
![]() |
January, 2021
Monday, 4th January Opening of e-Portal for registration and
Payment of fees for returning students
Monday, 4th January Resumption for Harmattan 2020/2021
/Commencement of lectures for returning
Monday, 25th January Resumption/Registration for Fresh Students
Thursday, 28th January Senate
February, 2021
Monday, 15th February Commencement of Harmattan 2020/2021
lectures for fresh students
Friday, 5th February Closing of e-Portal for returning students
Monday, 8th February Orientation for Fresh Students
Thursday, 25th February Senate
March, 2021
Thursday, 25th March Senate
April, 2021
Friday, 16th April End of lectures (300 – 500 level)
Monday, 19th April – Friday, 23rd April Lecture Free Week (300 -500 level)
Monday, 26th April – Tuesday, 11th May Harmattan Semester Examinations starts for 300 - 500 levels
Thursday, 29th April Senate
May, 2021
Tuesday, 11th May Harmattan Semester Examinations ends for 300 - 500 levels
Wednesday, 12th May – Tuesday 25th May Harmattan Semester Break (300-500 level)
Wednesday, 26th May – Wednesday, 16th June Markings of Examination Scripts
Wednesday, 26th May Resumption/Opening of Portals for registration and
Commencement of lectures for Rain Semester for 300 - 500 levels
Wednesday, 27th May Matriculation of Fresh Students
Thursday, 27th May Senate
June, 2021
Friday, 4th June End of lectures (100 – 200 level)
Monday, 7th June – Friday, 11th June Lecture free week 100 – 200 Levels
Monday, 14th June – Thursday, 1st July Harmattan Semester Examinations (100 –
200 level)
Monday, 28th June – Thursday, 1st July Harmattan Semester GNS Examination
for all levels
Friday, July 2nd – Friday 9th July Harmattan Semester Break
Thursday, 24th June Senate
July, 2021
Thursday, 1st July Harmattan Semester Examinations ends for
100 and 200 levels
Monday, 12th July Resumption/Opening of Portals for registration and Commencement of
lectures for Rain Semester for 100 -200 level
Thursday, 29th July Senate
August, 2021
Friday, 20th August End of Lectures for 300 - 500 Levels
Monday, 30th August – Friday 3rd September Lecture Free Week
Thursday, 26th August Senate
September, 2021
Monday, 6th Septemer – Friday, 17th September Rain Semester Examinations
Monday, 20th September Rain Semester Break
Monday, 23rd September – Friday, 8th October Marking of Examination Scripts
Thursday, 30th September Senate
October, 2021
Friday, 1st October End of Lectures for 100 - 200 Levels
Monday, 4th October – Friday 8th October Lecture Free Week
Monday, 11th October – Monday, 22nd October Rain Semester Examinations
Monday, 18th October – Friday, 22nd October GNS Examinations
Monday, 25th October End of 2020/2021 Session / Commencement of Annual Leave of
Academic Staff
Thursday 28th October Senate
November, 2021
Monday 8 November Commencement of 2021/2022
Academic Session/Opening of e-portal and
resumption of Harmattan Semester for 100 level students
Monday 15th November Resumption and e-portal registration
of 2021/2022 Harmattan Semester for returning students
Friday, 19th November End of Annual Leave for Academic Staff
Monday, 22nd November Commencement of lectures for all students
AWOBIFA, Marcus Oladepo
Director, Advancement Office
Room 112, Admin Building, Main Campus
Mr. Awobifa, Marcus Oladepo received his B.PA degree from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma in 2007 and Master in Public Administration from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology in 2012.
He started his career with Osun State Government in 1982 and rose to the rank of Chief Confidential Secretary in 2004. He transferred his service to Osun State University on 1st January, 2008. In October 2008, the Governing Council approved his conversion to the rank of Senior Assistant Registrar and was later promoted to the rank of Principal Assistant Registrar in 2013.
Mr. Awobifa is a member of Association of Nigerian Universities Professional Administrators (ANUPA), Shorthand Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Reports (ICSR), Osun State Branch. He has served in many Committees both at the College and the University levels. He has also worked in the Corporate Affairs Unit and the College Office where he served with zeal, determination and diligence. He is currently the Director, the Advancement Office.
Within the last six years, he has received three commendation letters. In recognition of his excellence performance, he was also given Osun State Merit Award in 1998. He has attended many local and international Seminars and Workshops.
The Advancement Office is established for the following objectives:
• stimulating the interest of the public in the affairs of the University;
• for the day-to-day running of financial self-sustainability;
• for projecting positive image brand,
• for maintaining and sustaining a dynamic Alumni database,
• for effective tracking and cultivation of mutually beneficial relationships with the alumni and other relevant stakeholders,
• for facilitating public, private partnerships for efficient management of municipal facilities,
• for supporting the attainment of excellence in teaching, research and community service,
• for soliciting and receiving gifts, legacies, endowments and donations on behalf of the University;
• for identifying and cultivating potential corporate sponsors of different projects in the University and mobilising local communities for the development of campuses located in their areas;
• ensuring proper stewardship to donors, transparency and accountability with regard to funds raised.
