



Dr Najeem AdelekeDr. ADELEKE Najemdeen Ajao
Senior Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
College of Health Sciences 


Dr. Najemdeen Ajao Adeleke, joined Osun state University Osogbo on 2nd August 2010 as a lecturer I and a consultant in the department of O & G, Faculty of Clinical Sciences in the College of Health Sciences. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer effective 1st October 2013 and is being reviewed for reader in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for year 2016. Prior to joining the university, he had worked with Osun State Hospitals Management Board. He was the consultant in charge of State Hospital Asubiaro, Osun State.

Dr. Adeleke, N.A. was part of the college team that earned full accreditation for MBBS in the year 2011.  In 2012, when MBBS was suspended, Dr. Adeleke, joined the staff of Department of Anatomy in the faculty of Basic Medical Sciences to teach Anatomy. He also teaches Nursing and Public Health students both anatomy and reproductive health courses. He was Director University Health Services 2011 to 2015 and Acting HOD, Department of Nursing Sciences 2014/15. He was a member of many College and University Committees.

Dr. Adeleke N.A. research focus is in Maternal and foetal health, women reproductive health as well as gender violence against women. He had published key articles in maternal mortality, pregnancy complications and managements including a protocol on management of diabetes in pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and women affectation. Dr. Adeleke, N.A. has worn research grants including, World Diabetes Foundation WDF 13-764 (2013-2016) and TET-fund (2013) grants and attended conferences.


omisoreDr. OMISORE, Akinlolu Gabriel
Senior Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

 Dr. Omisore, Akinlolu Gabriel is a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, Faculty of Community Health since April 2010. He joined the Osun State University in September 2011 as a Lecturer 1 and was promoted Senior Lecturer in October 2014 and became a confirmed staff on 25th February 2015. In line with the vision and mission of the University, he has been actively involved in research, provision of community service and the teaching and training of students towards producing high quality graduates of high academic standard who could hold their own anywhere in the world. He has had the opportunity of heading two different departments (Pharmacology and Community Medicine) since joining the University. He is one of the investigators of the just concluded Gestational Diabetes project (Grant) in Osun State sponsored by the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF 13-764) and he is a current beneficiary of the TetFund Institutional Research Grant (2016).

In the 2016/2017 session alone, he is teaching over 20 courses. The teaching time now averages a minimum six hours per week. He is the course coordinator for seven different courses including COM 201, the course with the largest number of students in the College of Health Sciences. He is also a Course Advisor to many students with whom he interacts frequently.
Research: He is an avid researcher with about twenty five publications and many other manuscripts are under review and/or are work in progress.
Committee Membership: He is a member of various committees especially at the departmental and College levels. He heads at least two committees as of June 2017
Community Service: Provided through the community relations committee which he heads.

Research Interests: Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Health Education and Promotion, Non communicable Diseases (including injuries and violence prevention and care), Adolescent Health and School Health.
Research Achievements:
Prevalence of usage of modern contraceptives among physically challenged in-school adolescents in Osun State. (2009 State wide study). Findings from this study were presented at the 2nd International Family Planning Conference in Dakar Senegal in December 2011
Prevalence of school violence in Osun State, south western Nigeria (2010 State wide study).
Findings from this study were presented at the National Forum on the Health and Development of Young People in Nigeria coordinated by the Federal Ministries of Health and Youth Development and UNFPA in June 2010 at Abuja. The findings are part of what is being used to advance young people’s health and development in Nigeria.
Grant Awarded: Three grants in all, of which he is Principal Investigator in one, currently ongoing. 

Adeleke, Opeyemi Samson

Opeyemi AdelekeAdeleke, Opeyemi Samson
Lecturer, Department of Anatomy
Anatomy Wing, College of Health Science Complex


Mr Adeleke Opeyemi Samson is a lecturer in the Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. He joined Osun State University work force in the year 2015 as an Assistant Lecturer. He had his first degree (B.Tech) in Anatomy (Second Class upper division) from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso and Masters of Science ( degree in Anatomy from University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. programme in the field of Reproductive Anatomy at the University of Ilorin. Mr Adeleke is a Member of Anatomical Society of Nigeria (ASN), Member, Society of Experimental and Clinical Anatomists of Nigeria (SECAN) and also Member, Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

Mr. Adeleke Opeyemi is committed:
To train students in Topography Anatomy/Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy knowledge that will be sufficient for them to proceed for further studies in related fields of specialization and enable them to apply the course to life situations.
To train and supervise student projects and help them to be skillful at using the basic research instruments that will make them competitive globally in the field of Anatomy.
Set and mark assignments and set examination questions as well as assessing the work and progress of students by reference to defined criteria and provide constructive feedback to students.

My area of research interest are Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology and my research so far has contributed to the establishment of the toxicity profiling of some Antipsychosis drugs (Chlorpromazine and Rawoulfia vomitoria), Antihypertensive drugs (Methyldopa and Moringa oleifera) and Chemicals/Metals (Pyrethroids and Aluminum) which are widely used drugs and chemicals. The findings of these studies have helped to establish the safety or otherwise effects of these drugs and chemicals on male fertility to the users and medical personnel. Moreover, my research so far has helped to showed high beneficiary effects of some natural products and supplements (Rauwolfia vomitoria, Moringa oleifera and Riboceine) on male fertility (as Fertility enhancer).
Some of the research work are; Sperm parameters and histopathological expression in animal model testes after exposure to Aluminum and Pyrethroids. Ameliorating effects of D-ribose-L-cysteine on the reproductive parameters; GnRH and Bax protein expression in hypothalamus and testes respectively after exposure to antipsychotic drugs; DBY gene expression in psychotic patient treated with herbal antipsychotic drugs; Steroidogenic enzymes, DAZ gene and p53 protein expression after exposure to different ranges of electromagnetic radiation from Smartphone.

 Carrying out administrative duties has assigned by the Head of the Department, some of which include student liaison officer and Department examination officer

Carrying out research that will positively impact the University and Communities at large. 

Adegoke Adebiyi Aderinola

Adegoke A.A. AnatomyAdegoke Adebiyi Aderinola
Lecturer, Department of Anatomy
Anatomy Wing, College of Health Science Complex


 Mr Adegoke A.A is a seasoned lecturer with good experience in teachings and research techniques in anatomy. He bagged his first degree in anatomy in 2008(LAUTECH), Masters degree in anatomy in 2012(UNILAG) and presently pursuing his Ph.D in anatomy(OOU) with endocrinology as area of specialization. He has eight (8) publications and several accepted journals. He has taught anatomy courses  across all professions in the college of health sciences. 

Mr Adegoke A.A. serves the university in many capacities. He takes the students on lectures and practicals, a level adviser to the 2013/2014 set and member of different committees within the College of Health Sciences.

Several works are done on the study of histology of the pancreas and some ameliorative effects of herbs ranging from Moringa Oleifera, Curculigo pilosa among others on experimentally induced hyperglycaemia. The current research activity is to study the activities of mitochondria in beta cells following administration of Curculigo Pilosa aqueous rhizome extract in STZ-induced hyperglycaemia. 

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