Registry Department

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The Registry is the Secretariat of the University and it is the center-nerve and the rallying point of all administrative activities in the University.  The Registry is headed by the Registrar who is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day administration of the University.
For the smooth and efficient running of the Registry as a department, it is divided for now into the Registrar’s main office, the Council Affairs Unit, the Personnel and the Academic Affairs Unit.  The Registrar’s main office coordinates the activities of these other units apart from its involvement in the policy formulation and implementation of the University.

The Council Affairs Unit
The Council Affairs Unit as the name implies, is in charge of all Council matters.  As the property and finances of the University are vested in Council, the Unit is in charge of the implementation of all policies formulated by Council.

The Unit, as is true of all other units in the Registry, operates through the Committee system.  Apart from Council itself, there are important Committees such as the Procurement Committee which is in charge of all contract awards in the University; the Finance and General Purposes Committee which considers all financial matters on behalf of Council and makes appropriate recommendations thereon to Council; the Appointment and Promotions Committee (Academic, Administrative and Technical and Junior Staff) respectively and the Honorary Degrees Committee among others.  Council is very important to the University at large as it represents the interest of Government in the University.

The Personnel Affairs Unit
The Personnel Affairs Unit deals with all staff matters.  The unit is divided into the Academic Staff sub-unit, Administrative and Technical Staff sub unit and Junior Staff sub-unit with each of them being manned by appropriate officers.  The unit is coordinated by a Principal Assistant Registrar who is responsible to the Registrar on the activities of the Unit.
The Unit also operates the Committee system in the performance of its duties.  Among others, the Unit is responsible to Council through the Appointment and Promotions Committee (Academic, Administrative and Technical and Junior Staff).
It is responsible for the appointment, promotion and discipline of staff as the case may be.  The unit is the point of entry and exit into and from the University for all categories of staff. 

The Academic Affairs Unit
The Academic Affairs Unit is also a very important arm of the Registry because it is in charge of academic matters which is the very essence of the University.  The Unit also operates through three major subdivisions such as Senate, Admissions as well as Examinations and Records all of which also operate through the Committee System.
Senate is the highest academic body of the University and it is responsible for decisions on all academic matters in the system.  Because of the enormity of its businesses, Senate operates through an array of Committees such as the Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors, Business Committee of Senate, Development Committee, Academic Matters Sub-Committee, Learned Conferences Support Committee, among others.  Senate is responsible for policies guiding the admission and graduation of students in the University.

The Admissions Sub-unit of the Academic Affairs Unit as the name implies, is responsible for the admission of students into the University and it performs this function through the Admissions Committee.  This Committee does not just admit but it also carries out verification of results (from all examining bodies) of all students admitted into the University each year.
Another crucial function of the unit are the arrangement for examinations as well as the keeping of student records.  This is done by the Examinations and Records Sub-unit of the Academic Affairs unit.  This function is performed by the sub-unit in relation with the Heads of departments, the Deans and the Provosts of the Colleges.  This sub-unit is very important to the Academic Affairs Unit as its functions have implications for the credibility of the certificates issued by the University.

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