Director, Research and Linkages

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Dr. Esther Asekun-OlarinmoyeProfessor Esther Olufunmilayo Asekun-Olarinmoye received her B.Sc. (Hons.) degree (Biology) in 1978 from the Philippine Union College, Caloocan City, Philippines and her MD (Doctor of Medicine) in 1982 from The Filemon D. Tanchoco Medical Foundation, Manila Central University, Manila Philippines. This was followed by post-graduate residency training program in Community Health at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. She then qualified as a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, Faculty of Community Health (FWACP) in 1996.  She is also an associate Fellow of the National Post-graduate Medical College of Nigeria (Faculty of Public Health). She has at least 12 years of teaching experience at the University level. She joined Osun State University in August, 2010 and is currently an associate Professor in the Department of Community Medicine, College of Health Sciences and the Ag. Director of Quality Assurance for the University. She has been in several positions of responsibility including; Ag. Head, Department of Community Medicine, LAUTECH, Ag. Head, Department Community Medicine, Osun State University, Chairman, Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria, Osun State Chapter, Ag. Director of Quality Assurance, Osun State University, Member of Planning Committee of Babcock University Medical School, Member of Board of Trustee and Council, Adeleke University, Board Member, Seventh-day Adventist Hospital, Ile-Ife and Health Director, Seventh-Day Adventist Osun Conference. She has also shown good academic leadership; has authored over fifty (>50) publications.

She is a co-editor for the Western Nigerian Journal of Medical Sciences (the official publication of LAUTECH Teaching Hospital), an assistant editor to the Research Journal of Health Sciences (the official publication of the College of Health Sciences, Osun State University) and a peer reviewer for twenty-one (21) international and national journals.

She has supervised thirteen (13) post-graduate dissertations successfully and several undergraduate projects.

Educational institutions attended and qualifications obtained with Dates: 
University College Hospital, Ibadan (FWACP, 1996)
Manila Central University, FDT Medical Foundation, Manila (M.D, 1982)
Philippine Union College, Caloocan City, Manila, Philippines (B.Sc. (Hons.) Biology, 1978)
Middle East College, Beirut, Lebanon. 1975-1976
Adventist College of West, Africa, Ilisan-Remo 1973-1975 

Work experience in the University system


  • Associate Professor (Aug. 4, 2010 – till date) – Department of Community Medicine
  • Ag. Head of Department, Community Medicine – Aug 4, 2010 – August 1, 2011
  • Ag. Director, Quality Assurance – August 1, 2011 till date
  • Certified MDCN (Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria) CPD/CME (Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Medical Education) Facilitator – College of Health Sciences – 2011 till date


  • Lecturer 1 Jan., 2002 – May, 2005.
  • Snr. Lecturer May, 2005 – Aug., 2010
  • Clinical Consultant (LTH) Jan., 2002 – Aug., 2010 l
  • Ag. Head of Department of Community Medicine 2003-2006


  • European Society of Contraception and Reproductive  Health – Member
  • Nigerian Medical Association – Member
  • West African Post-Graduate Medical College – Fellow
  • National Post-Graduate Medical College of Nigeria – Associate Fellow
  • Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria – Member
  • Association of Community Physicians of Nigeria – Member.
  • Association of Community Physicians of West Africa – Member
  • Association of Women Physicians – Member

(i) University -
Within Osun State University:

  • Head of Department, Community Medicine, August, 2010 - 2011
  • Ag. Director, Quality Assurance, August 1st, 2011 till date
  • Member of Committee that Reviewed the Dress Code for CHS
  • Member of Examination Monitoring Panel to Okuku Campus MSS
  • Member University Strategic planning Committee – Community Relation Group
  • Member, Committee on Strategic Plan, Dec, 2011
  • Member, College Academic Board
  • Member, Board of Postgraduate studies
  • Member, Academic Planning Sub-Committee
  • Member, Academic Staff Training & Development Committee
  • Member, Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
  • Member of Senate
  • Member, Congregation
  • CME Speaker/Facilitator (NMA/MDCAN Approved), 2011 –till date
  • Speaker, Lecture on antimicrobial resistance: a challenge to public health to celebrate World Health Day 2011 at the University auditorium
  • Speaker, College Lecture: Essentials of Research Ethics for Researchers in Health Sciences during a 2-day Workshop at the College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, 21st Nov., 2011.
  • Acting for Provost, College of Health Sciences, Dec. 4-16, 2011.
  • Member, Local Organizing Committee - Scientific Conference Committee – Finance \Committee for the 2nd SIDCAIN Non-Communicable diseases Update Course, Annual Lecture and Scientific Conference, Feb 1-3, 2012.
  • Chairperson, Implementation/Monitoring Committee for 2012-2016 UNIOSUN Strategic Plan

