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November, 2018
Monday, 19th November Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
Tuesday, 20th NovemberBusiness Committee of Senate
Wednesday, 21st NovemberBoard of Postgraduate Studies
Thursday, 22nd NovemberSenate
Monday, 26th NovemberManagement Meeting/Resumption
December, 2018
Monday, 3rd – Sunday, December, 2018Resumption of Students/Opening of E-Portal for Registration for all students for Harmattan Semester 2018/2019 Session
Monday, 10th Decembercommencement of lectures in all Departments
Monday, 10th December College Board of Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law.
Tuesday, 11th December College Board (SET,Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)
Wednesday, 12th December Management Meeting
Thursday, 13th DecemberAcademic Planning Sub- Committee
Friday, 14th DecemberUniversity Research Committee
Monday, 17th December –Friday 28th DecemberLate Registration with Penalty
Monday, 17th DecemberManagement Meeting
Tuesday, 18th December Board of Postgraduate Studies
Wednesday, 19th DecemberLibrary Committee/ Security Committee
Wednesday, 19th DecemberBoard of Postgraduate Studies
Thursday, 20th DecemberSenate
Friday, 21st DecemberStaff- Students Colloquium
Friday, 21st Decembere-Registration ends for all Students
Friday, 21st DecemberNew Year Break
January, 2019
Monday 7th JanuaryResumption from New Year Break
Monday, 7th JanuaryManagement Meeting
Monday, 7th January, Resumption after New Year Break and Continuation of Lectures
Wednesday, 9th January Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
Thursday, 10th January Development Committee
Friday, 11th JanuaryUniversity Research Committee
Monday, 14th JanuarySecurity Committee
Tuesday, 15th January Business Committee of Senate
Tuesday, 15th January Board of Postgraduate Studies
Thursday, 17th JanuarySenate
Tuesday, 29th January - Friday, 1st FebruaryOrientation for Fresh Students
February, 2019
Monday, 11th FebruaryManagement Meeting
Wednesday, 13th FebruaryMatriculation of Fresh Students
Tuesday, 19th February Board of Postgraduate Studies
Thursday, 28th FebruarySenate
March 2019
Friday, 15 MarchEnd of Lectures (Harmattan Semester)
Monday, 18th March – Friday, 22nd MarchLecture Free Week
Wednesday, 20th MarchSecurity Committee
Monday, 25th March – Friday, 12th AprilHarmattan Semester Examination
Monday, 6th - Friday, 10th MarchGNS Examinations
Thursday, 18th MarchFaculty of Management Sciences Lecture
Monday, 20th MarchManagement Meeting
Thursday, 23rd March Security Committee
Friday, 24th MarchEnd of Harmattan Semester
Thursday, 30th March Senate
April, 2019
Tuesday, 16thAprilBoard of Postgraduate Studies
Monday, 15thApril– Friday, 26th AprilHarmattan Semester Break
Monday, 15thMarch - Friday, 3rd MayMarking of Examination Scripts
May, 2019
Monday, 6th May– Friday, 10th MayConsideration of Results at Departmental, Faculty and College Levels
Monday, 29th AprilResumption for Rain Semester / Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester 2016/2017 Session
Monday, 29th April – Friday, 10th Maye-Registration for all Students for Rain Semester 2016/2017 Session
Tuesday, 30th AprilFinance Sub-Committee
May, 2019
Thursday, 2nd MayCommittee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
Thursday, 9th May College of Humanities & Culture Annual Lecture
Monday, 13th May Management Meeting
Tuesday, 14th May Business Committee of Senate
Wednesday, 15thMay Staff-Students Colloquium
Wednesday, 15th May College Board (Agriculture, Education,
Health Sciences and Law)
Thursday, 16th MayBoard of Postgraduate Studies
Friday, 17th May Appointments and Promotions Committee (Academic)
Friday, 17th May College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)
Friday, 17th MayUniversity Research Committee
Monday, 20th MaySecurity Committee
Monday, 18th May – Friday, 24th MayLate Registration with Penalty
Wednesday, 15th MayCollege of Agriculture Annual Lecture Friday, 24th MayLate Registration with Penalty ends
