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Code of Conduct

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1. Both staff and students of the University shall observe and abide by this code of conduct herein prescribed for the good management of the University.
2. No one shall do or express anything, whether by act of omission or commission, to undermine the integrity of the University at all times.
3. No one shall do or express anything that is capable of creating an atmosphere that is not conducive for learning, to wit that:
(a) students or staff shall not engage in physical combat of any kind with any person;
(b) on no account should any staff or student cause or promote violent activities on any of the university campuses; all disputes whether in pursuance of personal or collective interests shall be solved through due process without recourse to violence, disruption of peace and properties; staff and students shall make discipline and civilized conduct their watchword;
(c) every Union activity shall be carried out in a civilized and lawful manner with mutual respect and decorum;
(d) no one shall absent himself from duty without authorised lawful permission, nor cause anyone else to be absent from duty, nor engage in lock-outs, sit-ins, picketing and the like.
Any breach of this code shall attract severe sanction, which may include dismissal or expulsion.
4. No one shall do or omit to do, whether by conduct or utterance, anything that could undermine the authority of the institution to attain the objectives of the University.
5. The University shall not tolerate any conduct or omission that promotes immorality or uncivilized behaviour, dressing shall be moderate and reasonable. A lecturer shall not wear a casual dress in the course of discharging his/her official duties.
6. Staff or students shall not promote or encourage activities that may lead or have the likelihood of leading to social or religious disharmony.
7. Staff and students of the University are forbidden from being members of or encouraging the formation of any society or organisation whose operations, aims and objectives in activities are inimical to the goal and objectives or peaceful co-existence in the university. Membership of secret cults by staff and students is specifically forbidden. Breach of this code shall lead to immediate dismissal from the University of either staff or students so found guilty.
8. Staff and students shall in any public activities within the vicinity of the university campuses conduct themselves in a decent and civilised manner including embracing the culture of queuing and orderliness.
9. Considerable silence shall, at all times, be maintained in the academic areas in all the campuses of the University. Violation of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to suspension from the University.
10. Any staff or student that commits an offence contrary to the law of Nigeria shall be handed over to the relevant state authority for prosecution.
11. Any staff or student found guilty of any misconduct shall be subjected to appropriate and relevant sanctions.
12. In case of crisis, staff shall not put himself/herself in position that opposes the official position of the university. Every collective opposition to the University official position must be properly channelled and guided.
13. Any student who has a criminal charge or case stands suspended from the University pending the determination of the case.

The code of conduct shall be binding on all staff. Where sanctions are required recourse shall be made to the existing laws of the university as appropriate, bearing in mind the penalties also defined in this code in respect of certain offences.

14. An academic staff shall deliver his/her lectures at scheduled times. Contents of lectures so delivered and researched output must meet the standards set by the university from time to time.
15. An academic staff shall keep him/herself abreast of development in his area of expertise or discipline.
16. An academic staff shall not conduct him/herself in relation to students in such a manner that derogates from his status as a lecturer, examiner and adviser. Specifically, sexual harassment of students by staff is totally forbidden. Any staff found guilty of sexual harassment shall be dismissed from the service of the University and may be handed over to relevant state authority for prosecution.
17. An academic staff shall not by any act or omission, wilfully or negligently, allow students to have pre-knowledge of any examination question before the date and time set for the examination; on no account should an academic staff award, alter or adjust grades or marks to favour or punish a student. Any staff member found guilty of breach of this code shall be dismissed from the service of the University.
18. An academic staff shall not plagiarise the work or works of other authors or influence the assessment of his works. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from termination of appointment to dismissal from service of the University.
19. An academic staff must demonstrate considerable commitment to University service by attending meetings, whether statutory or otherwise promptly and regularly. Reports on the commitment level of staff members shall be taken into consideration during the annual review exercise. Any staff member found to be negligent in this regard may suffer loss of promotion for a period ranging from one to two years or loss of seniority. Such staff members shall not be appointed to positions of responsibility for a period to be determined by Council.
20. An academic staff shall not disclose the contents of a confidential document or official information without prior authority. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to termination of appointment depending on the gravity of the offence.
21. An academic staff shall not use occasion of his lectures, teaching and demonstration, tutorial or public speech to incite students against the University authority or against his/her colleagues. A staff member found guilty of breaching this code may have his appointment terminated.
22. An academic staff shall not compel students, by whatever means, to subscribe to any materials or books authored by him or by any other person. Purchase of books and other materials shall be at the discretion of individual students. Students shall be free to purchase their learning materials wherever and whenever they so desire. The sale of handouts of any form is totally forbidden. A breach of this code shall attract a warning in the first instance. A second and subsequent offence may lead to suspension with or without pay for a period to be determined by Council. Persistent violation may lead to termination of appointment of such staff member.
23. An academic staff shall not demand from students any gratification whether in cash or kind including sexual gratification in the discharge of his/her lawful duties. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to termination of appointment depending on the gravity of the offence.
24. Constituted authorities at all levels in the university shall promptly investigate any breach of this code that is reported to them in writing. Such officer, body or authority shall take decisions commensurate with their level of authority or refer the matter to such a person or body that has authority to act on the matter. Where there is need to impose sanction on any academic staff for the breach of any of the codes, recourse shall be made to the laws of the university as appropriate.

