Read 5157 times 06 January 2017

prof-labo-popoolaDear friends, colleagues and students,

The year 2016 can best be described as a coat of many colours. The global economic recession hit our country very hard, because we were, as usual, ill-prepared due to our past profligacy. However, it has also offered us an opportunity to think and rethink how best to proceed in our quest for development.

The University system was not spared in this scenario. Many universities were enmeshed in crises of leadership and governance as well as those emanating from poor funding and indeed (mis) management of it. Thank God, our University remained largely peaceful, though not because we had a perfect situation.

With the privilege of being on the seat as your Vice-Chancellor in last 56 days or so, I have seen a reflection of the real Nigerian society in our fledgling institution-some of which are frighteningly negative. But then, I have also seen the reassuringly great potential for a modern and efficient university. With the great possibilities of the latter, therefore, I will not dwell much on the former. In ten years of its existence, this University is now saddled with her fifth Chief Executive Officer. Excepting the first five years of relative stability, it means we have had an average of one Vice-Chancellor per year. This is certainly, not a great complement! For me, I sincerely hope and believe that lessons would have been learnt, and we shall all resolve that NEVER AGAIN shall the sordid years recur.

I solemnly offer myself to provide exemplary, humane, humble, honest, skilful, diligent and fair but firm leadership. I have seen these attributes in a number of our colleagues, and indeed, the willingness to advance the cause of our core mandate. I, therefore, admonish you all to join me in our resolve to move on a new trajectory that will raise the image of our University and make us relevant to the society that invests so much in us. We should all resolve to eschew hatred, particularly those borne out of primordial tendencies. We are all a part of God’s creation: one big but diverse family, and if HE had willed it to be so, this AWESOME GOD could have lumped us all in the same race, tribe, ethnicity and creed. We therefore, have to understand our differences/diversities and optimize the strength that comes with them. That is the essence of a University.

The new UNIOSUN will have no space for haters, bigots, truants, schemers, praise-singers, laziness, fraud, greed, avarice and other un-salutary tendencies. We will encourage and reward selflessness, diligence, excellence and all salutary tendencies. What will mark us out as a great university are the advances we make in our borderless core mandate of teaching, research and community service. We should work hard to move away from being just more of a contract-awarding and consumptive university to an inventive and productive one. This is possible, and yes, we can.

Nigeria’s public Universities have become notorious for high costs of projects, which are not necessarily of better quality. Moving forward, therefore, we are resolved to saving on costs of our projects and improve on our revenue base. This will demand belt-tightening, transparency, accountability and commitment to our core values. Even in the extant topsy-turvy, an oasis of sanity is still possible- and UNIOSUN can be a reference point. Let me however; assure you all that no one will be denied of his/her rightful dues. We will have enough to satisfy our needs, but never will there be enough to satisfy anyone’s greed.

As we begin the year 2017, I salute our Staff Unions for the journey so far and I implore them to sustain their commitment to our commonwealth through responsible and responsive unionism. I plead with our students to be law abiding, more studious and less adventurous. With love, diligence and respect for one another and the rule of law, a great university is possible, and our best will certainly come, even sooner. Gladly, we are endowed with a Governing Council which is populated by men and women of enviable pedigree, and who are willing to support our efforts at rebuilding and rediscovery. We cannot afford to miss this chance.

May God of creation direct our noble cause and guide us all right. Amen.

Happy and prosperous New Year to us and all ours.

With renewed thanks,

01 January, 2017


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