


Abayomi TaiwoDr. Abayomi Taiwo Adekemi

Dr  Abayomi  Taiwo Adekemi received her BSc (Hons) degree (Anatomy) in 2001 from the University of Ilorin, MSc (Hons) degree (Anatomy) in 2009 from the Obafemi Awolowo University and  her PhD (Anatomy) in 2016 from the University of Ilorin. She joined the Osun State University in 2009 as an Assistant Lecturer and is currently a Lecturer I in the Department of Anatomy. She is presently the Coordinator of the department of Anatomy. She is involved in the teaching and training of undergraduate students admitted into the department as well as the administration and coordination of the Department.
Coordination of all academic and administrative activities in the department. Collection, collation and harmonization of all segments of a course for examination. Arrangement for invigilation of courses during examination. Arrangement for marking and presentation of results through the Departmental and College Board to Senate. Making available to students Teaching and Examination time-table. Arranging for the delivery of marked answer scripts to External examiner. Taching and training of students in the department. Supervision of research work of final year students. Marking and grading of students’ examination questions.

Neurodegenerative diseases; neurotoxic, neuroprotective and ameliorative impacts of some drugs and medicinal herbs on the brain structure and function, and the neurochemical, neurobehavioural, immunochemical evaluation of these substances in the various brain regions as it relates to learning, memory and coordination; Hormonal, histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the stress hormones on the brain following sleep deprivation and food restriction; Neuroendocrinology.

Lecturer I


A fellow with a quality of high energy. He Graduated with a Bachelors and Masters degree from the University of Ilorin and OAU Ile-Ife in 2002 and 2009 respectively. M.Phil degree in Anatomy University of Lagos in 2014. Currently aPhD Candidate in he Department of Anatomy University of Lagos. My current research is on the mechanisms of Pb-lead toxicity in reproductive dysfunction. Authored over 20 publications in learned Journals. He was the immediate past Coordinator of the Anatomy Department. of Anatomy 2014/15 and 2015/16 sessions.

Lecturer I Officer. Coordinator Stem Cell Research Group of the Reproductive Biology Unit of the Department of Anatomy College of Health Sciences UNIOSUN. Coordinator Anatomy Department Osun State University 2014/15 and 2015/16 Sessions. Coordinator ANA 204 (Gross Anatomy of the Abdomen) ANA 302 (Gross Anatomy Head and Neck) ANA 406 ( Introduction to Electronmicroscopy) for the 2016/17 Session. Leader Group Audit on Anatomical Variations (GAAV). He has supervised 7 undergratuate Thesis and currently supervising another 5 in 2016/17 session.

I am Currently working on the nature and behavior of chromatin in heavy metal toxicity and molecular mechanism underlying Pb-induced toxicity.




Dare Joseph AnatomyDr. DARE, Babatunde Joseph
Lecturer I
Anatomy Wing, College of Health Science Complex


Dare, Babatunde Joseph obtained his Ph.D. (Anatomy) in 2017, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, his MSc. (Anatomy) in 2011 and BSc. (Anatomy) in 2007 respectively, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. He has a keen interest in teaching and researching in the field of Life Science; passionate in impacting the society through innovative ideas and has published admissive number of research articles. An experienced anatomy teacher; taught anatomy at various levels and a TReND alumni in Molecular biology and Bioinformatics with vast knowledge in integrating population genetics and anthropological (Forensic) Anatomy.

Well experienced in the teaching of all aspect of human anatomy (Embryology, histology and gross anatomy of human including dissection of cadaver), molecular biology, biological anthropology, genetics, histochemistry and microscopy to medical, dental, anatomy, physiology, nursing and public health students.  He has supervised and co- supervised several novel researches at undergraduate and graduate levels.

He has worked extensively on the area of reproductive biology and endocrinology; maintenance of testicular, ovarian and uterine integrity using antioxidants present in naturally occurring plants against xenobiotic substances. A novel work on the relative associations that exist in genetically determine dermatoglyphics traits and female fertility has been elucidated. Currently, deep insight in the application of DNA fingerprinting and foot printing or profiling in forensic anatomy (including dermatoglyphics; in preserving the genetics identity) and in detection of congenital anomalies is under investigation.

