
Full profiles of staffs
Lateef Olatunbosun JIMOH, B.Agric., M.Sc.
Lateef Olatunbosun JIMOH holds a 2015 M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. A Lecturer of Agricultural Development and Resource Economics at Osun State University since 2019. His academic career pedigree has made him to be relevant in handling courses in the department. A researcher of motivating spirit for students to excel; working with others as a team to achieve set goals. He has participated in researches of international repute and consultancies. He belongs to professional associations (see below)
Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:
Agricultural development; Environmental economics; Resource use economics; policy analysis.
Contributions to knowledge
He has one scholastic publication in international Journal.
Membership of Learned and Professional Association
1. Member, Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economist.
2. Member, African Association of Agricultural Economist.
Recent Publications
1. .Rabirou. K. and Jimoh, L.O. (2018):“Competitiveness in Rice Production In Osun State, .Nigeria:The Policy Analysis Matrix Approach”. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development,2(48) : 129-136.
Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
Nigerian Association Of Agricultural Economists (NAAE) Conference, 2012
Gbadebo Olayode has extensive experience in agricultural development, farm management, agribusiness and entrepreneurship development. He has established research farms in Nigeria and across West Africa: Resource person in Training in Farm Management at the Research Farm Operations Training organized by University of Arkansas for WARDA,IITA and ICRISAT: Coordinator of the Department of Cooperative and Business Management and actively involved in Entrepreneural Development. Coordinates Entrepreneural Studies at the College level. Supervised over 40 undergraduate student research projects. Currently has chapters in 4 books ,3 monographs and one book of readings
Research Interest, Achievement, Specialization
Research and Development of small business firms in Southwest Nigeria.Teaching and Community development
Award of Best Presenter at the Second Annual Conference of the Network on Pilferage In Agriculture 2008
Contribution to knowledge
Established research facilities in Jos, Mokwa, Jigawa States and Ferkessedougou Cote divoire and Benin Republic for IITA
Research training resource person in farm management, Community development in resource management
Scientific /Professional Activities
Membership of Learned & Professional Associations
Member, Farm Management Association of Nigeria, FAMAN
Member, Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists, NAAE
Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Entrepreneural Studies, F.Aes
Selected Publications
1 G.O.Olayode,O.Otunaiya &A.Alli Indigenous Uses and Enterprise Development in Non Timber Forest Products in Gambari Forest Resrve,Nigeria. Journal of Ethnoforestry (3)1: 128-132.
.2.G.O. Olayode And K.A. Akanni (2000), Investment Analysis And Risk In Commercial Farm Operation In Secondary Schools; The Case Of Ibadan Metropolis. Nigerian Journal Of Agribusiness And Rural Development. 1;(2): 51-58.
. 3.A.M. Shittu, G.O. Olayode, O. Bamiro And F.A. Aderemi (2004) Effects Of Using Non-Conventional Feedstuff On The Productivity And Cost Of Commercial Poultry Farms In Ibadan, Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal Of Animal Production. (31):65-78.
. 4.O.E. Fasina,A.A. Ologhobo, G.A. Yola,O.A. Adeyemi, G.Olayode & O.O. Olubanjo (2004) Toxicological Assessment Of Bitter Leaf, Vernonla Amygagdalina Leaf Meal, Valm, In The Nutrition Of Starter Broiler Chicks Nigerian Journal Of Animal Production (31):3-11.
. 5.O.A Adeokun, G.O. Olayode, S.O. Ojo And J.O. Akinyemi (2003). Managing The Soil For Enchanced Food Production In Nigeria. Journalof Environmental Extension (4):31-36
. 6.A.O. Idowu, G.O. Olayode, A.O. Otunaiya (2005)
Waste Management In Poultry Enterprises In The Lagos Area; Hazard And Costs. Journal Of Agricultural Management & Rural Development (2):103-108.
. 7. A.B. Sekumade, S.O. Akinleye & G.O. Olayode: Economic Analysis Of Honey Production In Osun State Of Nigeria, Bowen Journal Of Agriculture, Iwo.
