


Engr. O. M. FATOKUN B.Sc
Principal Programmer

Engr. Fatokun Olusakin Muyiwa holds a B.Tech.(Computer Engineering) degree from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. He is a Charted Information Technology Specialist(C.ITP) and Member, Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria(CPN). He is a Certified Computer Engineer by Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). He is also a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers(NSE) and Member, Nigeria Computer Society(NCS).

He began his software engineering career in 2004 with Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso, almost immediately he bagged his first degree in 2003 from the same University and his final year project on software engineering fetched him his first appointment as System Programmer. Out of his own wiliness and patriotism in the bid to serve his state better, he joined the service of Osun State University in 2009 till date and rose to the position of Principal System Programmer in Information Management and Technology Centre(IMTC) under the Office of the Vice Chancellor.

As the Head of Programming Unit, in IMTC, Engr. Fatokun O. Muyiwa with the Programming Team has demonstrated his wealth of experience and expertise in ensuring a paperless office for a smooth e-administration such that virtually all the application packages running on the University website/portal were developed and managed in-house.

In addition, he is also into scanning, scoring and reporting of multiple choice objective examination where he administers about twelve general courses(GNS) across the six campuses of the University using Optical Mark Reader (OMR)Machine. He has received a lot of encomium and commendation letters from the Management of the University for a job well done in his chosen career.


ODEDIRAN Taiwo Adisa


Principal Technical Officer I
Room 105, Administrative Building, Main Campus


Odediran Taiwo bagged HND in Computer Science from Federal Polytechnic, Ede. He is also a member of Nigeria Computer Society of Nigeria (NCS).


Repair of Computers across all campuses
Representing the Acting Director, IMTC at Due Process Meeting
Giving ICT support and at university programmes

Adejumo Adetola IMTC-LIBRARYADEJUMO, Adetola Anu
System Analyst
IMTC/Library, 006/108/202


My name is ADEJUMO, Adetola Anu. I hold a bachelor degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering with other academic and professional certificates. I am an energetic and highly talented Information Communication Technology professional who meets technical challenges with both academic and technical skills. I am results-driven and passionate about my work. I work mainly at Sola Akinrinade Central Library, Osogbo Campus of Osun State University, Oke-Baale. My expertise spans the areas of Computer Networking, System analysis and programming, Linux and Windows server operating system administration. I am a lover of God and Integrity. My interests are in research, meditation and strategic planning.

I am directly responsible to the University Librarian on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related matters and function in leading roles towards setting up and maintaining electronic libraries in all campuses. My other job roles include technical administration and management of library website on, system administration of all computers of libraries of colleges, provision of technical assistance in troubleshooting hardware and software problems, system support for staff and students on electronic resources across all colleges, technical administration and support for electronic catalog website on, technical administration and support for e-Granary Digital Library servers for all campuses, training of staff members and students on electronic library resources use and information access and co-ordination of e-library activities.

Olayiwola LatifatOLAYIWOLA, Latifat O.
Principal Technical Officer II
IMTC, Okuku Campus


 I am Olayiwola Latifat Bisola, a 34-year-old woman. I am from Irepodun Local Government of Osun State. I am married and blessed with three children.

I have a B.Sc. (2016), HND (2008)and OND (2005) in Computer Science at Osun State University Osogbo, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree and Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke respectively. I joined the service of Osun State University in March, 2010 as a Laboratory Technologist. My appointment was confirmed on 22nd April, 2014. I became a Principal Technical Officer II on 1st October, 2016.

Job Description

- Maintenance and operation of laboratory computers.
- Provision of IT support to staff/students.
- Operation of computers and the Networks.
- Maintaining the security of the laboratory.
- Installation of computer system in the college.
- Orientation on the use of portal and other web services to staff and students.
- Ensuring constant internet access and making calls to Internet service provider if need be.
- Keeping record of equipment and laboratory supplies.
- Support on Network Infrastructure. 