Thursday, 30th MaySenate
June, 2019
Monday, 3rd JuneCeremonials Committee
Tuesday, 4th June Business Committee of Senate
Tuesday, 11th JuneFaculty of Engineering Annual Lecture
Wednesday, 12th June College Board (Agriculture, Education, Health Sciences and Law)
Thursday, 13th June Board of Postgraduate Studies
Friday, 14th June Appointments and Promotions Committee
(Admin and Technical)
Friday, 14th June College Board (Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Management and Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture)
Friday, 14th June University Research Committee
Monday, 17th June Management Meeting
Wednesday, 19th June Security Committee
Thursday, 27th June Senate
Friday, 28th June College of SET Annual Lecture
July, 2019
Wednesday, 3rd JulyFaculty Lecture, Basic and Applied Sciences
Tuesday, 9th JulyBoard of Postgraduate Studies
Wednesday, 10th JulyCollege of Management and Social Sciences Lecture
Monday, 15th JulyManagement Meeting
Wednesday, 18th July Security Committee
Thursday, 25th July Senate
August, 2019
Friday, 9th AugustEnd of Lectures for Rain Semester
Monday, 12th August - Friday, 16th August-Lecture Free Week
Tuesday, 13th AugustFaculty Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)
Wednesday, 14th August Faculty Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)
Thursday, 15th August Faculty Board (Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Culture)
Wednesday, 14th AugustLibrary Committee
Thursday, 15th AugustBoard of Postgraduate Studies
Friday, 16th AugustCeremonials Committee
Monday, 19th AugustAcademic Planning Sub-Committee
Monday, 19th August – Friday, 6th SeptemberRain Semester Examination
Monday, 9th August – Friday, 23rd AugustGNS Examination
Wednesday, 28th AugustUniversity Research Committee
Thursday, 16th August Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
Monday, 26th AugustManagement Meeting
Tuesday, 20th August Development Committee
Tuesday, 20th August Finance Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 21st August Business Committee of Senate
Thursday, 21st August Senate
September, 2019
Tuesday, 3rd September College of Health Sciences Lecture
Wednesday, 4th SeptemberSecurity Committee
Thursday, 5th SeptemberFaculty of Basic Medical Sciences Annual Lecture
Friday, 6th SeptemberFaculty of Clinical Sciences Annual Lecture
Monday, 9th- Friday, 27th SeptemberMarking of Examination Scripts
Monday, 9th SeptemberRain Semester Break
Tuesday, 10th SeptemberCollege Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)
Wednesday, 11th September College Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)
Thursday, 12th SeptemberCommittee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
Friday, 13th September College Board (Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Culture)
Monday, 16th September Management Meeting
Tuesday, 17th September College Board (Agriculture, Education and Law)
Wednesday, 18th September College Board (Sciences, Management and Social Sciences)
Thursday, 19th September Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors
Friday, 20th September College Board (Health Sciences, SET, Humanities and Culture)
Monday, 23rd September Security Committee
Monday, 30th September–Consideration of Results at Departmental,Friday, 4th October Faculty and College Levels
Monday, 23rd September Staff-Students Colloquium
Tuesday, 24th SeptemberLibrary Committee
Tuesday, 24th September Board of Postgraduate Studies
Wednesday, 25th September Business Committee of Senate
Wednesday, 25th September University Research Committee
Thursday, 26th September Senate
Friday, 27th September Development Committee
October 2019
Friday, 4th OctoberEnd of Rain Semester
Friday, 4th OctoberFinance Sub-Committee
Monday, 7th OctoberManagement Meeting
Monday, 7th OctoberEnd of 2018/2019 Session /Commencement of Annual Leave for Academic Staff
November, 2019
Monday, 18th November Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all students