2 (1) 2005: 35-40
. 8.G.O. Olayode J.O.Y. Aihonsu, B. Akerele, And O.A.Adeokun (2005): Effects Of Credit Use And Loan Default On Production Of Arable Crops Among Small Scale Farmers In Ijebu North Local Government Of Ogun State. Journal Of Agricultural Management & Rural Development (2): 70-92
. 9.O.Odunaiya, Bamiro O.M., G.O. Olayode, And A.O. Olopade Socio Economic Setting & Marketing Decisions Of Bee Keepers In Oyo State Nigeria. Journal Of Agricultural Management nd Rural Development, (2): 103-108.
10.A.O. Idowu, A.O. Otunaiya G.O. Olayode, And O.A. Shonibare (2005): Economics Of Chewing Stick Processing: A Sustainable Livelihood From Nigerian Forest, Lessons From Ijebu Division Of Ogun State, Nigeria International Journal Of Tropical Agriculture (24):1
. 11.Ojiako I.A&Olayode G.O .Analysis Of Trends In Livestock Production In Nigeria:1970-2005 Journal Of Agriculture And Scoial Research,8(1)2008,114-118
12. Aihonsu J.O.Y.,Banwo A ,Olayode G.O. Traditional Technology In Rice Production In Ogun State ,Nigeria. International Journal Of Tropical Agriculture(26)3-4,435-438.
13 .Programming and financing food security and poverty reduction strategies for protecting the Nigerian child, pp 437-440 .In Protecting the Nigerian Child from Food Insecurity and Poverty
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference of Children in Agriculture Programme,CIAP,2002,Ibadan
Conferences & Workshops Attended
Attended over 30 conferences home and abroad in farm management and agribusiness management
African Farm Management Association Conference
Olayode is widely travelled and consults in community development and small businesses
Sunday Adenrele ADENIYI BSc; MSc;PGDE
Email. ; ;
S. A. Adeniyi holds a BSc (Hons) in Geography with Second Class – Upper Division and MSc (Geography) from University of Ibadan in 1990 and 1992 respectively. He obtained a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from the University of Ilorin in 1997. He holds a professional certification in Geographical Information System (GIS) from Centre for Geographical Analysis (CGA), Stellenbosch University, South Africa in 2012. Before joining the services of Osun State University, he had worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun from 1993 to 2007, where he rose to the position of Principal Lecturer. He is at the verge of completing his PhD degree in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
Research Interest
Land evaluation, Soil degradation and quality assessment, Water quality assessment and Sustainable environmental resource management
Summary of contribution to knowledge:
His research works focus on solid degradation and quality assessment under different land use types and management practices using different multivariate statistical tools including principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA), partial least squares (PLS), principal component regression (PCR), ordinary least squares regression (OLS), and stepwise regression analysis among others.
Academic Appointment
He has been active in teaching, research and administrative matters as a staff in the Department of Geography, Osun State University since joining the services of the University in 2007. Some administrative position held include:
1. Examination officer, Department of Geography 2007 till 2012
2. Secretary, Department of Geography 2007 till 2012
3. Fieldwork Coordinator, Department of Geography 2007; 2010, 2017
4. Chairman, College Sport Committee 2007 till 2012
5. Member, College Examination Committee 2007 till 2012 6. Coordinator, Foundation Programme (MSS) 2009 till 2012
7. Member, University Ad Hoc Committee on Climate Change 2016
8. Staff adviser, 400 level 2016 till date
9. Member, College Public Lecture Committee 2016 till date
Membership of professional bodies:
i. Member, Environment Behaviour Association of Nigeria (EBAN)
ii. Member, Association of Nigerian Geographers (ANG)
iii. Member, Society of South African Geographers
Funded research
An assessment of soil quality under cocoa plantations in southwest Nigeria (Completed TETFund Sponsored Project Research)- Served as Principal Investigator
Academic Fellowship Award
Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) Early Career Fellowship at African Doctoral Academy (ADA), Stellenbosch University, South Africa between 15th January, 2017 and April 20th, 2017
Articles in Learned Journals
i. Awotoye O.O, Ogunkunle C.O. and Adeniyi S.A (2011) “Assessment of soil quality under various land use practices in a humid agro-ecological zone of Nigeria” African Journal of Plant Science, 5(10), 565–569. USA.
ii. Onafeso O.D., Olusola O.A. and Adeniyi S.A (2016) “Hydrogeological deep percolation modelling of groundwater recharge in Voinjama region, Liberia” Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 9(6), 700- 712.