Within Ladoke Akintola University of Technology:

  • Head of Department 2003 – 2006
  • Acting for Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, CHS
  • Faculty representative at College and University programmes
  • Coordinator, Residency training programme, LTH
  • Member, Strategic planning committee, 2003
  • Chairperson, College welfare committee
  • College orator
  • University orator
  • Staff Adviser, WOTCLEF Vangard, LTH
  • Chairperson, Faculty Accreditation Committee
  • Member, Faculty Finance Committee
  • Member, Curriculum Review Committee
  • Visiting Consultant, LTH, Osogbo, August 16th, 2010 till date.

(ii) Community

  • Health Education programme on Stress Management for Adventist Men’s Ministry, July 2008
  • Community health out-reach at Ataoja’s Palace for market women and secondary school students on awareness of breast cancer, 2009
  • Community health education on NTA Ile – Ife Television programme, “You and your Health”, 2005
  • Community health education on OSBC Radio programme, 2009
  • Community health out-reach at Osogbo city hall on awareness of kidney diseases and glaucoma, 2011
  • Community out-reach and screening exercise for rural and sub-urban communities for cardiovascular risk factors, kidney disease and glaucoma at Alajue and Ibokun, 2011
  • Identified and established urban and rural practicing centers for training UNIOSUN medical students and offer services to the respective communities
  • Member, Planning Committee for Babcock University, College of Medicine
  • Member, Board of Trustee and Governing Council of Adeleke University, Ede
  • Guest Lecturer, Health Challenges of Our Time, at the Annual Camp Meeting of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Osun State Conference, Ede, 24th Oct., 2011.
  • Guest Lecturer, All a woman will want to know about Menopause at Adventist Women Conference Meeting, SDA Osun State Conference, Ede.

(iii) National/International

  1. Chairperson, Association of Public Health Physician of Nigeria, Osun State Chapter. Dec. 2008 - April, 2012.
  2. Chairperson, Scientific Committee for the AGM and Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN), June 2008.
  3. Member of Panel for Accreditation Exercise to Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Community Medicine Department
  4. Invited Guest Lecturer on Socio-economic factors and cardiovascular diseases at an international seminar/workshop on cardiovascular disease prevention organized by the dept. of Internal Medicine, LAUTECH, CHS, Osogbo in collaboration with the University of Loussane, Dept of Preventive and Social Medicine on 22nd July, 2005
  5. Invited Guest Lecturer at the Osun State Year 2007 State Council on Health Meeting. Presented paper on the various options available for Health Care Financing in a developing economy on 31st Oct, 2007.
  6. Invited Guest Lecturer at The National Conference on Public Health and the Challenges of Achieving the MDGs: Science, Policy and Programmes, 2008.
  7. Member of Panel for Accreditation Exercise to Federal Medical Center, Iddo - Ekiti, Community Medicine Department, March, 2012.
  8. Peer Reviewer for twelve (12) National/International Journals


i. Risk Factors of Neonatal Tetanus in Ibadan, Oyo state – Part II FWACP ( Oct., 1996).

ii. Comparative study of health of Nigerian children in day-care centers and home environment in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Journal Articles
1. FATUNDE OJ, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OGUNDIRAN FA (1995). Seasonal prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in Ibadan, Oyo state. Nig. J. of Paediatr. 22(3): 57-63

2. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, LAWOYIN TO, ONADEKO MO (2003). Risk factors for neonatal tetanus in Ibadan, Nigeria. European Journal of Pediatrics. 162: 526-527. (International Journal)

3. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, LAWOYIN TO, ONADEKO MO (2003). Risk factors associated with neonatal tetanus in Ibadan, Nigeria - A Revisit. Afri. J. Med. med. Sci. 32: 275-278.

4. TAIWO SS, ASHUBIARO AB, OLUGBENGA-BELLO AI, OPARINDE DP, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ASHIRU JO (2004). Pattern of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Seen At Ladoke Akintola University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Genito-urinary Medicine. 3&4 (1&2): 4 - 7.