Adeyemi AbosedeADEYEMI Abosede Kikelomo
Administrative Officer II
202, Admin Building, Main Campus


My name is ADEYEMI, Abosede K., I am from Boluwaduro Local Government Area of Osun State.  I graduated from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State where I bagged my degree in Business Education.   I had my second degree at Ladoke Akintola University  of Technology(LAUTECH), Ogbomosho where I bagged my Master in Public Administration (MPA).

I joined the service of Osun State University on 23rd February, 2010.

I am presently an Administrative Office II in the Office of the Registrar, Osun State University.

I am happily married and blessed with kids.

-Administration of Meeting: Attending meetings, writing minutes/reports of meeting etc.

-Writing of Letters and Memorandum for the Registrar such as:

-Internal memorandum to Staff, College, Faculties, Departments

-Issuance of Letters of Award of Contract to the Contractors, Letters to the Corporate/ Private Organizations, Universities, Government Agencies such as Institutes, Ministries (State and Federal), and Local Government etc.

-Attending to official e-mail, Visitors of the Office of the Registrar and Student: Sending, Receiving, and responding to mails.  Guiding and assisting the students on academic and personal issues.

-Contract Administration: Preparation /Arrangement of Tender/Bids Documents for Contract Works: Receiving/collating bids documents, Attending/Administering Bid Tender opening, etc.

olaaaaaOLAREWAJU, Oluwagbenga
Administrative Officer II
Room 204, Admin Building, Main Campus


 I am  Olarewaju Oluwagbenga an indigen of Ido-Oko Ijesa in Obokun local Government of Osun State. I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.Sc) from Ekiti State University, Ekiti State.  

As administrative Officer, my job includes: Collecting, analyzing and interpreting data for day-to-day use of the operation; making submission and preparing draft letter and Memorandum on specific matters as assigned by the Head of the unit. Preparing of draft minutes and report of meetings. Keeping all the necessary documents of staff for day-to-day use by the university related to personnel affairs unit. Giving a useful advice and information to my superior officer for the progress of my unit and for the attainment of the university objectives as a whole. Serve as secretary to several ad-hoc committee as may be assigned by the Head of Unit.

oladapo olusola Registry 1OLADAPO, Olusola Elizabeth
Assistant Chief Clerical Officer
203, Admin Building, Main Campus


 I am  Oladapo, Olusola Elizabeth (Nee Makanjuola) born on 4th march, 1981 at Ilesa, Ilesa west local Government in Osun State. I attended Igbogi Primary School in Ilesa, School of Science, Ilesa and I later attended Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso where I obtained Bachelor of Science degree in accounting (2nd class lower, 2014). I joined Osun State University on October 22, 2017, I have worked in the Provost Office, college of Science Engineering and Technology from 2017 to 2012, Registrar’s Office from 2012 till date. I am married and blessed with children. 

Receiving incoming and dispatching outgoing mails, making photocopy of several documents (confidential and unconfidential), filling of documents, collating of papers for meetings, circulation of papers during and after the meeting period, ensuring hospitality in the office, keeping filles, records and handling correspondences, ensure proper organization of the office, collection of materials supplied. And any other duties as may be assigned by the Head of Unit.


Olanipekun Jumoke RegistryOLANIPEKUN, Jumoke Janet
Confidential Secretary III
202, Admin Building, Main Campus


 I am Olanipekun Jumoke born on 21st June, 1984 at Ibadan, Oyo State. I attended Army Children Primary School Ibadan, Army day Secondary School, Odogbo Ojoo, Ibadan. I attended Federal Polyctechnic Ede, Osun State, where I obtain my OND in secretarial study with upper credit in 2007 and HND in Office technology & Management in 2011 with upper credit. I worked at Tunde Adejumo & co as a Secretary between 2008 – 2009 and also the Polytechnic Imesi – Ile as a secretary to the Rector between 3013 – 2015. I joined Osun State University on 1st September, 2015 as a Secretary in the Office of the Registrar till date. 

