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November, 2018

Monday, 19th November              Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Tuesday, 20th November Business Committee of Senate

Wednesday, 21st November Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 22nd November Senate

Monday, 26th November  Management Meeting/Resumption 

December, 2018

Monday, 3rd – Sunday, December, 2018 Resumption of Students/Opening of E-Portal for Registration for all students for Harmattan Semester 2018/2019 Session

Monday, 10th December  commencement of lectures in all Departments

Monday, 10th December    College Board of Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law.

Tuesday, 11th   December      College Board (SET,Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)

Wednesday, 12th   December          Management Meeting

Thursday, 13th December Academic Planning Sub- Committee

Friday, 14th December University Research Committee 

Monday, 17th December –Friday 28th December Late Registration with Penalty

Monday, 17th December Management Meeting

Tuesday, 18th December      Board of Postgraduate Studies

Wednesday, 19th December Library Committee/ Security Committee

Wednesday, 19th December Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 20th December Senate

Friday, 21st December Staff- Students Colloquium

Friday, 21st December e-Registration ends for all Students

Friday, 21st December New Year Break


January, 2019

Monday 7th January Resumption from New Year Break

Monday, 7th January Management Meeting

Monday, 7th January,           Resumption after New Year Break and Continuation of Lectures

Wednesday, 9th January     Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 10th January      Development Committee

Friday, 11th   January  University Research Committee

Monday, 14th   January  Security Committee

Tuesday, 15th January       Business Committee of Senate

Tuesday, 15th January         Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 17th January Senate

Tuesday, 29th January - Friday, 1st February  Orientation for Fresh Students


February, 2019

Monday, 11th February Management Meeting

Tuesday, 19th February         Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 28th February Senate

March 2019

Monday, 18th March – Friday, 22nd March Lecture Free Week

Wednesday, 20th March  Security Committee

Monday, 25th March –  Harmattan Semester Examination begin for 200 - 500 Levels

Thursday, 18th March Faculty of Management Sciences Lecture

Monday, 20th March Management Meeting

Thursday, 23rd March         Security Committee

Thursday, 30th March                   Senate

April, 2019

Wednesday, 3rd April–  Ceremonials Committee

Friday, 5th April–  End of Harmattan Semester Examinations for 200-500 Level

Thursday, 11th April–  Business Committee of Senate

Friday, 12th April–  Faculty of Engineering Annual Lecture

Monday, 15th April–  College Board (Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law)

Wednesday, 17th April–  Security Committee

Thurday, 18th April–  Management Meeting

Thursday, 18th April–  Board of Postgraduate Studies

Friday, 19th April–  Appointments and Promotions Committee (Admin and Technical)

Friday, 19th April–  College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)

Monday, 22nd April–  Management Meeting

Wednesday, 24th April–  Security Committee

Thursday, 25th April–  Senate

Friday, 26th April–  University Research Committee

Friday, 28th April–  College of SET Annual Lecture

Monday, 29th April–Friday May 3rd  GNS Examinations for all Levels

Monday, 8th April–  Management Meeting

Tuesday, 16th April
  University Research Committee

Wednesday, 17th April–  Security Committee

Thursday, 28th April–  Senate

Monday, 15th April– Friday, 26th April  Harmattan Semester Examinations for 100 Level Students

Monday, 29th April– Friday, 17th May Marking of Examination Scripts

Monday, 29th April  Harmattan Semester Break

May, 2019

Friday, 3rd May End of GNS Examinations

Monday, 6th May Harmattan Semester Examinations for 100 Level Students begin

Monday, 6th May Management Committee

Tuesday, 7th May Finance Sub-Committee

Thursday, 9th May College of Humanities & Culture Annual Lecture

Friday, 10th May College Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Monday, 10th May End of Harmatan Semester Examinations

Monday, 13th May - Friday, May 17th Harmattan Semester Break

Monday, 13th May - Friday, May 24th Marking of Examination Scripts

Monday, 13th May Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Monday, 13th May Management Meeting

Tuesday, 14th May Business Committee of Senate

Wednesday, 15th May Staff-Students Colloquium

Wednesday, 15th May             College Board (Agriculture, Education,  Health Sciences and Law)

Wednesday, 15th May         College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences)

Wednesday, 15th May  College of Agriculture Annual Lecture

Thursday, 16th May Management Meeting

Thursday, 16th May Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 16th May Board of Postgraduate Studies

Friday, 17th May    Appointments and Promotions Committee (Academic)

Friday, 17th May University Research Committee

Friday, 17th May College Board (Health Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Culture