5. FAWOLE OI AND ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO (2005). Media practitioners and Gender-based violence in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health.125(6):272-280. (International Journal)

6. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OYEMADE AA, LAWOYIN TO (2005). Health status of children aged under two years cared for in Day-Care Centers and the home environment in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care. 17(1): 33-37

7. DAIRO MD, LAWOYIN TO, ONADEKO MO, ASEKUN- OLARINMOYE EO AND ADENIJI AO (2005). HIV as an Additional risk factor for anemia in pregnancy : evidence from Primary care level in Ibadan, Southwestern, Nigeria. Afri. J. Med. med. Sci. 34: 275-279.

8. JENYO MS AND ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO (2005). Prevalence of Scoliosis in Secondary School Children in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Afri. J. Med. med.sci. 34:361- 364.

9. ADEROUNMU AOA, EGBEWALE BE, OJOFEITIMI EO, FADIORA SO, OGUNTOLA AS, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ADEOTI ML AND AKANBI O (2006). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of the Educated and Non-Educated Women to Cancer of the Breast in Semi-Urban and Rural areas of Southwest, Nigeria. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. 13(3):182-188.

10. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, FAWOLE OI, DAIRO MD, AMUSAN OA (2007). Knowledge, Attitudes and Perception of Teacher Role in sex education in public schools in Nigeria. Int. J Adolesc Med health. 19(4):425-434. (International Journal)

11. BAMIDELE JO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ODU OO, AMUSAN OA, EGBEWALE BE (2007). Socio-demographic Characteristics and health risk behaviors among students of a Tertiary institution in South Western Nigeria. Afri. J. Med. med.sci.36:129-136

12. ODU OO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, EGBEWALE BE, AMUSAN OA and OLOWU AO (2007). Knowledge, Attitudes to HIV/AIDS and Sexual Behaviors of students in a Tertiary institution in South-Western Nigeria. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health. 2007;13(1):90-96. (International Journal)

13. AMUSAN OA & ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO (2006-2007). Knowledge, Beliefs and Attitudes to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Shao Community of Kwara State, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 27(4):337-49.
DOI: 10.2190.1Q.27.4.E. (International Journal)

14. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & AMUSAN OA (2008). The Impact of health education on attitudes towards female genital Mutilation (FGM) in a rural Nigerian community. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health. 13(3):289-297 
DOI: 10.1080/13625180802075174. (International Journal)

15. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO (2008). Immunization practices among mothers whose babies developed Neonatal Tetanus: Need for Review of the Nigerian National Policy on Immunization. Western Nigerian Journal of Medical Sciences. 1(1):20-25

16. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, OLOWU AO, ODU OO, EGBEWALE BE & AMUSAN OA (2009). Sexual Risk Behaviours and Risk Perception of HIV/AIDS among a Rural Adult Population in Southwestern Nigeria. Research Journal of Medical Sciences 3(2):80-86. ISSN: 1815-9346. (International Journal)

17. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, EGBEWALE BE, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO, OJOFEITIMI EO (2009). Consumer Assessment of Perceived Quality of Antenatal Care Services in a Tertiary Health Care Institution in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of The Turkish German Gynecological Association; 10: 89-94. (International Journal)

18. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, EGBEWALE BE AND OLAJIDE FO (2009). Subjective Assessment of Childhood Fever by Mothers Utilizing Primary Health Care Facilities in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice,12(4):434-438.

19. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & OLADELE EA (2009). Condom Use among Undergraduates in Osun State, Nigeria: Implication for Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs)/HIV Prevention. Research Journal of Medical Science, 3(6):179-189 ISSN:1815-9346. (International Journal)

20. OJOFEITIMI EO, ORJI EO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, OWOLABI OO AND OLADELE EA (2009). Poor Knowledge of Causes and Prevention of Stillbirths among Health Care Providers: An Implication for Regular In-Service Training in Developing Countries. International Journal of Childbirth Education; 24 (4): 26- 29. (International Journal)

21. LAWOYIN TO, ONADEKO MO AND ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, (2010). Neonatal Mortality and Perinatal Risk Factors in Rural South West Nigeria: A Community-Based Prospective Study. West African Journal of Medicine, 29 (1):19-23.