25. A-non teaching staff shall be at his duty post as prescribed by the relevant regulation applicable to his schedule of duties.
26. A non-teaching staff shall not disclose the contents of a confidential document or official information without prior and proper authority. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to termination of appointment depending on the gravity of the offence.
27. A non-teaching staff shall not use his position, office or influence to delay any official work, correspondence or duty. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to suspension with or without pay depending on the gravity of the offence.
28. Any official work assigned to non-teaching staff must be satisfactorily done; official minutes, notes, correspondence, or such other relevant document including reports shall be properly written to truly reflect the decision. Performance below the required standard may lead to termination of appointment, demotion, withholding of annual increment or withholding of promotion or advancement in general.

29. No one shall be a staff of the University unless he has first been properly appointed as prescribed by the appropriate regulations. No full time staff of the University shall hold another full time appointment with any other organisation. Staff members wishing to engage in any form of permitted part-time work or consultancy activities must obtain written prior permission of the University through the appropriate organs. Violation of this code shall lead to termination of appointment or dismissal from the services of the University.
30. No staff shall ascribe to himself, title, position or office which he has not legitimately acquired. Violation of this code may lead to termination of appointment, demotion, withholding of annual increment or withholding of promotion or advancement in general.
31. All staff shall resign, withdraw or retire their appointment in accordance with the existing university laws and regulations on appointment. Irregular resignation, withdrawal or retirement from the service of the University may lead to termination of appointment and loss of any entitlements.
32. Staff shall not proceed on leave, vacation or extend the period of the leave or vacation except in accordance with relevant regulations or existing law for the time being. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to suspension with or without pay, to termination of appointment or dismissal from service of the University depending on the gravity of the offence.
33. For the purpose of clarity, for any absence from duty for one day, permission shall be sought from the Head of Department; for absence of two days, permission shall be obtained from the Dean; for three days’ absence, permission of the College Provost must be obtained. The permission of the Vice-Chancellor must be obtained in writing for absence of more than three days.
34. No staff shall travel out of the country without prior approval of the Vice- Chancellor. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to suspension with or without pay depending on the gravity of the offence.
35. A University staff shall neither solicit nor accept, or attempt to obtain from any person, for himself or for any other person, any gift or consideration as an inducement or reward for doing any act in relation to University affairs or business or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour in matters relating to the university. Breach of this code shall warrant appropriate sanction ranging from warning to termination of appointment depending on the gravity of the offence.
36. It shall be the duty of every member of staff to keep and preserve university property entrusted to him or deemed to be entrusted to him with due care and diligence. A staff shall indemnify the University for any loss arising from his wilful or negligent damage to such property entrusted to him as aforesaid.
37. Any sum of money due to a member of staff may be withheld as partial or full satisfaction of his indebtedness to the university whether arising from loss or damage incurred by the University from his default or otherwise.
38. A staff shall take responsibility for any breach of university regulations by any member of his family or member of his household within the premises of the University.
39. Any staff with pending disciplinary matter may have all or part of his/her privileges or entitlements suspended pending the determination of his/her case.
40. A staff shall not conduct himself short of standard of decorum, decency, honour and integrity in all relationships as well as in dressing and appearance.