iii. Ogunkunle C.O., Ite A.E., Adeniyi S.A., Akintola E.O., and Okere U.V. (2017) “Urban vegetable farming: Anthropic level, bioavailability and health implication associated with bioaccumulated trace metals in selected vegetables in Ilorin, Nigeria.” Pollution 3(2), 285-300. Published by Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Iran.
iv. Yakubu S., Adeniyi S.A and Folorunsho J.O (2017) “Assessment of Irrigation Water Quality Sourced from River Galma in Zaria, Nigeria”. KIU Journal of Social Sciences. 3, (2)193-199. Published by Kampala International University
v. Adeniyi S.A, de Clercq W.P., van Niekerk A (2017) “Development of a composite soil degradation assessment index for cocoa agroecosystems in southwestern Nigeria”, Solid Earth, 8, 827–843,: Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
vi. Samuel K.J; Adeniyi S.A., Adetunji K (2017), Knowledge and Perception of climate change among peasant farmers in a forest-savanna transition zone of Osun State, Nigeria. African Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol 7 No 1. pp 39-52I
vii Adeniyi S.A, de Clercq W.P., van Niekerk A (2019) “Assessing the relationship between soil quality parameters of Nigerian alfisols and cocoa yield”. Agroforest Systems 93; 1235-1250 Published by Springer in cooperation with The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)..
Refereed Conference Proceedings
vii. Adeniyi S.A (2003) “Reflection on food crop sector performance and ecological problems of food security in the ECOWAS region (1985-1993)” In Challenges of Environmental Sustainability in a Democratic Government Adekunle V., Okoko E. and Adeduntan S. (eds). Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Environment and Behaviour Association of Nigeria, held at the Federal University of Technology, Akure between 26th -27th November, 2003. Pp170-180. EBAN Publisher, Lagos. ISBN: 978-060-748-X.
viii. Adeniyi S. A. (2004) “Towards Effective Waste Management for Sustainable Healthy City Environment in Nigeria” In Environment, Culture and Wealth Generation. Adeofun C.O, Oguntoke O and Akegbejo S.Y (eds). Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Environment and Behaviour Association of Nigeria, held at the University of Agriculture Abeokuta from 24th -26th November, 2004. Pp72-77. EBAN Publisher, Lagos. ISBN: 978-065-471-2.
ix. Adeniyi S. A. (2004) “Towards Land Use Control and Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Nigeria” In Environment, Culture and Wealth Generation. Adeofun C.O, Oguntoke O and Akegbejo S.Y (eds). Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Environment and Behaviour Association of Nigeria, held at the University of Agriculture Abeokuta from 24th-26th November, 2004. Pp78-82. EBAN Publisher, Lagos ISBN: 978-065-471-2.
x. Yakubu S. Adeniyi S.A and Obidiya M.O (2016) “Impact of urban agriculture on poverty reduction in Osogbo, Nigeria” in Donaldson R, Visser G, Kemp J & de Waal J. (eds) Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers held at Stellenbosch University, South Africa from 25th-28th September 2016. Pp 116-123 ISBN: 978-0-7972-1610-5
Unrefereed Conference Papers
xi. Adeniyi S.A (2001) “Rural development planning and programmes in Nigeria: a critique and the new challenges” Paper presented at a National Conference on Rural Environment and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Department of Geography and Planning Sciences University of Ado Ekiti (now Ekiti State University) between 25th to 27th October, 2001.
xii. Adeniyi S. A. (2009) “Adaptation to climate change impacts on water resources and agricultural production in Africa: A sustainable watershed management approach”. Paper presented at the International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development, held at Osun State University, Osogbo between 6th -11th December, 2009.
xiii. Adeniyi S.A, de Clercq W.P., van Niekerk A. and Ologunorisa T.E (2014)
“Assessing changes in soil properties and quality parameters arising from natural forest conversion to peasant cocoa plantations of different ages in tropical lowland rainforest, south-west Nigeria” Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development: Incorporating Environmental Economics, Toxicology and Brownfields held at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy between 14th – 16th May, 2014.
Professional International Activities:</strong> </span><br /> <br />Reviewer, Rice Science, Journal of China National Rice Research Institute Published by Elsevier (2014 till date)</p> <p>Reviewer, Agroforestry Systems, An International Journal Incorporating Agroforestry Forum published by Springer (2014 till date)</p> </p> <p> </p>"
Khadijat Olaitan OLANREWAJU, B.Agric., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Khadijat OLANREWAJU holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. She also has Certificate of Achievement in the scientific on-line course tagged “Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development” organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. She has expertise experience of research processes including empirical data analysis. She belongs to recognized professional associations (see below).
Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:
Communication in Agricultural Extension, Rural Sociology, Development Communication, Agricultural Programme Planning and Evaluation, Agricultural Value Chain Analysis and Development, Gender and Youth in agriculture, Sustainable Rural Development.
Contributions to knowledge
She currently has 6 scholastic publications in local and international Journals. She supervised 3 undergraduate theses in the last one year. She is serving in adequate capacity in the College of Agriculture initiative on sustainable rural development.
Scientific /Professional Activities:
In the past one year, she has contributed to the undergraduate project seminars and their examinations. She is also involved in inter-departmental research collaboration on rural and agricultural issues.
Awards/ Grants
Carnegie Scholarship award for female undergraduates (2006) and Ph.D. Scholarship by Treasureland Cradle Interbiz Resources Ltd. (2015-2018).
Academic Appointments:
Postgraduate Intern for University Research Committee, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife – 2018
Member, UNIOSUN College of Agriculture Sustainable Development Goals Solution Forum– since 2019
Membership of Learned and Professional Association
1. Member, Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria
2. Member, Rural Sociological Association of Nigeria (RUSAN)
3. Member, National Institute of Management (NIM)
Selected recent Publications
1. Ayinde J.O., Olanrewaju K.O. and Omoniyi P.O. (2015). Assessment of youth involvement in the marketing of agricultural produce in selected markets in Osun State, Nigeria. Annals of Child and Youth Studies 6(1):86-97.
2. Olanrewaju K.O. and Farinde A. J. (2017). Appropriateness of Information and Communication Technologies’ use in disseminating Agricultural information: a case study of farmers and extension agents’ experiences in Ogun State, Nigeria. International journal of Agricultural Extension 5(3):93-101.
3. Olanrewaju K.O., Farinde A.J. and Ogundokun J. (2018). Involvement of non-governmental organizations’ in rural development in Nigeria: a case study of Osogbo Catholic Diocesan Rural Development Programme (RUDEP). Moor journal 19: 198 -205.
Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
Some of the conferences attended are:
1. National Research and Development Network of Children and Youth in Agricultural Programmes (CYIAP-network) 2013 Conference, held at Obafemi Awolowo University Conference Centre, Ile-Ife.
2. Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON) 19th Annual Conference held at Federal University of Technology, Oweri, Nigeria. 27 - 30 April, 2014.
3. Rural Sociological Society of Nigeria annual conference held at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, between 8th and 10th October, 2019.
4. OAU/DFID DelPHE International workshop on African Women and Rural Environment (AWARE, 2010), tagged ‘Towards Sustainable Rural Environment: Case for Rural Women Entrepreneur Training’, held at the Obafemi Awolowo University Conference Centre.
Dr. Banwo Oladimeji ALABI, B. Agric, M.Sc. Animal Science, Ph.D. (Ruminant Production)
Email: .
Dr. Banwo Oladimeji ALABI is a faculty member at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Dr Agricultural Production, Ejigbo Campus of Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. He has published many academic articles in reputable journals both locally and international levels. He is a member of notable professional associations.
Research Interest, Achievement/Specialization
Alabi’s areas of research interest include Animal Production and Management especially Small Ruminant Production and Nutrition, Forage Production and Management.
Contributions to Knowledge
Through his research and publications, he has contributed to the ways of solving the problem of dry season feeds for the ruminants and feeding and management of other livestock and domesticated animals
Scientific and Professional activities
Journal Reviewer, Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources
Journal Reviewer, Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology
1.Special Doctoral Trainee Fellow Award by Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. (2007)
2.ETF grant won as a co – researcher in the Department of Animal Science, Osun State University. (2015).