Writing and typing of manuscript (Letter and Memorandum), Custodian of Office confidential records and retrieving them on demand, follow – up actions on correspondences, attending to Visitors, enquiries and telephone calls, keeping Diary of Office activities, making requisition for office supplies, maintenance of office equipment and organization of office routine work.


ADEWUYIADEWUYI Adetoyese Adegoke
Senior Assistant Registrar
Room 305, Administrative Building, Main Campus

I, ADEWUYI Adetoyese Adegoke was born about 41years ago. I attended Oranmiyan Memorial Grammar School, Ile-Ife, for my Secondary School Education, where I obtained General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level. I then proceeded to Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, for my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) and Master degrees, where I obtained a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in Economics and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in 1995 and 2000 respectively. I am also a registered/full member of Association of University Administrators (AUA) United Kingdom, and Association of Nigerian University Professional Administrators (ANUPA). I am happily married to Mrs. Idowu T. Adewuyi and our marriage is blessed with three (3) wonderful children.

Servicing of meetings of Management and those of the Principal Officers. Attending to follow follow-up actions including issuing Decision Extracts to appropriate University Functionaries for Implementation. Management of Ad-Hoc Committee meetings involving Principal Officers and Provosts/Deans as well as those involving External Agencies and Dignitaries. Assisting in preparing Draft Response Letters to Organizations outside the immediate University environments.  Administration of the Logistics of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor especially in Hosting Guests of the University and Processing the Financial Requirements. Taking follow-up actions on Vice-Chancellor’s Mails and Correspondences. Preparing Draft Letters for the Vice-Chancellor. Liaison between the Vice-Chancellor’s Office and Principal Officers and Provosts, Deans, Directors and Heads of Department and Heads of Units on Official Matters. Secretary to different Committees as assigned by the Higher Authorities. 

TitiloyeTITILOYE Oluwaranti Folakemi
Principal Confidential Secretary I
Room 302, Administrative Building, Main Campus

I was born in Ibadan Oyo State, I was born over four decades ago into the family of Pa & Mrs. Emmanuel Ojuade Adeleye of Ilesa. Married to Mr.  Titiloye C. K. of Ila-Orangun, Osun State.  I obtain Higher National Diploma in Secretarial Studies at the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State.

I have prepared and typed letter, memorandum, reports, minutes, decision extracts and agenda
Helped official duties for my bosses, attended to enquiries, telephone calls and provided hospitality services.
Assisted in maintenance of office equipment.
Function as custodian of official documents in the office.
Performing any other duties that may be assigned by the University.


Oyekale JohnOyekale, John Oyewole
Senior Librarian

Mr. Oyekale, John O. is a Certified and Senior Librarian. He holds a B.Sc. in Agricultural Education from University of Nigeria, Nsukka and a Master of Library and Information Studies degree from University of Ibadan. He is a member of Nigerian Library Association. He is the Head, Technical Services Division at the Main Library.

Cataloguing and classification of books

Shelf reading

Supervision of junior staff

Preparation of list of books

Teaching the Use of Library – GNS 103

Provision of instruction and support for library users

 • Head, Technical Services, Main Library, Osogbo (October 2015 – Till date)

His research areas include Library skill studies, collection development and management.

 ODEWOLE Mojisola Omowumi

Senior Librarian/College Librarian
College Librarian’s Office, Ikire College Library


Miss Mojisola Omowumi Odewole started her Professional Career as one of the Pioneer Professional Librarian at Osun State University (UNIOSUN) and she is currently the College Librarian at the College of Humanities & Culture, Ikire Campus, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. She holds Diploma in Librarianship (DLS) from University of Ibadan. She also holds BLIS and MLIS degrees in Library & Information Studies from University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Miss Odewole is a Member of Carnegie CPD – Alumni from University of Pretoria, Department of Information Science, South Africa. She is a Registered Member of Certified Librarian (CLN), Registered Member of Nigerian Library Association (NLA) and a member, I.T. Section of Nigerian Library Association (NLAIT LITT). Miss Odewole has been teaching LIB. 101 and GNS 103:  Use of Library for over seven (7) years and she also enjoy reading, listening to music and playing lawn tennis at her leisure time.