22. FAWOLE OI, SALAWU TA, and ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE E0 (2009-2010). Intimate Partner Violence: Prevalence and Perceptions of Married Men in Ibadan, Nigeria. Int’l Quarterly of Community Health Education, 30(4):349-364. doi: 10.2190/IQ.30.4. (International Journal)

23. OLOWU AO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ADEBIMPE WO, DAIRO MD, AND OLADELE EA (2010). Factors Associated with Poor-Use of Contraception among In-School Tertiary Institution Students in South Western Nigeria. Journal of life and environmental sciences; 10(1&2)

24. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, LAWOYIN TO AND ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO (2010). Effect of Rearing Environment on the Feeding Pattern of Under 2 years old Nigerian Children. Early Child Development and care. 1-12. 
DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2010.526209. (International Journal)

25. ADEBIMPE WO, BAMIDELE JO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ABODURIN O AND ADEGOKE K (2010). Knowledge and attitude of small scale entrepreneurs in Osogbo Southwestern Nigeria towards Group Occupational Health Services. Journal of business and organizational development. 2010;2:1-8.

26. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OLAJIDE FO and ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE, IO (2011). HIV/AIDS Preventive Measures among Public Secondary School students in a Sub-Urban Community in Southwestern Nigeria. Acta Satech; 4(1):81-96.

27. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, DAIRO MD, ADEOMI AA (2011). Parental attitudes and practice of sex education of children in Nigeria. Int. J Child Health Hum Dev 4(3):301-307. (International Journal)

28. OLUGBENGA-BELLO AI, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & ADEOMI AA (2011). Primary Health Care Workers’ Role in Monitoring Children’s Growth and Development in Nigeria, West Africa. Global Journal of Health Sciences. 3(1): 30-39. ISSN 1916-9736 E-ISSN 1916-9744. (International Journal)

29. ADEBIMPE WO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, ABODURIN OL, OLOWU AA (2011). A Comparative Study of Awareness and Attitude to Nosocomial Infections among Levels of Health Care Workers in Southwestern Nigeria. Continental J. Tropical Medicine 5(2):5-10. ISSN:21414167. (International Journal)

30. BAMIDELE JO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OLAJIDE FO, ABODUNRIN OL (2011). Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Under-Weight and Pre-Obesity among In-School Adolescents in Olorunda Local Government Area, Osun State, NIGERIA. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin; 10(4):397-402. doi:10.5455/pmb.20110610032359 (International Journal)

31. OLUGBENGA-BELLO AI, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ADEOMI AA. (2011). Effectiveness of Health Education in Improving HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Risk Behaviours Of Commercial Vehicle Drivers In Ilorin, Nigeria. Global Journal of Medical Research; 11(5): version 1.0: 35-43. Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN: 0975-5888 (International Journal)

32. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ADEBIMPE WO, OMOBUWA O, OYEKENU-AGORO Y, & OMISORE AG (2011). Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude towards screening and risk factors for Diabetes among staff of a University in Southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Endocrine Practice; 5(2):19-25.

33. ADEBIMPE, WO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE E, HASSAN AO, ABODUNRIN O, OLAREWAJU S, AKINDELE AA (2011). Treatment outcomes among TB and HIV co-infected pregnant women in resource poor settings of south western Nigeria. Sierra Leone J of Biomedical Research; 3(3):151-156 ISSN 2219-3170(Online) ISSN 2076-6270 (Print) (International Journal)

34. ADEBIMPE WO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, OLUGBENGA-BELLO AI, AKINDELE RA (2011). A comparative study of breastfeeding, post partum abstinence and amenorrhea as proximate determinants of fertility among women in rural and urban communities in Osun State. African Journal of Medical Sciences; 4(2): 45-52. (International Journal)

35. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, DAIRO MD, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO & ADEBIMPE WO (2012). Parental expectations on school sex education in a sub-urban community in Osun State, Nigeria. Int. J Child Adolesc Health; 5(1):39-45 (International Journal)

36. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, DAIRO MD, ABODURIN OL & ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO (2011-2012). Practice and Content of Sex Education among Adolescents in a Family Setting in Rural Southwest Nigeria. Int’l Quarterly of Community Health Education; 32 (1): 57-71 (International Journal)

37. ADELEKE NA, OLOWOOKERE SA, KOMOLAFE JO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, HASSAN MB (2012). Sexual Violence against Women: Seven Years Experience in a General Hospital, Osogbo, Southwestern, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice; 15(2):190-3.

