Department of Microbiology

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Welcome to the Department of Microbiology

The Department of Microbiology offer programmes leading to the award of Bachelor’s degree both as full time and part-time programmes; as well as Master’s in Microbiology. It was established in March, 2018 along with the Departments of Plant Biology and Zoology; all of which were carved out of the defunct Department of Biological Sciences which was established in 2007 as one of the foundation Departments of College of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) of Osun State University, Osogbo campus at the inception of Osun State University. The Department of Biological Sciences commenced with a 4-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree programme in Microbiology; while the Master’s in Microbiology programme kicked off in 2015.

The programme aims at development of creative, innovative and self-reliant human resources in form of graduates with entrepreneurial culture, good communication skills, computer literacy and problem-solving abilities who will transform the society for the better. We also aim to be a world-class Department based on a reputation for quality and integrity in all aspects of the tripartite functions of a University. The Department enjoys a cordial relationship with the Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM), as well as, the America Society for Microbiology (ASM). The relationship with ASM gives members of academic staff the opportunity to become registered members of this International Association under the ASM Global outreach program.


The programme aims at development of creative, innovative and self-reliant human resources in form of graduates with entrepreneurial culture, good communication skills, computer literacy and problem solving abilities who will transform the society for the better.

Specifically the objectives of the degree programme are:
a) To provide students with a broad, sound and balanced knowledge in Microbiology and its application in all aspects of human life particularly health-care delivery, food security and environmental monitoring.
b) To develop in students’ enthusiasm and skills in productive research for solving current problems of the Nigerian society, including acquisition of knowledge in developing innovative skills.
c) To provide courses to students in other disciplines requiring a working knowledge of Microbiology.
d) To emphasize technologically and vocationally-oriented training to enable students acquire knowledge and techniques in Microbiology necessary for industries such as water works, agriculture, pharmaceutical, medical, breweries, food processing and preservation.
e) To provide a wide range of quality learning opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Microbiology without distinction of race, creed, sex, religious or political conviction such that will enhance their best intellectual, social and personal development;
f) To provide academic, professional and vocational training of high quality in Microbiology in such a way as to enrich and improve the state, national and international human resources capabilities and assist its graduates to contribute to the common good of society;
g) To promote high standard of teaching and scholarship in Microbiology and encourage participation in professional activities;
h) To foster academic research in Microbiology which contribute to human knowledge and the vitality of the institution;
i) To encourage thoughtful and responsible staff and student participation in local, national and international affairs;
j) To maintain the highest academic standards in respect of University degrees and other awards and to preserve and protect their reputation and integrity;
k) To evolve academic programmes in Microbiology to suit the changing social and economic needs of society through continuous review of curricula and development of new programme to respond to societal and technological changes in Osun State in particular and Nigeria, and the world in general;
l) To advance human culture and improve human life through the development, refinement and dissemination of knowledge in Microbiology and to prepare competent graduates to meet the developmental needs of Osun State in particular and Nigeria in general;
m) To institute and award fellowships, scholarships, studentships, prizes and other aids to study and research in Microbiology;
n) To make provisions for research, design, develop, testing, advisory and consultancy services in Microbiology and with these objects to enter into such arrangements with other institutions or public bodies as may be thought desirable and to charge to the users of such services such fees as may be thought desirable;
o) To print, reproduce and publish works of research and such other works in Microbiology as may from time to time be thought fit by the University;
p) To demand and receive fees and procure contributions to the funds of the University and to raise money in such other manner as the University may deem fit;
q) To act as trustees or managers of any property, legacy, endowment, bequest or gift for the purposes of education or research, or otherwise in furtherance of the work and welfare of the University, and to invest and funds representing same in accordance with the provisions of the status;
r) To relate its activities to the social, cultural and economic needs of the people of Osun State and Nigeria;
s) To be a world-class Department based on a reputation for quality and integrity in all aspect of the tripartite functions of a University;
t) To do all such things as may advance the objective of the College and the University.

Basic Entry Requirements
Admission into the Department of Microbiology is done in accordance with the guidelines of the National Universities Commission (NUC) from time to time. This takes place at the beginning of every new academic session based purely on merit.
To qualify for admission into the department, a candidate must possess at least five (5) credit passes in SSCE or NECO (O’ Level), obtained at not more than two sittings, which must include the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English. In addition, the candidate must pass the UTME of the Joint admission Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Candidates with acceptable passes in the Pre-Degree Programme Examination of the Osun State University and that have an acceptable pass in the UTME may also be admitted into the 4-year degree programmes of the Department.

Direct Entry Requirements
Candidates with two A level passes (graded A-D) at the Advanced Level in one or more relevant subjects (Biology and any of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics) and those with OND in Science Laboratory Technology (Upper Credit) and HND in Science Laboratory Technology (minimum of lower Credit) from any higher institution recognized by the University Senate may undertake the three-year degree programme into the 200-level, provided they fulfil the UTME admission requirements of the Department.

Graduation Requirements:
To qualify for the 4-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree award in Microbiology, a student must pass a minimum of 153 credit units as shown below.
Required Units for obtaining B.Sc. Microbiology
To be eligible for the award of B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology, a student must register for and pass a minimum of 154 credit units as detailed in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Total no of required credit units at each level for Microbiology programme
Level            Core /Compulsory            Electives            TOTAL
100                        41                                  -                         41
200                        42                                  2                        44
300                        27                                  2                        29
400                        39                                  -                         39
Total                    150                                 4                       153

Duration of Degree Programme
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded the B.Sc. degree of the Department is 4 years and a student shall not spend more than 6 years in completing any of the programmes.

Vision of the Department of Microbiology
 To be a centre of excellence providing high quality teaching and learning experiences in Microbiology that will engender the production of entrepreneurial graduates in this discipline, capable of imparting positively on their environment while being globally competitive.

Mission of the Department of Microbiology
The mission is to create a unique Department committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skill-based training in Microbiology and a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service.

Staff of the Department of Microbiology

1. Dr. Folasade M. ADEYEMI (PhD) Profile          Lecturer I                     Ag. Head of Department
2. Prof. Janet O. OLAITAN (PhD) Profile              Professor                     Deputy Vice-Chancellor (A&D)
3. Dr. Sunday B. AKINDE (PhD) Profile                Associate Professor    Director, MRL
4. Dr. Waidi F. SULE (PhD) Profile                        Senior Lecturer           Departmental Posgraduate Coordinator
5. Dr. Iyabobola B. FAKAYODE (PhD) Profile       Lecturer I                     Departmental SIWES Coordinator
6. Dr. Abideen A. WAHAB (PhD) Profile               Lecturer II                    Departmental Seminar/Part-Time Coordinator
7. Dr. Omotayo O. OYEDARA (PhD) Profile        Assistant Lecturer
8. Dr. Mobolaji A. ADENIYI (PhD) Profile             Assistant Lecturer        Departmental Examination Officer
9. Greater K. OYEJOBI Profile                             Graduate Assistant       Departmental Librarian
10. Praise T. OZABOR Profile                              Graduate Assistant

Get In Touch

For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
  • Email:
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