Academic Appointment
Member, College Students’ Disciplinary Committee (2015 till date)
Member, College Postgraduate Committee (2018 till date)
Examination Officer, Department of Animal Science, (2012-till date). Sport Coordinator, College of Agriculture, Ejigbo Campus. (2017 till date) Committee member, Uniosun Inter – Collegiate Debate and Essay competitions (2015 till date)
Membership of Learned and Professional Associations
Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)
Nigerian Society of Animal Production (NSAP)
Registered Animal Scientist of Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (RAS/NIAS)
Society for Grassland Research and Development in Nigeria (SOGREDEN)
Recent Publications
1. Alabi, B. O., Ososanya, T. O. and Alabi, O. M. (2019). Microbial population, physical and chemical characteristics of rumen liquor in West African dwarf rams fed ensile maize forage and Mucuna pruriens foliage. Journal of Agricultural Production and Technology.
2. Alabi, B. O., Busari, A. O. and Ogunleti, E. O. (2019). Assessment of Housing, Nutrition and Health Management practices among Smallholder Sheep Farmers in Ejigbo Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture. Volume 24 (2).
3. Alabi, B. O., Lamidi, A. A., Oyediran, P. J. and Omoloye, H. O. (2019). Quality evaluation and acceptability of silage combinations of maize cobs, Moringa oleifera leaves and cassava peels and its effects on blood parameters of West African dwarf bucks. CPQ Nutrition. Vol.3 Issue 6. Pp 1-12.
4. Alabi, B. O., Ososanya, T. O. and Akinduro, V. O. (2019). Carcass characteristic of Wad rams fed ensiled maize forage and Mucuna pruriens foliage. CPQ Nutrition. Volume 3 Issue 5. Pp 1-9.
5. P. O. Fakolade., B.O. Alabi., B. E. Olorede and A. A. Amao. (2018). Performance characteristics and digestibility status of broilers fed with graded levels of cowpea testa meal based diet. Internal Journal of Development and Sustainability. Volume 7 Number 5. Pages 1711-1720.
6. Alabi, B. O. and Ososanya, T. O. (2017). Haematology and Serum analysis of West African Dwarf rams fed silage combinations of Maize Forage and Mucuna pruriens L. foliage. Nigeria Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 19 (2). Pp 190 – 198.
7. Alabi, B. O. and T. O. Ososanya (2017). Growth performance and nutrient utilisation in West African dwarf rams fed ensiled maize forage and Mucuna pruriens L. Foliage. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production.
Conferences/ Workshop Attended
8th joint ASAN/NIAS conference held at Umuahia between 8th and 12th September, 2019.
7th joint ASAN/NIAS conference held at M & M events centre between 9 - 13th September, 2018
National Workshop on Animal Care and Use in Research , Education and Testing, held at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria between October 23rd and 26th , 2019.
A two- day high level sensitization workshop on Agenda 2020: Making the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the focus of Higher Education and Research Institutes in Nigeria, held at University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State between April 25 – 26, 2018.
Samuel Babatunde ADEDOTUN, B.Sc., M.URP., Ph.D
Dr. Adedotun is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Osun State University Osogbo. He is a member of Nigerian Institute of Town Planners and a Professionally Registered Town Planner. He obtained his PhD from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. He was the examination officer for the department for four academic sessions from 2011/2012 to 2014/2015. He was the Coordinator and Ag. Head of the department for 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 academic sessions.
Research Interests, Achievements/ Specialization:
His research interest is Transportation Planning from the perspectives of Environmental Planning and Management. Transportation planning as a field in Urban and Regional Planning is highly integral for a balanced socio-economic and environmental development within urban and rural areas in Nigeria. Most urban and rural challenges and problems in Nigeria can be traced to deficiency in transport planning and management. While time and cash are wasted in Nigerian urban centres due to inefficient transport system, farm products could not command reasonable prices to farmers. The result is that crops are wasted, while farmers lack incentives to increase cultivation of more crops. Consequently, farming activities become subsistence and cycle of poverty sets in. Transportation planning, therefore, requires effective and efficient planning principles which his works are directed to.
Contributions to knowledge:
He made a few contributions to knowledge in the field of Urban and Regional Planning and other areas of planning such as Environmental Planning and Management and Infrastructural planning and management. He has about thirty publications in both local and international journals. He has also attended various local and international conferences.
These articles reported findings in a rapidly developing economy where such studies had not been adequately reported. These publications also considered different categories of cities in the analysis of urban transportation which makes their conclusion more reliable in policy formulation for urban transportation planning and management.