Monday, 20th May Security Committee

Monday, 20th May Resumption of Rain Semester/Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester 2018/2019 Session

Monday, 20th May- Friday May 24th e-Registration for all students for Rain Semester 2018/2019 Session

Monday, 27th May – Friday, 31st May Consideration of Results at Departmental, Faculty and College Levels

Monday, 27th May – Thursday, 30th May Late Registration with Penalty

Tuesday, 21st May  College Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Wednessday, 22nd May College Board (Sciences, Management and Social)

Thursday, 23rd May  Management Meeting

Friday, 24th May College Board (Health Sciences, SET, Humanities and Culture)

Thursday, 30th May Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 30th May Senate

Friday, 31st May Late Registration with Penalty ends

 June, 2019

Monday, 3rd June Ceremonials Committee

Tuesday, 4th June             Business Committee of Senate

Tuesday, 11th June Faculty of Engineering Annual Lecture

Wednesday, 12th June        College Board (Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law)

Thursday, 13th June              Board of Postgraduate Studies

Friday, 14th June                Appointments and Promotions Committee 

(Admin and Technical)

Friday, 14th June                 College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)

Friday, 14th June              University Research Committee

Wednesday, 19th June            Security Committee

Thursday, 20th June Management Meeting

Thursday, 27th June             Senate

Friday, 28th June    College of SET Annual Lecture

July, 2019

Wednesday, 3rd July  Faculty Lecture, Basic and Applied Sciences

Tuesday, 9th July  Board of Postgraduate Studies

Wednesday, 10th July College of Management and Social Sciences Lecture

Friday, 12th July   Security Committee

Monday, 15th July Management Meeting 

Thursday, 25th July                                         Senate

August, 2019

Friday, 9th August End of Lectures for Rain Semester

Monday, 12th August - Friday, 16th August - Lecture Free Week

Tuesday, 13th August Faculty Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Wednesday, 14th   August          Faculty Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)

Wednesday, 14th August Library Committee

Thursday, 15th August              Faculty Board (Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Culture)

Thursday, 15th August Board of Postgraduate Studies

Friday, 16th August Ceremonials Committee

Monday, 19th August Academic Planning Sub-Committee

Monday, 19th August – Friday, 6th September Rain Semester Examination

Monday, 19th August – Friday, 23rd August  GNS Examination

Thursday, 15th August   Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Tuesday, 20th August       Development Committee

Tuesday, 20th August Finance Sub-Committee

Wednesday, 21st August Business Committee of Senate

Thursday, 22nd August Senate

Thursday, 22nd August Management Meeting

 Wednesday, 28th August               University Research Committee


September, 2019

Tuesday, 3rd September         College of Health Sciences Lecture

Wednesday, 4th September  Security Committee

Thursday, 5th September Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Annual Lecture

Friday, 6th September Faculty of Clinical Sciences Annual Lecture

Friday, 6th September End of Rain Semester Examination

Monday, 9th- Friday, 27th September Marking of Examination Scripts

Monday, 9th September Rain Semester Break

Tuesday, 10th September College Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Wednesday, 11th September          College Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)

Thursday, 12th September Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Friday, 13th September         College Board (Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Culture)

Thursday, 12th September                   Management Meeting

Thursday 12th September - Saturday 21st September Convocation

Thursday 19th September Convocation Lecture

Saturday 21st September  Foundation Day Lecture

Tuesday, 17th September                   College Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Wednesday, 18th September             College Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)

Thursday, 19th September   Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Friday, 20th September   College Board (Health Sciences, SET, Humanities and Culture)

Monday, 23rd September   Security Committee

Monday, 30th September  Consideration of Results at Departmental, Friday, 4th October             Faculty and College Levels

Monday, 23rd September   Staff-Students Colloquium 

Tuesday, 24th September Library Committee

Tuesday, 24th September   Board of Postgraduate Studies

Wednesday, 25th September   Business Committee of Senate 

Wednesday, 25th September   University Research Committee

Thursday, 26th September   Senate

Friday, 27th Septembe  Development Committee


October 2019

Friday, 4th October End of Rain Semester 

Friday, 4th October Finance Sub-Committee

Monday, 7th October  Management Meeting

Monday, 7th October End of 2018/2019 Session /Commencement of Annual Leave for Academic Staff


November, 2019

Monday, 18th November              Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all students





November, 2017

Wednesday, 20th September             -            End of 2016/2017 Session /Commencement of Annual Leave for Academic Staff



November, 2017

Monday, 20th November                                             Resumption of Students/e-Registration for Harmattan Semester 2017/2018 Session

Monday, 27th November                                             Management Meeting

Monday, 27th November                                             Commencement of Lectures for all Students

Wednesday, 21st– 22ndNovember                                 Appointments and Promotions Committee

Tuesday, 28thNovember                                              Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 30thNovember                                           Senate

December, 2017

Monday, 4thDecember                                                Business Committee of Senate

Tuesday, 5thDecember                                                 Staff- Students Colloquium

Wednesday, 6thDecember                                          Board of Postgraduate Studies

Monday,11thDecember                                               Management Meeting

Tuesday, 12th December                                                College Board of Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law.