Responsible for acquisition, organizing, managing and distributing library resources and ensuring that library provision meet the needs of all its users. Instruction to patrons on basic computer skills, educate them on policies and how to use library resources. Responsible for providing support to academic departments. Selecting, developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources; Answering reader’s enquiries; Management of Library staff including supervisory duties; Ensuring that library services meet the needs of particular groups of users; Supporting independent research and learning; Promoting the library resources to users; Assisting readers to use computer equipment and conduct literature search.

Miss Odewole has published some articles in a journal.  Her research interest is Using Social Media as a form of Advocacy to reach the researchers in their various field. Her present research work is “The Role of a Librarian in Using Social Media Tools to Promote the Research Output of His/ Her Clienteles.


Gbotosho Ajibola LIBRARYGBOTOSHO, Ajibola ‘Sunmade
Senior Librarian
Sola Akinrinade Central Library


You are welcome to Mr. Gbotosho Ajibola Sunmade’s profile, being a Professional Librarian, a Staff of the Library in Osun State University Osogbo. I am married with children. I hail from Ilesa West, Local Government in Osun State at present I am the head of collection development – as a Senior Librarian. I have the following educational qualifications: M.LS, B.ED, and NCE.

1. Responsible for the selection and acquisition of library materials in the collection development unit, Osogbo.

2. Responsible for the general administration of collection development unit.

3. Training and retraining of library assistants and library portals. Management of e-journal and e-book data bases.

4. Teaches the 100 level students the use of library, GNS 103.

 5. Preparation of entries for authority files.

The following current papers have been researched by me 2016/2017

1. Influence of self efficacy on e-library usage by some selected undergraduate students of Nigeria University.

2. Influence of Access to information and communication technology and utilization on academic performance of science students in selected private secondary schools in Ibadan.

3. Information retrieval skills and use of Open access resources by undergraduates in Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria.

The importance of reading and literacy in Nigeria: the case of Osun State University, Faculty of Education Ipetu – Ijesa.


Onanuga AyotolaOnanuga, Ayotola Olubunmi
Librarian I

I hail from Ode-omu in Osun State. The last born of a family of six. I attended Anglican Girls Grammar School, Ijebu-Ode and preceded to University of Ibadan for both Undergraduate studies in Political Science Education and Masters in Library and Information Science.  I was appointed as Librarian II in UNIOSUN. I started as a Cataloguing and classification librarian (at the main campus, Osogbo. Afterwards I was transferred by the University Librarian to head the College library in Ejigbo where I ensured that every department of the library were managed effectively and efficiently. I was promoted to Librarian 1 in 2014 and I am presently the Serials Librarian in the University Main Library (Osogbo Campus). I am married and blessed with wonderful children.
i. Cataloguing and Classification of Library Materials 

ii. Teaching of LIB 101/GNS 103 (Use of Library)

iii. Entering of the bibliographic details of books into KOHA software 

iv. Stocktaking of library resources

v. Supervision of junior staff 

vi. Processing and management of serials materials

vii. Coordinating youth corp member(s) assigned to the serials department

viii. Head, Serials department of the main library

ix. Performing other duties assigned to me by the University Librarian
I developed insights as well as researches on contemporary library issues including library computerization, information literacy of students, information needs of users and usage of library resources and satisfaction.  


