Director, Academic Planning

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abanikanDr. Mutahir Oluwafemi ABANIKANNDA

Lecturer, Science, Technology and Mathematics Education


Mukhtar Oluwafemi ABANIKANNDA (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of Computing/IT Education. He is a digital innovation specialist who is into Digital Transformation, Learning Technologies, Technopreneurship, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Science & Technology Education.  He holds degrees of prestigious universities in Science, Science Education and Technology Education. Aside other numerous commendable contributions to knowledge, he wrote the first postgraduate degree thesis in Nigeria on the application of hypermedia courseware to science learning, designed and produced the first hypermedia instructional strategy for learning Chemistry in Nigerian Schools. It is worth noting that he was the first anywhere in the world to employ Kirkpatrick's evaluation model to assess computer-based concept mapping strategies which he designed and developed in the field of Chemistry, this includes the fact that he designed, developed and produced his own distinct models for the assessment of computer-based learning strategies. 

Dr. Abanikannda has been deeply involved in carrying out funded and non-funded research projects nationally and internationally both as a Principal Investigator and as a Co-Investigator in worthy research grants on: Digital Learning Technologies, Hybrid Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Perspectives of Cultural Diversity and Development of Artificial Neural Network-Based Model for Estimating Nano Pollution among others.  Generally, he has ventured into: AI, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Potentiality of Web Syndication and Offline Media Streaming Portmanteau in Procedural Knowledge Optimation, Podcast Potentiality in Increasing Students’ Self-Steams and Performance Transformations and Creating a Secure and Flexible Path to Public Cloud through Digital Learning Transformation. He has dabbled into the implications of using big data and artificial intelligence for research management, Human-Computer Interaction, Augmented Reality, Engineering Education and Transformational Learning.

Abanikannda has also been deeply involved in series of advancements in the frontiers of knowledge as regards digital innovation and engagement. This has provided opportunity for creative engagement in solving global and contextual problems and created access for Africans to participate in the burgeoning economy of the technology space. Consequently, he facilitated a Digital Innovation and Business Start-up Hub (DIBUSH) in Osun State University with a mission to support the aforementioned by providing opportunities for trainees and innovators within his immediate environment. He is the Implementation Facilitator and Head of DIBUSH, he is a member of the Supervisory board of Opolo Global Innovation Limited (Opolo Global Innovation Limited, is a leading innovation enabler, incubator and accelerator closely connected with Fintech). He has served the university and external community in numerous other capacities, nationally & globally.

Mukhtar is a consultant to some popular agencies and an external assessor to a number of tertiary institutions and research institutes. He has published more than seventy articles in reputable journals and contributed many chapters to quality books. He belongs to numerous professional national and international bodies. He has attended sixty-five national and international conferences till date. He belongs to numerous professional national and international bodies including: WAOE, IFETS, MERLOT, AITIE, EMTAN, TRCN, NAE, ISOC,ACS, RSC, CSN, ICCON, AARF, IAARR, IAAM, ECTRD, Tech Republic.

Research Focus

Computing/IT Education

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