Selected recent publications:
1. S.B Adedotun, D.S. Ogundahunsi and A.S. Oyeniyi (2016); Assessment of road transport infrastructure in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. WIT Transaction on The Built Environment, Volume 164, 2016. WITpress. Pp 61-72
2. D.S Ogundahunsi, S.B. Adedotun and S.A. Adejuwon (2016), Safety awareness of roadside traders in Osogbo Township, Osun State, Nigeria. WIT Transaction on The Built Environment, Volume 164, 2016. WITpress. Pp 93-104.
3. S. B. Adedotun (2017); The history, impact and sustainability of monthly public environmental sanitation in Nigeria: A case study of Osun State. In Adeboyejo A.T, Jelili M.O, Akindele O.A, Abolade O. and Ogunkan D.V (edt) Sustainable Environmental Management and Planning in Nigeria, pp129-143. Faculty of Environmental Sciences, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
4. Ogundahunsi Dele S. and S. B. Adedotun (2017); Urban market as serious generators of wastes: Sustainable issues for consideration. In Adeboyejo A.T, Jelili M.O, Akindele O.A, Abolade O. and Ogunkan D.V (edt) Sustainable Environmental Management and Planning in Nigeria, pp313-329. Faculty of Environmental Sciences, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
5. S. B. Adedotun, N. B. Tanimowo and R. B. Ibrahim (2017), A Study of Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Urbanities and Their Travel Pattern in Nigeria, Journal of Economic and Environmental Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4 (44/2017), University of Opole Poland. Pg. 831-848.
6. Rafiu Babatunde IBRAHIM, Emmanuel Adigun TOYOBO, Samuel Babatunde ADEDOTUN, Sulaiman YUNUS (2018); Evaluation of the Public Pipe-borne Water Supply in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Economic and Environmental Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3 (47/2018), University of Opole Poland. Pg. 1105-1119.
7. N. B. Tanimowo and S. B. Adedotun (2018); Analysis of Urban Form and Households’ Mobility Characteristics in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Geography and Planning Sciences, Vol. 3 No 1, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria. Pp 16-26
8. S. B. Adedotun and R. B. Ibrahim (2018); Assessment of Road Accidents in Ibadan North-East Local Government of Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Geography and Planning Sciences, Vol. 3 No 2, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria. Pp 52-65
9. S. B. Adedotun, D. S. Ogundahunsi and D.O. Adedotun (2019); Street Encroachment by the Informal Metal Container Operators in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Osun Geographical Review: Journal of the Department of Geography, Osun State University, State of Osun, Nigeria. Vol.2, pp 36-42
10. Ibrahim, R.B., Adedotun, S.B., OLawoyin, O.S. and Olawoyin, R.O. (2019); Effects of Abandoned Buildings on the Environment in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Uniosun Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences (UJEES), Vol.1, No1, pp86-94
11. Adedotun, S.B., Ogundahunsi, D.S., Ibrahim, R.B. and Ewedairo, K.S. (2020); Analysis of Intra-Urban Variation in Household Mobility Characteristics in Osun State, Nigeria, in R.B. Ibrahim and A.B. Muili (Ed); Planning and Management of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Nigeria. LAUTECH Press, Ogbomoso. ISBN:978-978-57521-0-6. Pg 32-51
12. Ogundahunsi, D.S., Adedotun, S.B., Olayode, O. and Tanimowo, N.B. (2020); Household Perception of Road Traffic Accident in Osun State, Nigeria, in R.B. Ibrahim and A.B. Muili (Ed); Planning and Management of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Nigeria. LAUTECH Press, Ogbomoso. ISBN:978-978-57521-0-6. Pg 69-92
Some of the conferences attended:
i. 1st International Conference on Engineering and Environmental Sciences (ICEES): Advancing Technology and Environmental Burdens (Challenges and Sustainable Solution) 5th-7th November, 2019. Prince Olagunsoye Hall, UNIOSUN, Osogbo
ii. Nigeria Green Cities Summit, Abuja, August 27-29, 2019. At the Central Bank International Conference Centre, Abuja. Nigerian Institute of Town Planners.
iii. 13th UNILAG Annual Research Conference and Fair, August 28-30, 2018, Jelili Omotola Halls, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagoss.
