Department of Community Medicine

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 SANY1901The Department of Community Medicine is one of the founding Departments of the College of Health Sciences (CHS) since its inception in 2007. The goal of this Department is to contribute to the vision and mission of Osun State University through qualitative and excellent teaching, training and research in Public health.

The Department presently has Dr Adebimpe Wasiu Olalekan as the Acting Head. There are four other lecturers as well as other administrative staff. The Department was part of the good news of full accreditation obtained by the CHS by Nigerian Universities Commission, and the partial accreditation obtained from Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN).

The Department gives Introductory Public Health lectures for 200 and 300 level medical students since inception. Students are taken through lectures, demonstrations and field visits. Our 300 level medical students are routinely taken to Ede water works, Osun sate school for the handicapped and abattoirs for visitations.

Each medical student has 3 logbooks for evaluation and teaching;

1. Attendance logbook or evaluation booklet
2. Museum manual
3. Laboratory manual

In 2014 January, the Department passed then NUC re4source verification of the BSc Public Health programme. It is expected that students of BSc Public Health would be admitted into 100 level through JAMB. The Department is also working on submitting a proposal for BSc Environmental Health Sciences to the Senate of the University with the hope of having the NUC resource verification of the programme before the end of June 2014 and subsequent admission of students this year.

Some of our Departmental resources include;

1. A well stocked Public Health museum (recently adjudged to be the best in Nigeria by MDCN accreditation team)
2. A Public Health teaching laboratory with all required accessories, microscopes, reagents among others. The MDCN team was surprised to see 20 new and functional binocular microscopes in a PH laboratory run by a medical school
3. Public Health research laboratory
4. A 30 seater bus to transport students
5. A 4 wheel drive (jeep) for movement to rural areas
6. A data analysis room
7. Seminar room
8. A Public Health demonstration room
9. Adequate and well furnished space for departmental and lecturers office
10. A Departmental side library including an electronic library
11. Multimedia projectors, Public address system and computer sets

The Department has 3 Public Health practising centers for now. These include the rural practice center at Alajue health center, and the urban practice centers at Isale Agbara and Atelewo comprehensive health centers. Our outreaches to Obokun local government, Alajue community and Ipetu-Ile to mention a few are some of the evidence to show that we are linked and in contact touch with communities in the Osun state, and not leaving out our immediate community. The Department also enjoys good working relationship with other departments under CHS.

We currently undertake some departmental level research (ongoing) with focus on

1. Female genital cuttings
2. Diabetes mellitus
3. Antimicrobial resistance

The future is bright. We are well positioned to commence clinical work soonest. The Department also proposes to commence diploma programmes in Public Health, Masters Degree in Public Health and Short tern training in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Management of Public Health programmes. The department is currently working on having a Center for Public Health Education and Research (CEPHER) and an Institute of Public Health under the College of Health Sciences.


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  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
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