38. ADEBIMPE WO, ABODURIN OL & ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO (2012). Pattern of Use of Traditional and Alternative Medical Therapy among Clients on Anti-Retrroviral Drugs in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 3(1):20-23. (International Journal)

39. OMOBUWA O, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & OLAJIDE FO (2012). Knowledge and perception of reproductive health services among in-school adolescents in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 3(7): 481-88. (International Journal)

Refereed Conference Proceedings/Refereed Abstracts
1. LAWOYIN TO, OKHAHUME S, ADEJUWON G, OSINOWO H, and ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO (2004). Partners of Brothel-Based Sex Workers in Ibadan: Implication for Intervention and Program Development. XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok,Thailand. MEDIMOND S.r.1. E710L7625(ed):333-337.
2. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, Akunwusi PO, Adebimpe WO, Isawumi MA, Hassan MB, Alebiosu CO, Adewole OA, & Makanjuola OB (2011). Prevalence of Hypertension among rural adult population of Osun State, 
Southwestern, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Endocrine Practice; 5(2):45.
3. ISAWUMI MA, HASSAN MB, AKINWUSI PO, ADEBIMPE O, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ALEBIOSU CO, & ADEWOLE T (2011). Prevalence of Causes of Ocular Morbidity in the Posterior Segment seen among Two Rural Communities of Osun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Endocrine Practice, 5(2):50
4. Adebimpe WO, Asekun-Olarinmoye EO, Hassan AO, Bamidele JO, Abodunrin OL, Olarewaju SO and Akindele AA (2011). Treatment outcomes among TB and HIV co-infected Pregnant women in Resource poor setting of southwestern Nigeria. International Union against TB and Lung cancer, 18th African Union Conference Abuja. Book of Abstract page 25.

5. FATUNDE OJ, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OGUNDIRAN FA. Prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in Ibadan, Oyo State. In: (A). Current-info & (B). 25th annual and 4th International Conference of the Pediatric Association of Nigeria Proceedings.

6. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, Fawole IO, Dairo MD, Olowu AO and Amusan OA. Teachers’ Knowledge, attitude and perception of their roles in the sexuality education of students in Nigerian secondary school. In: National Post-Graduate Medical College of Nigeria’s Inaugural Scientific Conference 2005 Book of Abstracts. 11th -13th Oct. 2005.

7. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & EGBEWALE BE. Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Women in Olorunda Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. In: West African Medical College of Physicians Scientific Conference Proceedings. 15th November, 2005.

8. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & EGBEWALE BE. Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Women in Olorunda Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. In: West African Medical College of Physicians Scientific Conference Proceedings. 15th November, 2005.

9. Asekun-Olarinmoye IO, Asekun-Olarinmoye EO, Fatiregun AA and Fawole IO. Assessment of the Role of Religious Leaders in the Management of HIV/AIDS in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. In: 3rd African Conference on Sexual Health and Rights Conference Proceedings. Feb, 2008.

10. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, BAMIDELE JO, EGBEWALE BE & OJOFEITIMI EO. Consumer Assessment of Quality of Antenatal Care (ANC) Services in a Tertiary Health Care Institution in Osun State, Nigeria In: The 24th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN) Book of Abstracts. Osun 2008. June 11-14, 2008

11. BAMIDELE JO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OLAJIDE FO & OKE YF. Prevalence of Anemia and Assessment of Nutritional Status among pupils of a Rural Community Model Primary School in Osun State, Nigeria. In: The 24th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN) Book of Abstracts. Osun 2008. June 11-14, 2008

12. BAMIDELE JO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & OLAJIDE FO. Prevalence and determinants of Adolescent Obesity among Public Secondary School Students in Olorunda Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. In: The 24th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN) Book of Abstracts. Osun 2008. June 11-14, 2008

13. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO & OLAJIDE FO. HIV/AIDS Preventive Measures among Public Secondary School Students in a Surb-Urban Community in South-Western Nigeria. In: The 24th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN) Book of Abstracts. Osun 2008. June 11-14, 2008.

14. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, Odu OO, Bamidele JO, Ojofeitimi EO & Olarewaju AO. Barriers to Contraceptive Use among Women of Child Bearing Age in Inner City Area of Osogbo Metropolis. In: The 24th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN) Book of Abstracts. Osun 2008. June 11-14, 2008.

15. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE, EO. Capacity Development in the Management of Infectious Diseases in Nigeria to Meet the MDGs at the National Conference on Public Health in Nigeria and the Challenges of Achieving the MDGs: Science, Policy and Programme, July 2008.

16. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, AKINWUSI PO, ADEBIMPE WO, ISAWUMI MA, HASSAN MB, OLAITAN JO, ALEBIOSU CO, ADEWOLE TA, OLOWE OA, MAKANJUOLA OB, MABAYOJE VO, ABIODUN OM (2011). Perception and use of Antimicrobials among staff of a University Community in Southwestern Nigeria. Osun State University, College of Health Sciences, College Research Day Book of Abstracts; 1(1):1-2.

17. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO,OLUGBENGA-BELLO AI (2011). Assessment of Community Attitude towards the Reproductive Rights and Sexual Life of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Olorunda Local Government Area, Osogbo. Osun State University, College of Health Sciences, College Research Day Book of Abstracts; 1(1):31-32.

18. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, OYEKENU-AGORO Y, ADEBIMPE WO, OMOBUWA O, OMISORE AG (2011). Prevalence and Practice of Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in Osun State, Nigeria: 8 Years Post Anti-FGM Bill Passage – Research Proposal. Osun State University, College of Health Sciences, College Research Day Book of Abstracts; 1(1):36-38.

19. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, DAIRO MD, ABODURIN OL & ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO. Practice and content of sex education within family setting: a study among adolescents in a rural community in Osun State, Southwest, Nigeria. In West African College of Physician 35th Annual General & Scientific Meeting Abstract book; WACP/SS3B/31:50

20. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, DAIRO MD, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE IO & ADEBIMPE WO. Parental expectations on school sex education in a sub-urban community in Osun State, Nigeria. In West African College of Physician 35th Annual General & Scientific Meeting Abstract book; WACP/SS3B/34:52

Un-refereed Conference Proceedings
1. Gender Based-Violence (What is Gender Based Violence and Type of Violence against Women). - At a Workshop on Ending Gender-Based Violence using Media Practitioners in Ibadan jointly Organised by UNIFEM & Dept. of Community Medicine, UCH at Kakanfo Inn, Ring road Ibadan on 15th April, 2003.

2. Assessment of Reproductive Health Needs. – At Seminar on Translating Strategies Needed to Reduce Maternal Mortality to Action at Local Government Level organized by Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), Osun State Chapter at Local Government Service Commission Hall, State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo on 24 & 25 October, 2006.

3. Mobilizing Resources for Maternal and Child Health - At Seminar on Translating Strategies Needed to Reduce Maternal Mortality to Action at Local Government Level organized by Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), Osun State Chapter at Local Government Service Commission Hall, State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo on 24 & 25 October, 2006.

4. Understanding Supervisory Roles in Health Care Services Delivery at A Seminar on Enhancing the Supervisory Competence of Community Health Officers in the Local Government Service of Osun State on 22nd & 23rd August, 2007.

5. Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Care Services at the Grassroots at A Seminar on Enhancing the Supervisory Competence of Community Health Officers in the Local Government Service of Osun State on 22nd &23rd August, 2007.

6. Health Care Financing options in a developing Economy at the Osun State Council on Health Meeting and Conference October, 2007organized by the Osun State Ministry of Health.

CONFERENCES ATTENDED (indicating titles of papers presented)

1. 25th annual and 4th International Conference of the Pediatric Association of Nigeria. 
Title of Paper: Prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in Ibadan, Oyo State 
2. In-house training & workshop on Tuberculosis mgt. & control jointly organized by LAUTECH Teaching Hospt. & Damien Foundation, Belgium, 14th Aug., 2002.
Title of Paper: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis

3. Workshop on Ending Gender-Based Violence using Media Practitioners in Ibadan jointly Organised by UNIFEM & Dept. of Community Medicine, UCH at Kakanfo Inn, Ring road Ibadan on 15th April, 2003.
Title of Paper: Gender Based-Violence: What is Gender Based Violence and Type of Violence against Women

4. Symposium on Fake and Expired Drugs at the Union Week of LAUTECH MEDICAL STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT, LTH ON 14TH, Aug., 2003.
Title of Paper: Social Impact of Fake/Expired Drugs on the Community.