iv. 2017 Mandatory Compulsory Professional Development Programme organized by the Nigerians Institute of Town Planners. “Enhancing the liveability of informal settlements”. Leisure spring hotel, Osogbo, 17th-18th May, 2017
v. 22nd International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment organized by the Wessex Institute of Technology, UK in Crete, Greece between 21st and 23rd June, 2016
vi. International Conference on Climate Change Organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Crop and Environmental Protection, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. May 18th -20th 2016
vii. 2015 Annual Conference of Environmental Management Association of Nigeria (EMAN) held at Sheraton Abuja Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, November 19-21, 2015
viii. 46 Annual Conference/AGM of Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) held at Banquet Hall, Government House Ilorin, Kwara State, 27th -30th Octomber, 2015. Theme: Making Cities in Nigeria Functional
Laboratory Assistant
Department Anatomy
KOLAWOLE Oluwasegun Obey was born in Osogbo, Olorunda Local Government,Osun State. He attended People primary school lbadan from 1985 to 1991 and Ibadan boys high school from 1991 to 1997.
Professional career
Kolawole was appointed into the service of Osun State University as a Casual worker in 2015. He worked assiduously and was appointed and assumed duty as a Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Anatomy in Osun State University Osogbo Osun State on 18th Nov, 2019.
Laboratory Assistant
Department Anatomy
KOLAWOLE Oluwasegun Obey was born in Osogbo, Olorunda Local Government,Osun State. He attended People primary school lbadan from 1985 to 1991 and Ibadan boys high school from 1991 to 1997.
Professional career
Kolawole was appointed into the service of Osun State University as a Casual worker in 2015. He worked assiduously and was appointed and assumed duty as a Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Anatomy in Osun State University Osogbo Osun State on 18th Nov, 2019.
Mr. OYEBODE Abiodun Adebayo
Laboratory Supervisor
Anatomy Department
OYEBODE Abiodun A. is a native of Ikire in Irewole local government, in Osun State. He went to Wesley College Practicing School Ibadan between 1989 to 1995 and Ibadan Christ Apostolic Grammar School between 1996 to 2001 and later to The Polytechnic of Ibadan for National Diploma in accounting 2007 and Ladoke Akintola University for Bsc accounting 2016. He assumed duty as Laboratory Attendant at the Department of Anatomy in Osun State University in March 2010. He has worked tremendously hard and has received various promotions and is presently at the level of Laboratory Supervisor.
MR. ADEYOOYE Oluwakolade Akande
Laboratory Technologist
Department of Anatomy
Adeyooye Oluwakolade Akande was born in Lagos, Surulere Local Government, Lagos State. He attended Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso Oyo state for his Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science between 2006 and 2011. He proceeded to do his compulsory internship at Federal Medical Centre Abeokuta between 2013 and 2014 before going for his National Youth Service (NYSC) at Medical Centre, 32 Artillery Brigade, owena cantonment, Akure Ondo state between 2014 and 2015.
Professional Career
He was appointed as the Laboratory coordinator of the Laboratory Department in the Medical Centre, 32 Artillery Brigade, Owena Cantoment, Akure Ondo state during his service year between 2014 and 2015. He proceeded to First Mercy Specialist Hospital Akure Ondo State where he was appointed as the Laboratory Manager of the Laboratory Department between 2015 and 2018. He was appointed and assumed duty as Laboratory Technologist at the Department of Anatomy in Osun State University, Osogbo Osun State on 3rd September 2018.
He is a member of Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists Nigeria.
He is also a member of African Society for Laboratory Medicine.
OWOLABI, Bibitayo Ayobami. B.Wildlife Management, MThech Wildlife Management.
Email: ,
OWOLABI, Bibitayo Ayobami is a Second-Class Upper graduate of Wildlife Management from the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Osun State University, Osogbo in 2012. He holds a Master of Agricultural Technology from the Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Federal University of Technology Akure in 2016. And He is currently a PhD student in the Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Federal University of Technology Akure.
Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:
Ornithology, Biodiversity conservation, Human Wildlife conflict and Climate change.
Contributions to knowledge
He has scholastic publications in local and international Journals. He has attended Conferences and Workshops.
Awards/ Grants
Best Graduating Student in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Osun State University, Osogbo. 2011/2012 academic session.
Osun State University Postgraduate grant recipient for 2018/2019 academic session.
Membership of Learned and Professional Association
Member, Wildlife Society of Nigeria (WISON)
Member, Nigeria Bird Atlass Project.