Wednesday, 13thDecember                                        Inaugural Lecture

Thursday, 14thDecember                                              Academic Planning Sub- Committee



Friday, 15th  December                                                 University Research Committee

Monday, 17thDecember                                                 Management Meeting

Tuesday, 18th December                                                College Board (SET, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)

Wednesday, 28th December                                           Late Registration with penalty

Wednesday, 19thDecember                                           Library Committee/ Security Committee

Wednesday, 19thDecember                                           Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 21stDecember                                               Senate

Tuesday, 26thDecember                                             e-Registration ends for all Students

Tuesday, 26th– Tuesday 9thJanuary, 2018                Late Registration with Penalty

Monday, 25thDecember – Tuesday, 2ndJanuary, 2018    End of the year Break

January, 2018

Tuesday, 2ndJanuary                                                   Resumption after New Year Break and Continuation of Lectures

Tuesday, 2ndJanuary                                                   Management Meeting

Wednesday, 3rdJanuary                                               Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 4thJanuary                                                 Development Committee

Friday, 5thJanuary                                                       University Research Committee

Monday, 8thJanuary                                                   Security Committee

Tuesday, 9thJanuary                                                   Business Committee of Senate

Wednesday, 10thJanuary                                            Appointments and Promotions Committee

Tuesday, 23rdJanuary                                                 Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 25thJanuary                                                Senate

Monday, 29thJanuary                                                 Orientation for Fresh Students

Friday, 2ndFebruary

February, 2018

Wednesday, 7thFebruary                                               Matriculation of Fresh Students

Monday, 12thFebruary                                               Management Meeting

Tuesday, 20thFebruary                                               Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 22ndFebruary                                             Senate

Friday, 23rdFebruary                                                 End of Lectures (Harmattan Semester)

Monday, 26thFebruary – Friday, 3rd March               Lecture Free Week

Wednesday, 28thFebruary                                          Security Committee

March 2018

Monday, 5thMarch – Friday, 23rdMarch                    Harmattan Semester Examination

Monday, 5thMarch --Friday, 9thMarch                       GNS Examinations

Tuesday, 13thMarch                                                    Board of Postgraduate Studies

Thursday, 15thMarch                                                  Faculty of Management Sciences Lecture

Monday, 19thMarch                                                    Management Meeting

Tuesday, 20th– Wednesday, 21stMarch

Thursday, 22ndMarch                                                  Security Committee

Friday, 23rdMarch                                                       End of Harmattan Semester

Monday, 26thMarch – Friday, 6thApril                     Harmattan Semester Break

Monday, 26thMarch - Friday, 13thApril                    Marking of Examination Scripts

Thursday, 29th March                                                 Senate

April, 2018                                           

Monday, 9th April                                                       Resumption for Rain Semester / Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester 2017/2018 Session

Monday, 9th April – Friday, 20th April                       e-Registration for all Students for Rain Semester 2017/2018Session

Tuesday, 10thApril                                                      Finance Sub-Committee        

Wednesday, 11th April                                                Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 12thApril                                                    College of Humanities & Culture Annual Lecture

Friday, 13th   April                                                      College Board (Agriculture, Education,

                                                                                    Health Sciences and Law)

Monday, 16th April                                                     Management Meeting

Monday, 16th April – Friday, 20th April                     Consideration of Results at Departmental, Faculty and College Levels

Tuesday, 17thApril                                                     Business Committee of Senate

Wednesday, 18thApril                                                Staff-Students Colloquium

Thursday, 19thApril                                                    Board of Postgraduate Studies

Monday, 23rdApril                                                     Security Committee

Monday, 23rdApril                                                     Late Registration with Penalty

Tuesday, 24th April                                                     College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)

Wednesday, 25thApril                                                College of Agriculture Annual Lecture

Thursday, 26thApril                                                     Senate

Friday, 27thApril                                                         University Research Committee

May, 2018

Tuesday, 8thMay                                                        College of Education Annual Lecture

Wednesday, 9thMay                                                    Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Thursday, 10thMay                                                      Finance Sub-Committee

