friday 9th July Harmattan Semester Break
Thursday, 24th June Senate
July, 2021
Thursday, 1st July Harmattan Semester Examinations ends for
100 and 200 levels
Monday, 12th July Resumption/Opening of Portals for registration and Commencement of
lectures for Rain Semester for 100 -200 level
Thursday, 29th July Senate
August, 2021
Friday, 20th August End of Lectures for 300 - 500 Levels
Monday, 30th August – Friday 3rd September Lecture Free Week
Thursday, 26th August Senate
September, 2021
Monday, 6th Septemer – Friday, 17th September Rain Semester Examinations
Monday, 20th September Rain Semester Break
Monday, 23rd September – Friday, 8th October Marking of Examination Scripts
Thursday, 30th September Senate
October, 2021
Friday, 1st October End of Lectures for 100 - 200 Levels
Monday, 4th October – Friday 8th October Lecture Free Week
Monday, 11th October – Monday, 22nd October Rain Semester Examinations
Monday, 18th October – Friday, 22nd October GNS Examinations
Monday, 25th October End of 2020/2021 Session / Commencement of Annual Leave of
Academic Staff
Thursday 28th October Senate
November, 2021
Monday 8 November Commencement of 2021/2022
Academic Session/Opening of e-portal and
resumption of Harmattan Semester for 100 level students
Monday 15th November Resumption and e-portal registration
of 2021/2022 Harmattan Semester for returning students
Friday, 19th November End of Annual Leave for Academic Staff
Monday, 22nd November Commencement of lectures for all students