41. No one shall be regarded as a student of the University unless he/she has been regularly admitted, registered and taken the Matriculation Oath.
42. A person who claims to be a student but who has not fulfilled the above mentioned conditions shall be deemed to be an intruder and the university shall take no responsibility for his security and protection.
43. A student shall attend classes and carry out his/her assignment duly and properly. A student who fails to attend classes for the minimum period required may be debarred from writing the examination for the affected course(s).
44. Every student must comply with the Code of Dressing prescribed by the University. Violation of the Code of Dressing shall attract appropriate sanctions that would be determined and which could include rustication and/or expulsion from the University.
45. A student shall not be rude to any official or staff of the University. Violation of this code shall lead to suspension from the University for a period to be determined by the Management.
46. A student shall not induce or fraudulently influence any person to obtain any favour not due to such student. Violation of this code shall lead to suspension from the University for a period to be determined by the Management.
47. A student shall not promote or encourage violence or disruption of academic and official activities of the university. Any student found guilty of violation of this code shall be dismissed from the University.
48. A student shall not engage in or abet crime such as theft, drug peddling, rape, assault, and a host of other offences against the law of the land. Any student suspected in this regard shall be handed over to the appropriate state agency for prosecution and if found guilty shall immediately be expelled from the University.
49. A student shall not engage or be involved in any anti-social and indecent behaviour such as drunkenness, smoking of cigarettes in public places, noise making, nuisance of any kind, sexual abuse and a host of other misconducts. A student who engages or is involved in any anti-social and/or indecent behaviour may be suspended or expelled from the University depending on the degree or gravity of the misconduct.
50. Any student in University accommodation shall observe and comply with the relevant hall regulations. A student who breaches this code shall be expelled from the hall or hostel.
51. Merit Standard for Students: At the commencement of studentship, it is presumed that all students will be of good behaviour. However, there are penalties for the infraction of certain University regulations.
Such infractions are weighted ranging from A to B. Offences in category A are regarded as very serious, while the category B offences are mild. For each offence committed by a student the numerical weight is recorded, and cumulates. Once a student accumulates 12 points he/she and the parents are warned about the impending suspension of the student. The moment a student hits 15 points, he/she will be suspended for one semester.

The count down demerit system is categorised thus:
a. Indecent Dressing B
b. Class Attendance A
c. Rudeness to Officials A
d. Inducement for favour B
e. Disruption of Official/ Academic Activities A
f. Fighting A
g. Destruction of University Property A

A = 5 points
B = 4 points

General - every word in this code is given the same meaning as given to them in the university laws.
- Misconduct - means general misbehaviour to the prejudice of the good name or reputation of the university and or of discipline and proper administration of the university. Without prejudice to the foregoing, misconduct includes, corruption, dishonesty, drunkenness in the course of duty, fake claims against the university or of its constituent parts, insubordination, negligence of duty, falsification, suppression or unauthorised disclosure of accounts of records, unauthorised dissemination or disclosure of university information or records, conviction for criminal offences other than traffic offences, absence from duty without excuse: the performance of any other acts which are inconsistent with or failure to perform acts which are essential to proper execution of the duties for which the employee was engaged, failure to appear before or to answer questions satisfactorily in any investigation before any person or body designated by the university or any of its constituted bodies for the purpose of investigating any matter provided for or arising out of any of the affairs of the university, or the conditions of services or the code of conduct. For the avoidance of doubt, misconduct also includes any act or omissions, which has the effect of embarrassing or tarnishing the good name of, or bringing into ridicule, the University, including its constituted bodies and authorities. Officers of students unions, trade unions and other organisations such as clubs, associations, societies, religious groups and a host of others shall be answerable to by the Principal Officers of such groups as if they are severally liable. An officer may be absolved if he/she took precautionary measures against every such misconduct of his/her group.

Every misconduct shall be reported to the Vice-Chancellor in writing within reasonable time. The Vice-Chancellor, if satisfied that the misconduct so reported is of serious nature and that prima facie case has been established shall cause the allegation to be investigated within reasonable time. Where the misconduct reported is less serious, the Vice-Chancellor in his discretion shall dispose of it within a reasonable time or where the University law, prescribed different method such method so prescribed shall be adopted.
In all cases, the principle of natural justice and fair hearing shall be applied. However, a person who refuses or fails to afford himself of being heard for a period of two invitations shall forfeit such right. In such a case, appropriate and relevant decisions shall be taken on the person as if he/she has been heard.

Depending on the gravity of the violation of any of the above guidelines, any staff or student found guilty of any misconduct, as defined in this Code of Conduct, shall attract appropriate and relevant sanctions which may include warning, suspension, expulsion, termination of appointment (in respect of staff), or outright dismissal after due process of investigation.

Effect of this code of conduct: This code of conduct is binding on all authorities and persons in the university.

Revised, August 2009.

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