Friday, 11thMay                                                          Faculty of Engineering Annual Lecture Monday, 14thMay                                                            Ceremonials Committee

Tuesday, 15thMay                                                       Business Committee of Senate

Wednesday, 16thMay                                                  College Board (Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law)

Thursday, 17th – Friday, 18th May                              Appointments and Promotions Committee

Thursday, 17thMay                                                      Board of Postgraduate Studies

Friday, 18thMay                                                          Appointments and Promotions Committee

                                                                                    (Admin and Technical)

Monday, 21stMay                                                        Management Meeting

Tuesday, 22ndMay                                                       College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)

Wednesday, 23rdMay                                                  Security Committee

Thursday, 24thMay                                                      Senate

Friday, 25thMay                                                          University Research Committee

Wednesday, 30thMay                                                  College of SET Annual Lecture

June, 2018

Wednesday, 6thJune                                                    Faculty Lecture, Basic and Applied Sciences

Tuesday, 12thJune                                                       Board of Postgraduate Studies

Wednesday, 13thJune                                                  College of Management and Social Sciences Lecture

Monday, 25thJune                                                       Management Meeting

Wednesday, 27thJune                                                  Security Committee

Thursday, 28thJune                                                      Senate

July, 2018

Friday, 8thJuly                                                             End of Lectures for Rain Semester

Monday, 9thJuly - Friday, 13thJuly                              Lecture Free Week

Tuesday, 10thJuly                                                        Faculty Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Wednesday, 11thJuly                                                   Faculty Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)

Wednesday, 11thJuly                                                   Library Committee

Thursday, 12thJuly                                                       Faculty Board (Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Culture)

Thursday, 12thJuly                                                      Board of Postgraduate Studies

Friday, 13thJuly                                                           Ceremonials Committee

Monday, 16thJuly                                                        Academic Planning Sub-Committee

Monday, 16th July – Friday, 3rd August                      Rain Semester Examination

Monday, 16thJuly – Friday, 20thJuly                           GNS Examination

Tuesday, 17th–Wednesday, 18thJuly                         Appointments and Promotions Committees

Wednesday, 18thJuly                                                   University Research Committee

Thursday, 19thJuly                                                     Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Monday, 23rdJuly                                                        Management Meeting

Tuesday, 24thJuly                                                        Development Committee

Tuesday, 24thJuly                                                        Finance Sub-Committee

Wednesday, 25thJuly                                                   Business Committee of Senate

Thursday, 26thJuly                                                      Senate

Tuesday, 31stJuly                                                       College of Health Sciences Lecture

August, 2018

Wednesday, 1stAugust                                                Security Committee

Thursday, 2ndAugust                                                  Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Annual Lecture

Friday, 3rdAugust                                                       Faculty of Clinical Sciences Annual Lecture

Monday, 6th- Friday, 24thAugust                               Marking of Examination Scripts

Monday, 6thAugust                                                    Rain Semester Break

Tuesday, 7thAugust                                                     College Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)

Wednesday, 8th August                                               College Board (Sciences, Management and             Social Sciences)

Thursday, 9thAugust                                                   Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Friday, 10thAugust                                                      College Board (Health Sciences,             Engineering and Technology, Humanities             and Culture)

Monday, 13thAugust                                                  Management Meeting

Tuesday, 14th August                                                  College Board (Agriculture, Education and                          Law)

Wednesday, 15thAugust                                              College Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)

Thursday, 16thAugust                                                 Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors

Friday, 17thAugust                                                      College Board (Health Sciences, SET,              Humanities and Culture)

Monday, 20thAugust                                                   Security Committee

Tuesday, 21stAugust                                                   Library Committee

Wednesday, 22ndAugust                                             University Research Committee

Thursday, 23rdAugust                                                 Academic Planning Sub-Committee

Friday, 24thAugust                                                      Development Committee

Monday, 27thAugust                                                   Staff-Students Colloquium

Monday, 27thAugust –                                               Consideration of Results at Departmental, Friday, 31stAugust                                                             Faculty and College Levels

Tuesday, 28thAugust                                                   Board of Postgraduate Studies

Wednesday, 29thAugust                                              Business Committee of Senate

Thursday, 30thAugust                                                 Senate

Friday, 31stAugust                                                     End of Rain Semester

Friday, 31stAugust                                                     Finance Sub-Committee

September 2018

Monday, 3rdSeptember                                              Management Meeting

Monday, 3rd September                                              End of 2017/2018 Session /Commencement of Annual Leave for Academic Staff

Wednesday, 5th – Thursday, 6th September    Appointments and Promotions Committees


November, 2018

Monday, 19thNovember        Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all students
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