Okunoye Oluwatosin Olubunmi
Librarian I
College of Agriculture, Ejigbo Campus

Oluwatosin Okunoye is a certified professional librarian, having successfully trained at the University of Ibadan and graduated in 2008. She also holds a master’s degree in Public Administration at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. She therefore was equipped to serve when she was appointed as a Librarian II in 2010 at the Osun State University Main Library, Osogbo Campus where she began her career. She started work at the Cataloguing Section and then moved to the Reader Advisory Services Section. She was the coordinator of GNS 103 (formerly Lib 101) for several years and is the secretary of the professional library staff meeting. At the level of the university, she served as a Member, Ceremonials Committee for three consecutive sessions. She has been very active in her profession’s association at the state chapter since 2011. She is currently the Librarian in charge of the College of Agriculture Library, Ejigbo Campus.    

Responsible for the day to day administration of the College of Agriculture Library. Other duties include: Selection, purchase and other processing activities of information materials for easy access and use in the college library; Readers Advisory Services: answering users’ queries on information provision and use; Supervision of users’ registration, clearance, shelve-reading and maintenance, checking in and out of library resources, processing of mutilated library books for re-binding and other tasks; Cataloguing of library resources; Teaching of Use of Library (GNS 103) Course; giving instruction at orientation sessions; and other miscellaneous professional library duties.

My research focus is in the area of knowledge management, human resources development using viable information and effective, efficient library administration. I focus on how these issues can be used to deliver optimal learning resources access in today’s digital environment. Also of interest is the library’s relevance in the area of information delivery on issues of global warming and the development of a green alternative.


Adejumo Adetola IMTC-LIBRARYADEJUMO, Adetola Anu
System Analyst
IMTC/Library, 006/108/202


My name is ADEJUMO, Adetola Anu. I hold a bachelor degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering with other academic and professional certificates. I am an energetic and highly talented Information Communication Technology professional who meets technical challenges with both academic and technical skills. I am results-driven and passionate about my work. I work mainly at Sola Akinrinade Central Library, Osogbo Campus of Osun State University, Oke-Baale. My expertise spans the areas of Computer Networking, System analysis and programming, Linux and Windows server operating system administration. I am a lover of God and Integrity. My interests are in research, meditation and strategic planning.

I am directly responsible to the University Librarian on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related matters and function in leading roles towards setting up and maintaining electronic libraries in all campuses. My other job roles include technical administration and management of library website on, system administration of all computers of libraries of colleges, provision of technical assistance in troubleshooting hardware and software problems, system support for staff and students on electronic resources across all colleges, technical administration and support for electronic catalog website on, technical administration and support for e-Granary Digital Library servers for all campuses, training of staff members and students on electronic library resources use and information access and co-ordination of e-library activities.


Higher Library Officer
Ifetedo Campus


 My name is TAIYE, Olaiya. I was born on 15th January, 1983. I am a native of Ipele, Owo in Owo Local Government of Ondo State. I graduated from the Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State in 2004 and 2007 respectively. I read Library and Information Science. I am married.

 Shelf reading: This entails going through the shelves and check the arrangement of books.
 Registration of students and staff in the Library
 Cataloguing of books & other information materials.
 Classifying the Library materials according to their subject & form.
 Supervising the junior staff in the Library.


Abiodun OluwasogoABIODUN Oluwasogo Busayo
Higher Library Officer 

 I hail from Ilesa west local government in Osun State. I am a married man. I held my degree (B.ed) from Lagos State University, Ojo in September, 2008. I held National Diploma in Library and Information Science from Federal Polytechnic Offa in November, 2002. I held my O'level certificate in December 1998. I am a member of Nigeria Library Association (NLA) Osun State Chapter. I joined the service of Osun State University in 2010 as Library Officer. I was posted to CHC, Ikire Campus till 2015. I was redeployed to CMSS Okuku campus in 2015,till date. 

As a Library officer, I take and keep the record of the library resources. I process and display acquired library resources. I classified all acquired library books. Cataloguing and assigning call numbers to library collections. Applying accession numbers to all new library books. Shelf reading and rearranging books on the shelves. Oversees day to day activities of the library. Rendering serials and reference services to library clients/users and any other functions or official duty assign to me by my HOD/HOU.