Opeyemi AdelekeAdeleke, Opeyemi Samson
Assistant Lecturer
Anatomy Wing, College of Health Science Complex


Mr Adeleke Opeyemi Samson is a lecturer in the Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. He joined Osun State University work force in the year 2015 as an Assistant Lecturer. He had his first degree (B.Tech) in Anatomy (Second Class upper division) from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso and Masters of Science ( degree in Anatomy from University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. programme in the field of Reproductive Anatomy at the University of Ilorin. Mr Adeleke is a Member of Anatomical Society of Nigeria (ASN), Member, Society of Experimental and Clinical Anatomists of Nigeria (SECAN) and also Member, Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

Mr. Adeleke Opeyemi is committed:
To train students in Topography Anatomy/Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy knowledge that will be sufficient for them to proceed for further studies in related fields of specialization and enable them to apply the course to life situations.
To train and supervise student projects and help them to be skillful at using the basic research instruments that will make them competitive globally in the field of Anatomy.
Set and mark assignments and set examination questions as well as assessing the work and progress of students by reference to defined criteria and provide constructive feedback to students.

My area of research interest are Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology and my research so far has contributed to the establishment of the toxicity profiling of some Antipsychosis drugs (Chlorpromazine and Rawoulfia vomitoria), Antihypertensive drugs (Methyldopa and Moringa oleifera) and Chemicals/Metals (Pyrethroids and Aluminum) which are widely used drugs and chemicals. The findings of these studies have helped to establish the safety or otherwise effects of these drugs and chemicals on male fertility to the users and medical personnel. Moreover, my research so far has helped to showed high beneficiary effects of some natural products and supplements (Rauwolfia vomitoria, Moringa oleifera and Riboceine) on male fertility (as Fertility enhancer). 
Some of the research work are; Sperm parameters and histopathological expression in animal model testes after exposure to Aluminum and Pyrethroids. Ameliorating effects of D-ribose-L-cysteine on the reproductive parameters; GnRH and Bax protein expression in hypothalamus and testes respectively after exposure to antipsychotic drugs; DBY gene expression in psychotic patient treated with herbal antipsychotic drugs; Steroidogenic enzymes, DAZ gene and p53 protein expression after exposure to different ranges of electromagnetic radiation from Smartphone.

 Carrying out administrative duties has assigned by the Head of the Department, some of which include student liaison officer and Department examination officer

Carrying out research that will positively impact the University and Communities at large. 

Adegoke A.A. AnatomyAdegoke Adebiyi Aderinola
Assitant Lecturer
Anatomy Wing, College of Health Science Complex


 Mr Adegoke A.A is a seasoned lecturer with good experience in teachings and research techniques in anatomy. He bagged his first degree in anatomy in 2008(LAUTECH), Masters degree in anatomy in 2012(UNILAG) and presently pursuing his Ph.D in anatomy(OOU) with endocrinology as area of specialization. He has eight (8) publications and several accepted journals. He has taught anatomy courses  across all professions in the college of health sciences. 

Mr Adegoke A.A. serves the university in many capacities. He takes the students on lectures and practicals, a level adviser to the 2013/2014 set and member of different committees within the College of Health Sciences.

Several works are done on the study of histology of the pancreas and some ameliorative effects of herbs ranging from Moringa Oleifera, Curculigo pilosa among others on experimentally induced hyperglycaemia. The current research activity is to study the activities of mitochondria in beta cells following administration of Curculigo Pilosa aqueous rhizome extract in STZ-induced hyperglycaemia. 