5. International seminar/workshop on cardiovascular disease prevention organized by Dept. of Internal Medicine, LAUTECH, CHS, Osogbo in collaboration with the University of Loussane, Dept of Preventive and Social Medicine on 22nd July, 2005.
Title of Paper: Socio-economic factors and cardiovascular diseases

6. Seminar on Translating Strategies Needed to Reduce Maternal Mortality to Action at Local Government Level organized by Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), Osun State Chapter at Local Government Service Commission Hall, State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo on 24 & 25 October, 2006.
Title of Paper: Assessment of Reproductive Health Needs.

7. Seminar on Translating Strategies Needed to Reduce Maternal Mortality to Action at Local Government Level organized by Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), Osun State Chapter at Local Government Service Commission Hall, State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo on 24 & 25 October, 2006.
Title of Paper: Mobilizing Resources for Maternal and Child Health.

8. Seminar on Enhancing the Supervisory Competence of Community Health Officers in the Local Government Service of Osun State on 22nd & 23rd August, 2007. 
Title of papers:
1. Understanding Supervisory Roles in Health Care Services Delivery.
2. Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Care Services at the Grassroots.

9. Osun State Council on Health Meeting and Conference October, 2007 organized by the Osun State Ministry of Health.
Title of paper: Health Care Financing options in a developing Economy

10. The 24th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria (APHPN) 
Title of papers: 
a. Consumer Assessment of Quality of Antenatal Care (ANC) Services in a Tertiary Health Care Institution in Osun State, Nigeria. 
b. HIV/AIDS Preventive Measures among Public Secondary School Students in a Sub-Urban Community in South-Western Nigeria.
c. Barriers to Contraceptive Use among Women of Child Bearing Age in Inner City Area of Osogbo Metropolis. June 11-14, 2008.
d. Prevalence and determinants of Adolescent Obesity among Public Secondary School Students in Olorunda Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. 
e. Prevalence of Anemia and Assessment of Nutritional Status among pupils of a Rural Community Model Primary School in Osun State, Nigeria.

11. National Conference on Public Health in Nigeria. 
Title of paper: Capacity Development in the Management of Infectious Diseases in Nigeria to Meet the MDGs and the Challenges of Achieving the MDGs: Science, Policy and Programme, July 2008.

12. 3 days training workshop on the Ethics of HIV Research and Service Provision organized for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students lecturers on research ethics sponsored by SIDACTION, France at Ibadan. 21st – 23rd Sept., 2010.

13. 5 days training for Doctors on antiretroviral therapy in the management of HIV/AIDS in adults and management of Tb/HIV co-infection organized by Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN ACTION Project). At Sunview Hotel Akure, Ondo State, 19th – 23rd July, 2010

14. The 35th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the West African College of Physicians, Nigerian Chapter, 12-15 July, 2011 in Lagos, Nigeria.
Title of Papers: 
i. Parental expectations on school sex education in a sub-urban community in Osun State, Nigeria.
ii. Practice and content of sex education within family setting: a study among adolescents in a rural community in Osun State, Southwest, Nigeria. 
1. 2 day Workshop for Provosts, Deans and Heads of Departments at Osun State University 1 & 2 August, 2011.

16. SIDCAIN 2nd Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Update Course, Annual Lecture & Scientific Conference on Feb 1-3, 2012
Title of Paper: 
i. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, Akunwusi PO, Adebimpe WO, Isawumi MA, Hassan MB, Alebiosu CO, Adewole OA, & Makanjuola OB. Prevalence of Hypertension among rural adult population of Osun State, 
Southwestern, Nigeria.

ii. ISAWUMI MA, HASSAN MB, AKINWUSI PO, ADEBIMPE O, ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ALEBIOSU CO, & ADEWOLE T. Prevalence of Causes of Ocular Morbidity in the Posterior Segment seen among Two Rural Communities of Osun State, Nigeria.

iii. ASEKUN-OLARINMOYE EO, ADEBIMPE WO, OMOBUWA O, OYEKENU-AGORO Y, & OMISORE AG. Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude towards screening and risk factors for Diabetes among staff of a University in Southwestern Nigeria.

17. IN-HOUSE CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP FOR ACADEMIC STAFF, Osun State University, Osogbo. Feb., 10, 2012.


19. 8th Annual Conference of the Institute of Strategic Management, July 4-6, 2012 at Fun Filled Park & Events, adjacent Leisure Spring Hotel, Iwo-Osogbo Road, Osogbo, Osun State.


  • Gardening, Music, Reading, Photography
  • Member of Women’s Ministry of Seventh-day Adventist Church.


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For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
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