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Monday, 7th October -                                          End of 2018/2019 Session 



November, 2019

Monday, 18th November                                      Resumption for 2019/2020 / Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all                                                                              students

December, 2019

Monday, 2nd December                                     Late Registration with Penalty

Monday, 9th December                                      Resumption Date for Fresh Students

Monday, 23rd December                                    New Year Break


January, 2020

Monday, 6th January                                          Resumption/Commencement of lectures after New Year Break

Tuesday, 14th January                                       Orientation for Fresh Students

February, 2020

Tuesday, 4th February                                        Faculty of Clinical Sciences Academic Board Meeting

Wednesday, 5th February                                  Faculty of Basic Medical Science Academic Board Meeting

Tuesday, 18th February                                  College of Health Sciences Academic Board Meeting

Monday, 24th                                                  FBMS Capacity Building Seminar


March, 2020

Monday, 9th –Friday, 13th March                    Lecture Free Week

Monday, 16th March                                       Commencement of Harmattan Semester Examinations

Monday, 16th – Friday, 27th March                 Harmattan Semester Examinations  for 300 - 500 Levels

Tuesday, 24th March                                       Matriculation for Freshers

Monday, 30th March – Tuesday, 14th April      Harmattan Semester Break for 300 - 500 Levels

Monday, 30th March – Friday, 17th April         Markings of Examination Scripts


April, 2020

Monday, 15th April                                           Resumption/Opening of Portals for Registration and Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester for 300 - 500 Levels

Monday, 20th April - Friday, 24th April            Lecture Free Week 100 - 200 Levels

Monday, 27th April - Monday, 4th May           Harmattan Semester GNS Examination for all levels

May, 2020

Tuesday, 4th  - Thursday, 7th May                 Nursery & Midwifery Council Examinations

Tuesday, 12th May                                         Faculty of Clinical Sciences Board of Examiners

Tuesday, 5th  - Monday, 11th May                 Harmattan Semester Examinations for 100 - 200 Levels

Tuesday, 12th - Friday, 15th May                  Harmattan Semester Break 100 - 200 Levels

Wednesday, 13th May                                   Faculty of BMS Board of Examiners

Monday, 18th May                                         Resumption/Opening of Portals for Registration and Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester for 100 - 200 Levels

Wednesday, 20th May                                   College of Health Sciences Board of Examiners

Wednesday, 27th May                                   College of Health Sciences Academic Board Meeting


June, 2020

Monday, 1st June                                         FBMS Staff Capacity Building Seminar

Monday, 15th June                                       College Colloquium

Monday, 15th - Friday, 19th June                 College of Health Sciences Annual Conference

Monday, 15th - Saturday, 20th June            College of Health Sciences Student Faculty Assocaitions Week and Dinner

July, 2020

Tuesday, 14th July                                          Faculty of Clinical Sciences Academic Board

Wednesday, 15th July                                     Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Academic Board

Wednesday, 29th July                                    College of Health Sciences Board Meeting

Friday 30th July                                              Late Registration with Penalty


August, 2020

Friday, 7th August                                          End of Lectures for all Levels

Monday, 10th  – Friday, 14th August             Lecture Free Week

Thursday, 27th August                                   Senate

Monday, 16th  – Friday, 28th August Rain Semester Examination

Monday, 31st August  – Friday, 4th September GNS Examination

Monday, 31st August                                        FBMS Capacity Building Seminar


September, 2020

Wednesday, 2nd September                         CHS Academic Board Meeting

Friday, 4th September                                   End of Rain Semester Examinations

Monday, 7th September                                Rain Semester Break

Monday, 7th September - Thursday, 24th September             Marking of Examination Scripts

Thursday, 24th September                            Senate

Friday, 25th September                                End of 2019/2020 Session/Commencement of Annual Leave of Academic Staff


November, 2020

Friday, 6th November                                   End of Annual Leave for Academic Staff

Monday, 9th November                                Commencement of 2020/2021 Academic Session

Monday, 7th October - End of 2018/2019 Session                


November, 2019

Monday, 18th November                                            Resumption for 2019/2020 / Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all students


Monday, 2ndDecember                                              Late Registration with Penalty

Monday, 23rdDecember                                             New Year Break

Monday, 6thJanuary                                                  Resumption/Commencement of                                                                                                          lectures after New Year Break


Tuesday, 14thJanuary                                                           Orientation for Fresh Students

Tuesday, 28thJanuary                                                           Matriculation for Fresh Students

Monday, 24th– Friday, 28thFebruary                                   Lecture Free Week

Monday, 2nd–Friday, 13thMarch                             Harmattan Semester Examinations for all                                                                                        levels


Monday, 16th– Friday, 20thMarch                           GNS Examinations

Monday, 23rdMarch – Friday, 6thJune                    Harmattan Semester Break

Monday, 23rdMarch – Friday, 6thApril                   Markings of Examination Scripts

Monday, 2ndJune                                                       Resumption/Opening of Portals for                                                                                                   Registration and Commencement of                                                                                                  Lectures for Rain Semester


Monday, 15thJune                                                      Late Registration with Penalty

Friday, 14thAugust                                                    End of Lectures for Rain Semester

Monday, 17th  – Friday, 21stAugust                          Lecture Free Week

Monday, 24h  – Friday, 4thSeptember                                  Rain Semester Examinations

Monday 7th  – Friday,11thSeptember                                    GNS Examinations

Monday, 14th– Friday, 25thSeptember                     Marking of Scripts

Tuesday, 11thOctober                                                            Senate / End of 2019/2020 Session /                                                                                                   Commencement of Annual Leave of                                                                                                  Academic Staff

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  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
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