Oyebode AbiodunOyebode Abiodun Adebayo
Senior Laboratory Assistant 
Anatomy Department Asubiaro Hospital 


Oyebode Abiodun Adebayo is a native of Ikire in irewole local government, Osun state he went to Wesley College Primary  School Ibadan 1995 and Ibadan Christ Apostolic Grammar School 2001 later to The Polytechnic Ibadan for (ND) Accountancy 2007 and Ladoke Akintola University for Bsc Accounting 2016 and started working with Osun State University since March  2010 till date.Pilosa aqueous rhizome extract in STZ-induced hyperglycaemia.
(i) Performing simple records store and manual work in the laboratory (ii) Opening and closing the laboratory (iii) Regulating ingress and egress of staff/ students in the laboratory

HOD's Office


My name is IBRAHEEM MODINAT BOLANLE. I was born on 2nd June,1980. I am a native of Ede in Ede north local government. I am an indigene of Osun Osun. I finished my primary school in the year 1989 – 1994,at Ibukun Olu primary School Papa Asafa,Agege,Lagos State. I finished my Secondary in the year 1995 – 2000 at First class International School,Osogbo. I got married to MR.IBRAHEEM MUNIRU ABIOLA. I was blessed with four children, three females and a male.

I. Responsible for files and records keeping.

II. Handling of incoming and out going mails.

III. Operate office machines, such as photocopiers and scanners. 

IV. Updating of records.

V. Complete and mails bills,contracts,policies,invoices,or checks.

VI. Attend to the official visitor.

VII. To ensure that all filing within the Department is kept up to date and in good order.

VIII. Reception duties, greeting customers, informing relevant party appointment has arrived


OLATUNDUN Joshua Oladepo

OLATUNDUN Joshua Oladepo
Lecturer II, Languages and Linguistics
Room No 9, Ikire Campus

I am OLATUNDUN Joshua Oladepo from Ogbomoso South Local Government of Oyo State.  I am marry to Mrs OLATUNDUN Iyabo Oluyemisi and the marriage is blessed with three children. Also, I am an academic staff in the department of Languages and Linguistic, College of Humanities, IKire Campus.

Research and Teaching, and currently, I am the Examination Officer for the Department of Languages and Linguistics.

My research work is on Literary Discourse.  Discourse is an instance of Language in use, I am therefore looking at how the literary writers use the language to perform textual function in order to understand explicitly the messages and information which they coded implicitly.  


Dr ADEREMI Adewale Victor
Lecturer I, Biochemistry
College of Health Sciences

Dr. Aderemi holds a Bachelors degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) from the University of Ilorin (2005), a Masters degree in Public Health (MPH) from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (2012) and a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Biochemistry from the University of Kent, United Kingdom (2015). He joined the services of the University as a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, College of Health Sciences, on the 1st of April, 2011 and has hitherto been an active member of the College. He has publications in learned journals.

Dr Aderemi teaches medical biochemistry in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences in the University. He also supervises students’ works such as practical and tutorials. Additional responsibilities include working as course/students’ advisor and as a member of several statutory committees in the College of Health Sciences. He is currently working (in acting capacity) as the Chairman, Animal House Committee.

As a biomedical scientist, he has worked on some diseases of public health importance such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases. His research interests include characterisation of cancer cell lines, in vitro toxicological evaluation of anticancer agents, as well as the biochemistry of diseases of public health importance such as cancers, cardiovascular diseases and tuberculosis. His future research shall focus on the biochemistry of certain strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and utilization of a novel approach for development of antibiotics against this human pathogen.

Dr Wahab AbideenDr WAHAB Abideen Akinkunmi, BSc, MSc, PhD
Lecturer II, Biological Sciences
Room 221B, SET Building, Main Campus

I obtained B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology in 2000 from Usman Dan Fodiyo University, sokoto. M.Sc Microbiology from University of Ilorin in 2011. Later, obtained Ph.D in Microbiology (Environmental Biotechnology option) from University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia in 2015. I joined Uniosun in August, 2007 as a Special Doctoral Staff Trainee, but I am currently in Lecturer II position. I served as Departmental Examination Officer from 2011 till 2012.

I lecture students from 100 levels to 400 levels in Biological Sciences Department. I coordinates the teaching of Bio 101 across campuses. I am staff advisor to 200 levels Microbiology students. I also coordinates examinations, time-table and undergraduate seminar for the department. I served as Examination Officer for the department in 2011 to 2012.

Previously, my research findings present data on sero-prevalence of Hepatitis B virus among pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic of LAUTECH, Osogbo. I have sero-typed two indigenous fungi capable of degrading heavy metals from polluted environment. Currently, working on endophytic fungi capable of degrading PAHs from petroleum polluted sites.

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    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
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