Mrs Taiwo A. Abayomi BSc, MSc
Academic Staff, Department of Anatomy

- Position:
- Assistant Lecturer
Miscellaneous Information
Mrs Taiwo Abayomi received her BSc (Hons) degree (Anatomy) in 2001 from the University of Ilorin and her MSc (Hons) degree (Anatomy) in 2009 from the Obafemi Awolowo University. She is presently pursuing her PhD in the University of Ilorin. She joined the Osun State University in 2009 and is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy.
Research Interests:
Neurohistochemistry; Histological evaluation of stress on the adrenal glands; Hormonal evaluation of the stress hormones in the body; Neuroendocrinology; Histochemical evaluation of some of the hormones of carbohydrate metabolism due to stress; Evaluation of the metabolic hormones of the body.Research Achievements:
- Effect of Camphor on the stomach mucosa of wistar rats
- A comparative study of the microanatomy of the tongue of the rat, bat and pangolin
- Microarchitectural adaptations in the stomach of African tree pangolin
- Teratogenic effect of Isotretinion on the morphology and palate development in rat fetuses.
- Comparative biochemical studies of the pregnant and non pregnant uterine limbs of the frugivorous bat,Eidolon helvum
Scientific contributions:
- Published seven (7) articles in international journals
- Have two(2) proceeding papers
Scientific /Professional Activities
- Faculty member in the College of Health Sciences, Osun State University since 2009
- Member, Anatomical society of Nigeria (ASN)
- Member, International Brain Research Organization
Grants Awarded Nil
Academic Appointments
- Member of the College Academic Board, College of Health Sciences, Osun State University.
1. Ofusori DA, Caxton-Martins EA, Keji ST, Oluwayinka PO, Abayomi TA, & Ajayi SA.
Microarchitectural adaptations in the stomach of African tree pangolin (Manis tricuspis). Int. J Morphol. 2008; 26 (3):701-705
2. Ofusori DA, Adelakun AE, Jimoh SA, Komolafe AO, Falana BA and Abayomi TA. Teratogenic effect of Isotretinion on the morphology and palate development in rat fetuses. Afr. J. Biotech. 2008, 6 (23): 2639-26443. Odukoya SA, Ofusori DA, Adeeyo OA, Ayoka OA, Abayomi TA, Ajayi SA and Falana BA.
Comparative biochemical studies of the pregnant and non pregnant uterine limbs of the frugivorous bat,Eidolon helvum, Cell & Animal Bio. 2009, 3 (10): 175-1784. Njoya HK, Ofusori DA, Nwangwu SC, Amegor OF, Akinyeye AJ, Abayomi TA. Histopathological effect of exposure of Formaldehyde vapour on the trachea and lungs of adult wistar rats. Int. J. Integrative Bio, 2009; 7 (3): 160 – 165
5. Abayomi TA, Ofusori DA, Ayoka OA, Odukoya SA, Omotoso EO, Amegor FO, Ajayi SA, Ojo GB and Oluwayinka OP. Comparative histological study of tongue of rat (rattus norvegicus), bat (eidelon helvum) and pangolin (manis tricuspis). Int. J Morphol. 2009; 27 (4): 1111 - 1119
6. Ofusori DA, Falana BA, Ofusori AE, Abayomi TA, Ajayi SA, Ojo GB. Gastroprotective effect of aqueous extract of neem Azadirachta on induced gastric lesion in rats. Int J Biol Med Res. 2010; 1(4): 219-222
7 Ajayi SA, Ofusori DA, Ojo GB, Ayoka OA, Abayomi, TA and Tijani AA. Microstructural effects of aqueous extract of garcinia kola (linn) on the hippocampus and cerebellum of malnourished mice. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomed. 2011(Accepted but in print)
Published proceedings paper:
- Abayomi T.A (2011). Comparative histological study of tongue of rat (rattus norvegicus), bat (eidelon helvum) and pangolin (manis tricuspis). Proceedings. Joint Meeting of Anatomical Societies, Turkey