Adebayo  OlagunjuOLAGUNJU Adebayo A
Principal Library Assistant
Ifetedo Campus


 My name is OLAGUNJU, Adebayo  A. I am a native Osogbo Local government. I was born on 22nd August, 1981. I am married.

Charging of books to the users.

Discharging of books from the users

Registration of Students and Staff in the Library.

Stamping, Pasting, typing and Lettering of books and other Information Materials in the Library.

  Maintaining the reserve books / Collections 


Principal Library Assistant
Library Complex, 
Okuku Campus


 I was born in Okuku, Odo-Otin Local Government, Osun State. I was born on 5th October, 1982. I attended Odo-Otin Grammar School. I am light in complexion. I am a married man with kids. I was appointed as Library Assistant in year 2010. I am currently the Principal Library Assistant.

Registering of Users.

Registering of Library resources.

Charging and Discharging of Library Materials.

Shelving of books according to call marks/call numbers.

Stamping of Library books.

Giving accession number to the Library books/resources.

Head counting / Statistics.

Ensuring preservation of Library materials.

Reprographic of Library materials. 


Ola-Golden AdenikeOla-Golden Adenike F.
Senior Library Assistant 

Ola-Golden Adenike F. was born in Otan-Ayegbaju Boluwaduro local Government of Osun State in the year 1977. She received her O' level certificate in the year 2012. She is married with children. She joined the service of Osun State University in 2012 as Library Portal.


- Opening and closing of the library

- Checking in and out of the Library users.

- Seeing to the maintaining of library rules and regulations

- Stamping of library materials 


Principal Library Assistant

My name is KOMOLAFE, Ranmilowo. S.

I am a native Odeomu, Aye daade Local government

I was born on 21st May, 1981.

I am married.

Charging of books to the users.

Discharging of books from the users

Registration of Students and Staff in the Library.

Stamping, Pasting, typing and Lettering of books and other Information Materials in the Library.


Arowobusoye OmolayoArowobusoye Omolayo Opeyemi
Senior Library Porter
Ifetedo Campus


Arowobusoye Omolayo Opeyemi was born in Ijebu local Government of Osun State in 1982. She received her O' level certificate in the year 2000. She is married with children. She joined the service of Osun State University in 2011 as Library Assistant.


- Shelving of books according to their call mark.

- Registration of Library users.

- Charging and discharging of books.

- Head Count.

- Giving accession numbers to books. 

- Giving ownership stamp to the new acquired books. 


abegunde AbimbolaABEGUNDE Abimbola James
Senior Library Porter
Ifetedo Campus


My name is ABEGUNDE, Abimbola  James. I am a native Ipetumodu, Ife North  Local  government  of Osun  State. I was born on 13th March 1981. I am married.

Checking in and out of the Library users.

To safeguard the Library resources.

To keep vigilant on the Library users.

  And any other assignment assign to you by your boss.


Arilewo TemidayoArilewo Temidayo Olufunke
Chief Library Portal
Library, Ifetedo Campus


I, Mrs. Arilewo Temidayo Olufunke from Ifelodun Local Government of Osun State. I am working in Osun State University, College of Management and Social Sciences, Okuku Campus. I started working with this university since 8th February, 2010 till date. My hobby is counselling and Reading. 

To see that journals, reference books are monitored and properties taken care to avoid being taken away.

Check the pass and bags of users when coming in and going out.

To ensure adequate peace in the library. 

 Safe guiding the books in the library 


TawakaltSansui Tawakalitu Ronke
Chief Library Porter
Email: tawakalitu.sanusi

Sanusi Tawalalitu Ronke was born in Okuku, Odo-Otin local Government of Osun State in 1982. She received her O' level certificate in the year 2005. She is married with children. She joined the service of Osun State University in 2010 as Library Porter.


- Shelving of books according to their call mark.

- Checking in and out of the user.

- Ensure recovery of overdue materials.

- Arrange display 

Senior Library Porter

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    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
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