Selected recent Publications
Owolabi B.A 2016. Assessment and survey of avifaunal species richness in Osun State University Osogbo, Nigeria. Proceedings of NTBA/NSCB Joint Biodiversity Conference; Unilorin 2016 (58- 67pp).
Orimaye J.O, Okosodo E.F, Ogunyemi O.O, Owolabi B.A, and Eveso J 2016. Bird Species Diversity in the Royal Forest Reserve in Eggua Southern Nigeria. Journal of Researches in Agricultural Sciences (JRAS) Volume 4. Issue 2.
Owolabi B.A, Odewumi S.O and Agbelusi E.A 2017. Distribution and abundance of African Green Pigeon in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Researches in Agricultural Sciences (JRAS). Volume 3.
Owolabi B.A, Odewumi O.S, Orimaye J.O, Akande H.A. Population estimate of African Green Pigeon (Treron calvus) in Ekiti State Nigeria. Proceeding of the 6th biodiversity conservation Conference of the Nigerian Society for Conservation Biology. University of Uyo, Nigeria 2018. (25- 29 Pp).
Owolabi BA, Adekola OE, Eveso JO, Akande HA (2018) Diurnal Patterns of Daily Activities Frequencies of White-Faced Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna viduata) in an Open Dam in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. J Biodivers Endanger Species 6: 217. DOI: 10.4172/2332-2543.1000217
Owolabi, B.A.; Orimaye J.O.; Okosodo E.F.; Adekola O. A.; Adewumi A.A.; HRM Abolarinwa A.O.; Akande H.A. (2018) Raptors of a Pristine Rainforest: A Case Study of Ayikunugba Waterfalls Oke Ila Orangun, Osun State Nigeria. Proceeding of the Wildlife Society of Nigeria. Held at Federal University of Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria between 16th-20th September 2018. (144-152 Pp).
Owolabi, B.A., Adewumi, A.A., Orimaye, J.O., Akande, H.A. (2018). Survey of Avifauna Species of a Degraded Environment: Case Study of College of Agriculture, Osun State University, Nigeria. Nig. J. of Wildl. Mgt., 2018, 2(2):
Owolabi B.A, Adewumi, A.A., Ogunjinmi, A.A, Orimaye, I.F., Alake B.O., Ajayi, I.M., Adeyemi, A.A., Olakojo, S.A. (2019). Food choice of Mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) in College of Agriculture, Osun State University". Proceedings of the Wildlife Society of Nigeria 2019 Conference. University of Ibadan. (342-346).
Adewumi, A.A, Alabi, B. O, Owolabi B.A., and llufoye, O.D (2019). Chemical Composition of Captive Breed Grasscutter (Thryonomys swindarianus) Meat fed with different Inclusion level of Cowpea Testa as a replacement for Soya Bean Meal. Proceedings of the Wildlife Society of Nigeria 2019 Conference. University of Ibadan. (272-276).
A. Bibitayo OWOLABI, O. Sunday ODEWUMI, J. Olayinka OLORUNFEMI &
O. Adeola OYEBAMIJI (2019). Recent sightings of the Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio in Igboho, southwest Nigeria. Malimbus Journal volume 41 pp65-66
Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
Nigeria Tropical Biology Association (NTBA). Held on 19th and 20th May, 2015, at Federal University of Technology, Akure. Certificate of Participation on Conservation in the 21st Nigerian: Transcending Disciplinary Boundaries.
Nigeria Tropical Biology Association (NTBA), Training on Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS). Organized by Held on 21st -23rd May, 2015, at Federal University of Technology, Akure.
Important Bird Area (IBA) Monitoring Workshop. Conducted by the IITA Forest Unit Ornithological Monitoring Project, on 30 November-2 December 2015.
Trigger species of the IITA Forest Reserve- ecology & conservation status. Conducted by the IITA Forest Unit Ornithological Monitoring Project, on 28-30 June 2016.
Raptors- Threats and Conservation. Conducted by the IITA Forest Unit Ornithological Monitoring Project, on 12-14 December 2016. Certificates of Appreciation as a resource person.
Biodiversity Conservation and National development: Potentials and Challenges. 6th biodiversity conservation Conference of the Nigerian Society for Conservation Biology. Held at University of Uyo, Nigeria between 6th-12th May 2018.
“Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Wildlife” WISON 2018 conference of the Wildlife Society of Nigeria. Held at Federal University of Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria between 16th- 20th September 2018.