Available Programmes:
B.Eng. Agricultural Engineering
Aims and Objectives of the Programme
The general aims and objectives of Engineering and Technology training should be in consonance with the realisation of national needs and aspirations vis-à-vis industrial development and technological emancipation. For the attainment of the above philosophy, the department will make deliberate efforts to fulfill the underlisted objectives:
- to be able to exercise original thought, have good professional judgment and be able to take responsibility for the direction of important tasks and be able to manage people, fund, materials and equipment.
- to design engineering projects and supervise their construction, make components, machines, equipment and systems, design and develop new products using new production techniques, to adapt and adopt exogenous technology in order to solve local engineering problems
- train engineers that are capable of applying engineering principles to soil management; crop production; agricultural mechanization; harvesting, processing, preservation and storage; moisture and water conservation; irrigation; farm structures and livestock welfare and environment and farm and agricultural business management.
- train engineers that are capable for economic selection via optimizing, utilizing, operating, maintaining and repairing labour saving machines/equipment that are used in Agriculture to maximize the benefits to be derived from them.
- train engineers that are capable of relating their environment and their activities with each other and then develop in themselves the dispositions/responsibilities that is required for professional advantages of the area in Agricultural production, to install and maintain complex engineering systems so that they can perform optimally in our environment.
- appraise students based on their limitations and potentials and to make real efforts in provision of relevant compensation/measures.
Admission Requirements:
UTME Entry
In addition to the general entry requirements of the University, an intending candidate for admission into the degree of B.Eng. (Hons) in the department must pass the followings: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, English Language at GCE or SSCE at credit level.
Direct Entry
Direct Entry candidates must, in addition to the above, must pass in two of the papers at Advanced Level; or a minimum of Credit in Agricultural Engineering in the HND programme or a minimum of Upper Credit in Agricultural Engineering in the ND programme from recognized Polytechnics; or holds a Diploma in any of Agricultural Sciences from a recognized University.
Duration of the programme
The duration of the programme is five sessions, that is,
-10 semesters for UTME candidates
-8 semesters for Direct Entry candidate ND Agricultural Engineering candidate from Polytechnics /or
-6 semesters for HND Agricultural Engineering candidate from Polytechnics and the likes.
Admission and graduation policy
Admission: see relevant section of the minimum academic standard document.
State the University’s policy on admission – admission requirement to the programmes, and other factors which influence the selection of students. Also state if there is any policy on advanced placement of students. For example, exemption from certain courses already completed in another University or programme.
For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the Osun State University, a candidate shall be required to meet the Faculty and Departmental admission requirements as stipulated in the individual Faculty and Departmental Handbooks. In addition to the Faculty requirements, the candidate should possess the following minimum qualifications:
- A candidate for admission into the 100 level must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board’s University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
(ii) Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level must have two (2) Advanced Level passes or approved equivalents in relevant subjects in addition to the minimum requirements of credit level passes at the SSCE or its equivalents in five subjects are not more than two sittings.
In all admissions into the University, credit level pass in English Language is required. In addition, credit level pass in Mathematics is required for all science- based, Social Sciences and Management Science courses.
Post-UTME Screening
Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores are required to pass the University post-UTME screening before being admitted.
Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university is four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates), and shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.
Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
- Completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
- completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses
- Obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.
The graduation requirements for the different honours degree programmes are as contained in the individual Departmental Handbooks.
Brief History:
The Department of Agricultural Engineering of the Osun State University is one of the two engineering departments under the College of Science, Engineering and Technology established in 2019/2020 academic session as part of the third phase of development of the University. Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degree programme in Agricultural Engineering was approved by the University Senate and Council in the 2018/2019 academic session. The first set of students were admitted into Part I of the programme in December 2019.
The Department runs a 5-year undergraduate programme, operating 2-semester course units in its curriculum to acquaint the students with the basic knowledge, practices and current advances in the field of Agricultural Engineering. Agricultural Engineering is concerned with the planning, design, construction, maintenance and environmental impact of farm and farmstead and those things therein like buildings, roads, waterways, bridges and culverts, dams and their structures, water supply, drainage and irrigation systems/schemes.
The programme in Agricultural Engineering is therefore designed to produce engineers that can meet the challenges in the afore-mentioned areas through service in governmental agencies/establishments, the farm and their settlements. It is designed to train engineers that are capable of applying engineering principles to soil management; crop production; agricultural mechanization; harvesting, processing, preservation and storage; moisture and water conservation; irrigation; farm structures and livestock welfare and environment and farm and agricultural business management. The two semesters in the calendar of the University, tagged Harmattan and Rain, each has 17-18 weeks duration. The programme leads to the awards of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degree in Agricultural Engineering.
The academic programme of the Department operates academic curricular that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards and as required by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN. The curricula for the programme are being regularly revised. The last revision took place in 2022 to bring the programme contents in line with Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS) by the National Universities Commission (NUC) and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).
To be a centre of excellence providing high quality teaching and learning experiences in Agricultural Engineering that will engender the production of entrepreneurial graduates in the discipline, graduates that are capable of impacting on their environment while being globally competitive.
