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Director, Research and Linkages-Prof Adebooye

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Prof. AdebooyeProfessor O.C. Adebooye
Director, Research and Linkages, Osun State University, Osogbo.
Professor of Plant Physiology.

B. Agric.(Plant Science) OAU, Ile-Ife, MSc and PhD (Agronomy/Plant Physiology) Ibadan. Certificate in Tissue Culture techniques (United Nations University, Tokyo), Certificate in Cytogenetics (IITA, Ibadan) and Certificate in Food and Plant Analysis (United Nations/CSIR, India).

  • Fellow of the College of Research Associates (CRA), Tokyo, Japan.
  • Postdoc United Nations University, CFTRI, Mysore, India.
  • Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Bonn, Germany.
  • Fellow, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
  • Visiting Professor, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Visiting Professor, University of Hohenheim, Germany.

He has won 12 competitive international research grants and attended about 70 international conferences in about 20 countries. Adebooye was the first Nigerian to win the Humboldt Alumni Scientist Award by the German Government’s Humboldt Foundation. Adebooye together with other three institutions won a $3 million research grant from IDRC, Canada. He has authored about 45 research articles and edited three books.

Recent Publications

  • Adebooye O.C., M. Hunsche, G. Noga and C. Lankes(2011) Morphology and density of trichomes and stomata in Trichosanthes cucumerina L. (Cucurbitaceae) as affected by leaf age and salinity. Turkish Journal of Botany (In Press)
  • Adebooye O.C. (2011) Food Value of Underutilized African Indigenous Vegetables: Preservation and Processing options to optimize nutrients supply. Keynote Paper Presented at the African Crop Science Conference, Maputo, Mozambique October 10- 14, 2011.
  • Adebooye O. C., M. Schmitz-Eiberger, M. Hunsche, C. Lankes, and G. Noga Pigments, photochemistry, leaf ultra-structure and minerals quantification of Solanum macrocarpon L. as affected by salinity in a perlite-compost medium. Paper Presented at the African Crop Science Conference, Maputo, Mozambique October 10- 14, 2011.
  • Adebooye O.C., M. Schmitz-Eiberger, C. Lankes and G.J. Noga (2010) Inhibitory effects of sub-optimal root zone temperature on leaf bioactive components, photosystem II (PS II) and minerals uptake in Trichosanthes cucumerina L- Cucurbitaceae. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 32: 67- 73
  • Adebooye O.C., K.A. Taiwo and A.A. Fatufe (Editors) (2010) Biotechnology development and threat of climate change in Africa: The case of Nigeria Volume 1. ISBN 978-3-86955-402-0Cuvillier Publishers Göttingen, Germany.. 311 pages
  • Adebooye O.C., K.A. Taiwo and A.A. Fatufe (Editors) (2010) Biotechnology development and threat of climate change in Africa: The case of Nigeria Volume 2. ISBN 978-3-86955-403-7Cuvillier Publishers Göttingen, Germany.. 292 Pages.
  • Adebooye O.C., G.J. Noga and C. Lankes (2009) Rooting zone temperature affects emergence and growth traits of Snake Tomato (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.). Journal of Central European Agriculture, 10(3): 239-244

Recent Project:

Professor O. Clement Adebooye of the Department of Agronomy, Osun State University in collaboration with scientists from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife(OAU); Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, Canada (CBU) and University of Manitoba, Canada (UofM) won the IDRC research grant under the programme: Canadian International Food Security Research Fund ( CIFSRF). The project is titled : “Sustainable production and utilization of under-utilized Nigerian vegetables to enhance rural food security.” The project will run for three and a half years (42 months) March 2011- August 2014.

The grant is about three (3) million dollars ($3.0 milion). Out of this amount, UNIOSUN has a total budget of about $1.1 million. The project will carry out survey on indigenous vegetables of southwest Nigeria, conduct field research, determine nutraceutical properties of vegetables and vegetables products, carry out impact assessments, training of women farmers etc. On this project, ten (10) researchers from UNIOSUN will be trained at the CBU and UofM, Canada on agricultural research planning, implementation and reporting.

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