B. Sc. (Ed) Business Education
The Philosophy for Business Education
B. Sc. (Ed) Degree Business Education programme is to provide individuals with relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to be self-reliant and economically self-sufficient for gainful employment, meaningful living, and to contribute to the development of the society. The programme is designed in consonance with the needs of the business community to ensure that education and training offered are consistent with the competencies for the present and emerging job requirements and opportunities.
- It provides opportunities for practical job preparation or vocational studies in order to make students render effective and efficient services in office, distributive and service occupations.
- It prepares students, based on interest and aptitudes needed to enter into a business occupation, advance and profit in it.
- It provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of business and economic system of the nation so as to enable them to participate actively as producers and consumers of goods and services
- It develops in students the basic awareness of the contribution which business and office employee makes to the Nations’ economy.
- It develops and improve personal qualities and attitude of students as required in
Programme specializations
- Business Education (Accounting Option)
- Business Education (Office Technology Management Option)
- Business Education (Marketing / Distributive Option)
- Business Education (Entrepreneurship Option)
The Department of Business Education took off as a programme in the Department of Arts and Social Science Education, after resource verification, during 2022/2023 Academic Session. The programme started as a four-year Degree programme with four students. B.Sc. (Ed) Degree Business Education is a specialized profession designed to provide students with knowledge, skills and competence leading to employability and advancement in office occupations, pedagogical skills in teaching business subjects at different levels of educational system as well as self-employment or being an employer of labour. As an aspect of Vocational Education and Training, Business Education is designed to fill the gap between knowledge and practice by exposing students to General Education as well as specialized areas in Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Office Management.
For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
Direct entry
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.
B. Sc. (Ed) Economics
The Philosophy for Economics Education
The B. Sc. (Ed) Economics Programme is being undertaken to produce the right caliber of committed professionals in the area of Education Economics in the right quality and quantity in order to meet the national needs and contribute to the achievement of the national goals on education particularly at the secondary school level. Teacher trainees at the end of programme should be capable of effectively teaching all components of Economics in the secondary, as the programme aims at providing prospective teachers with solid background knowledge in the subject. To this end, the programme is set to achieve the following objectives.
The specific objectives of the programme are to:
- Identify models that identify the essence of a problem, analyse and reason both deductively and inductively;
- Provide training in the principles of economics and their application appropriate to the type of degree concerned-single, joint and combine studies;
- Stimulate students intellectually through the study of economics and to lead them to appreciate its application to a range of problems and its relevance in a variety of contexts;
- Provide a firm foundation of knowledge in a range of settings
- Develop in students the ability to apply the analytical tools, knowledge and skills acquired to the
B. A. (Ed) English
The Philosophy for English Education
The B. A. (Ed) English Programme is being undertaken to produce the right caliber of committed professionals in the area of Education English in the right quality and quantity in order to meet the national needs and contribute to the achievement of the national goals on education particularly at the secondary school level. Teacher trainees at the end of programme should be capable of effectively teaching all components of English in the secondary, as the programme aims at providing prospective teachers with solid background knowledge in the subject. To this end, the programme is set to achieve the following objectives.
The objectives of this programme are to:
- inculcate the basic skills in the study of oral and written language and literature;
- acquaint students with the basic structures of English Language sentences, clause and phase;
- inculcate proficiency in the use of English Language for communicative purposes;
- expose students to basic genres of literature within and outside Nigeria (i.e. Prose, Poetry and Drama).
- prepare students for the teaching of language and Literature in Nigerian school system.
Political Science Education
The Philosophy for Political Science Education
The B. Sc. (Ed) Political Science Programme is being undertaken to produce the right caliber of committed professionals in the area of Education Political Science in the right quality and quantity in order to meet the national needs and contribute to the achievement of the national goals on education particularly at the secondary school level. Teacher trainees at the end of programme should be capable of effectively teaching all components of Political Science in the secondary, as the programme aims at providing prospective teachers with solid background knowledge in the subject. To this end, the programme is set to achieve the following objectives.
The main objectives of a degree in Education Political Science are to:
- provide training in the principles of Political Science and their application to the classroom practice;
- stimulate the student intellectually through the programme in such a way that they appreciate social problems;
- provide a solid foundation of knowledge about the workings of society and its institutions and develop the skills for the constructive use of such knowledge;
- develop in students the ability to apply the knowledge to the resolution of societal problems and conflicts;
- develop in students such skills and competencies that would allow them to be self-reliant and entrepreneurial.