The mission of the department is to provide Nigeria and the whole world graduates of Agricultural Engineering that will compete favourably with all others in the whole world in term of leading in the provision of more favourable environment for agricultural production in any part of the world.
Toward achieving the national goals and objectives of industrialisation and self-reliance, the Agricultural Engineering education is geared towards:
- The development of a thorough practice in Agricultural Engineering training. Education has been conceived as the engine of national development, therefore Agricultural Engineering as a course was thus established on the philosophy of been relevant to education which must continually be responsive to the changing imperatives of the socio-economic and technological development of the nation.
- Early broad – based training in general Engineering and Technology
- Practical application of Engineering, Technology and Manufacturing Processes to food production in general.
- Adequate training in human and organisational behaviour and to raise men and women imbued with the requisite skills, knowledge and competencies to be the arrow heads of the socio-economic and technological development of Nigeria in general and Osun State in particular.
- Introduction to entrepreneurial education and training.
The general philosophy therefore is to produce graduates with high academic standard and adequate practical background for self-employment as well as being of immediate value to industry and the community in general.
Aims and Objectives of the Programme
The general aims and objectives of Engineering and Technology training should be in consonance with the realisation of national needs and aspirations vis-à-vis industrial development and technological emancipation. For the attainment of the above philosophy, the department will make deliberate efforts to fulfill the underlisted objectives:
- to be able to exercise original thought, have good professional judgment and be able to take responsibility for the direction of important tasks and be able to manage people, fund, materials and equipment.
- to design engineering projects and supervise their construction, make components, machines, equipment and systems, design and develop new products using new production techniques, to adapt and adopt exogenous technology in order to solve local engineering problems
- train engineers that are capable of applying engineering principles to soil management; crop production; agricultural mechanization; harvesting, processing, preservation and storage; moisture and water conservation; irrigation; farm structures and livestock welfare and environment and farm and agricultural business management.
- train engineers that are capable for economic selection via optimizing, utilizing, operating, maintaining and repairing labour saving machines/equipment that are used in Agriculture to maximize the benefits to be derived from them.
- train engineers that are capable of relating their environment and their activities with each other and then develop in themselves the dispositions/responsibilities that is required for professional advantages of the area in Agricultural production, to install and maintain complex engineering systems so that they can perform optimally in our
- appraise students based on their limitations and potentials and to make real efforts in provision of relevant compensation/measures.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The programme has five basic PEOs which are highlighted below:
- PEO1 –KNOWLEDGE: access high quality teaching and learning experiences in mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of developmental and complex engineering problems;
- PEO2 –RESEARCH: conduct investigation into developmental or complex problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions;
- PEO3 -ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS: have entrepreneurial skills that can make them stand on their own as job creators, to provide the engineering industry and profession globally, with readily employable and enterprising graduates prepared for the assumption of technical, managerial and financial responsibilities.
- PEO4 -PROFESSIONALISM AND TEAMWORK: execute and manage teamwork, interpersonal skills and professional growth and be able to conduct professional practice considering societal, ethical, and environmental aspects.
- PEO5 – INVENTION AND CREATIVITY: apply the acquired knowledge and skills in agricultural engineering to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for global competitiveness.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
The programme outcomes are presented below:
- PO1 Engineering knowledge - Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of developmental and complex engineering problems
- PO2 Problem Analysis – Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze developmental and complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
- PO3 Design/Development of Solutions - Proffer solutions for developmental or complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations
- PO4 Investigation - Conduct investigation into developmental or complex problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
- PO5 Modern Tools Usage - Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and ICT tools, including prediction, modelling and optimization to developmental and complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
- PO6 The Engineer and Society - Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge including Humanities and Social Sciences to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice
- PO7 Environment & Sustainability - Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development
- PO8 Ethics - Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice, including adherence to the COREN Engineers Code of Conducts.
- PO9 Individual & Team Work - Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
- PO10 Communication - Communicate effectively on developmental or complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- PO11 Project Management & Finance - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering, management and financial principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments
- PO12 Lifelong Learning - Recognize the need for, and have the preparations and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological and social changes
The faculty members of the College of Education of Osun State University have received several awards and research grants. Some of these research grants include:
- TETFUND funded research on Peace Education.
- TETFUND funded research on The Effect of Cognitive Behaviour Therapies in Reducing Aggressive Behaviour among In - School Adolescents.
- TETFUND funded research on Structural Framework for the Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Hybrid Learning Strategy Guide for Secondary Schools.
- TETFUND Institutional Research-Cutting Edge Approach for Promoting Inclusive Education for Dyslexic Children
International Research Review IRR was founded in 2009 in the College of Education in 2009. The UNIOSUN Journal of Teaching and Learning of the Faculty of Education, Osun State University was established in 2016. Both journals are independent, peer-reviewed journal. Issued one time per year. It is a medium for the scholars from different institution of learning to publish their research findings. The journals pride are on quality and has an editorial team with a wealth of experience and expertise in education research.