Wasiu Agunbiade LAMIDI, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D, PGDE, MNSE, MNIAE, MISTRO, COREN Regd.
Wasiu Agunbiade Lamidi holds B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD in Agricultural Engineering respectively in 1994, 2005 and 2011 from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He has Post Graduate Diploma in Education, (PGDE) from Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto. He was a Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Education of the Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun (OSSCE ILA), first as part timer between April 2000 and December 2004 and then as full timer from January 2, 2005 to June 5, 2014 when he transferred his services to Osun State University. He taught both Nigerian Certificate in Education students, (NCE) and Degree students of the Affiliated University of Uyo to OSSCE ILA. He joined the services of Osun State University in November 2011 soon after receiving his PhD Certificate as Adjunct Lecturer II. He was fully appointed as Lecturer I and assumed duty in Osun State University on June 6, 2014. His academic career has seen him occupying some academic positions in both College of Education and University systems ranging from different roles to NCE and Undergraduate Programmes as:
Coordinator of Examination in the Department;
Coordinator, School of Vocational and Technical Education NCE Sandwich Programme
Member, College Teaching Practice Committee;
Member, College Time Table Committee;
Member, College Quality Assurance Committee;
Member, Students’ Disciplinary Committee;
Member, Students’ Examination Mobile Court Committee
Examination Officer, Department of Agronomy
Coordinator of Department of Agronomy
Acting Head, Department of Agronomy (up till date)
As an Agricultural Engineer, he singlehandedly initiated the establishment of the Department of Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering in Osun State University, Osogbo, and through the efforts of relevant authorities, the first set of students were admitted in 2019/2020 academic session.
He helped to established Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) in Osogbo in November 2015 as a result of resolutions made at the NIAE International Conference and Annual General meeting in Katsina 2015 of which the Osun State University sponsored him. He had held many significant posts in many professional bodies as Vice Chairman of NIAE, Osogbo Branch and is currently the Chairman of NIAE in Osun State. He is a member of South West Regional NIAE Executives and also one of the Executive members of the Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE), Osun State.
Research Interests, Achievements / Specialization:
His interests are in Farm Structures and Environment, Livestock Housings, Crop Husbandry and Environment, Agricultural Education. Dr Lamidi is currently working on wind’s effects and boosting crop production with respect to changes in global climate.
Contributions to knowledge
Dr. Lamidi has over 30 scholastic publications in local and international Journals. I have contributed in the area of the effects of environment and housing differences on the livestock production precisely on broilers and rabbits. My interests and areas of specialisation include farm structures and environment, animal welfare and livestock housing and soil effects on crop productions.
Scientific/Professional Activities:
In the last two years, he has been external examiners to Students of the Department of Agricultural Education, Ila-Orangun. He is a member of Editorial Board of some academic journals namely Academic Research Publishing Group and American Research Journals. He reviews articles for many academic journals namely Italian Journal of Animal Science –IJAS; International Journal of Education and Practice –IJEP; African Educational Research Journal; African Journal of Agricultural Research -AJAR; Advanced Journal of Agricultural Research- ARPG; Journal of Agriculture and Crops; and Sciencedomain International.
Awards/ Grants
Dr. Engr. Agunbiade Lamidi was awarded Certificate of Merit as Chairman, Education Committee of 1999 Coaching Class for Senior Secondary Students in Ayedire Local Government Area, Ile-Ogbo, Osun State. He was the best Student in Advanced Level Mock Examinations in both Mathematics and Physics, 1986/1987 Academic Session at Baptist High School, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria.
-Executive Member, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, NIAE South West Region, 2019 till date
-Vice Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, NIAE Osogbo Branch, 2016-2019
-Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, NIAE Osogbo Branch, 2019 till date
-Executive Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers, NSE Osogbo Branch, 2019 till date
Membership of Learned and Professional Association
Member, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, MNIAE
Member, Nigeria Society of Engineers, MNSE
Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).
Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria, (TRCN)
Member, International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (MISTRO)
Member, American Association for Science and Technology, (AASCIT)
Selected recent Publications
S.B. Akinde, W.A. Lamidi, M.T. Ayeni (2019). Fungi associated with a dry invasive white patches on trunks of economic fruit trees in south-west Nigeria. African Crop Science Journal, 27 (1): 1– 12. Available online at 1-SM.pdf DOI: (Uganda)
Lamidi, W. A., Shittu, K.A. and Adeyeye, A. S.(2018). Yield Performances of Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) on Organic Manure Buffered Lateritic Soils. Journal of Applied Sciences, Environmental Management, 22 (8): 1207 –1212. Available online at
DOI: (Nigeria)
Alao, O.T., Lamidi, W.A. and Adeyeye, A.S. (2017). Farmers’ Awareness of the Effects of White Patches Disease on the Yield of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) in a Tropical Farmland of Osun State, Nigeria. CoA Journal, Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources, UJARR, 1: 15-22 (Nigeria)
Lamidi W.A. and Babarinde I.E. (2017). Environmental parameters and applied nutrients' influence on germination and growth of jute mallow (Corchorus olitorus) under rain-fed agriculture. UNIOSUN J. Sciences. 2(1): 45-53 (Nigeria)
A.S. Adeyeye, W.B. Akanbi, K.K. Olalekan, W.A. Lamidi, H.J. Othman and M.A. Ishaku (2017). The Growth and Yield Performance of Sweet Melon as affected by Planting Spacing in North East Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 4(8):17-21
Available online at and (USA)
Adeyeye, A.S, Akanbi, W.B, Sobola, O.O, Lamidi, W.A. and Olalekan, K.K. (2016). Comparative Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers Treatment on the Growth and Tuber Yield of Sweet Potato (Ipomea Batata L.) International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research December, 2016 3(3): 54 – 57 (Nigeria)
Lamidi, W. A. (2016). Effect of Different Tillage Practices on Cassava Production in Osun State of Nigeria. Research Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Management. 5(4):114- 121. Available online at, Nigeria)
A.S. Adeyeye, W.B. Akanbi, O.O. Sobola, W.A. Lamidi and K.K. Olalekan. (2016) . Growth and Fruit Yield of Water Melon (Citrullus Lanatus) as influenced by Compost and NPK Fertilizer. FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal . April, 2016 1(1): 80 - 83 (Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria)
Conferences/Workshops Attendance:
He has attended over 20 conferences/workshops/trainings spanning 4 countries. He has undergone one week trainings in Food Security Indonesia under the sponsorship of ILO/UNDP and Federal Government of Nigeria. He had also participated in the Agro-Processing Revolution: Techniques for Rural Development in the new Millennium’ organised by National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (NISIET), Hyderabad, India sponsored by ILO/UNDP/FGN/NIR/029, March 30 –April 4, 1998.
In addition, he has many annual General meetings and International Conferences of the Nigerian
Institution of Agricultural Engineers, NIAE in Nigeria.
The Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling Units of the Department of Arts and Social Science Education were two of the units in the Department in the College of Education of Osun State University.
Educational Management Unit was established and took off after resource verification during 2014/2015 session. The Unit offers Educational Management degree programmes, with options in B.Ed. Educational Management/Economics, B.Ed. Educational Management/English, B.Ed. Educational Management/Political Science B.Ed. Educational Management/Mathematics, B.Ed. Educational Management/Chemistry, B.Ed. Educational Management/Biology and B.Ed. Educational Management/Physics.
Guidance and Counselling Unit also was established and took off after resource verification during 2014/2015 session. The Unit offers Guidance and Counselling degree programmes, with options in B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Economics, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/English, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Political Science B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Mathematics, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Chemistry, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Biology and B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Physics.
Each of the programmes took off with six academic staff who are specialists in Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling apart from other specialists in Education courses in the Department of Arts and Social Science Education. These are supported by a number of Adjunct/Visiting Lecturers drawn from other relevant Departments in the University or from other Universities. The Lecture rooms used by the programme are shared with the other programmes in the Department in the College. Sixty nine and forty five students registered as pioneer students of Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling respectively in the 2014/2015 Session, The total students’ population in each of the programmes currently stands at 138 and 136 respectively.
The students registered for the programmes offer Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling courses, Specialised subject courses and Education courses concurrently from 100 level through 400 level degree in the specialized area of both programmes.
The programmes of the Department operate academic curricular that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.
The philosophy and objectives of the B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling Degree programmes in the Department of Arts and Social Science Education are as follows:
Global perspectives point to the fact that effective educational programme must involve well designed and articulated guidance and counselling programme implemented by a professionally trained Counsellor to a counsellee or client. Counselling refers to professional assistance giving to a client that has psycho-socio problem which include among others emotional, behavioural, vocational, marital, educational, rehabilitation and life-stage challenges etc. The deployment of counsellors to the educational institutions in Nigeria started with the 1981 revised National Policy on Education (NPE) which became the first document that unified education in Nigeria. The document specifically captured counselling as part of support services to be provided in the Nigerian educational institutions
Thus, the Guidance and Counselling programme is being undertaken to offer a wide variety of skills acquisition in the field of counselling psychology at the undergraduate level, to produce the right caliber of committed professionals counselling psychologists who shall be behaviour change agents with competencies in meeting the challenges of the 21st century and beyond. To also produce the scientists – professionals that has as its goal in the alleviation of human problems that often manifested as behaviour disorders, crime, delinquency, educational deficiencies, career misfits, cognitive deficits, developmental issues, academic underachievement and various forms of maladjusted behaviour problems. The clinical – practicum services of the programme include the assessment and management of educational, social and behavioural problems in individuals, groups, organisations and communities.
The specific objectives of the programme are to:
i.) Train Counselling Psychologists who are to acquire skills that can enhance the improvement and maintenance of human relationships in all spheres of human interaction, increase capability to cope with stresses and demands of everyday living.
ii.) Provide quality programmes that will be second to none in Nigeria for meeting the prescribed guidelines and objectives of NPE’
iii.) Contribute positively to the proper educational, vocational personal and social development of young Nigerians.
iv.) Produce knowledgeable and professional competent counsellors for meeting the manpower requirements of our schools, community, agencies, social welfare.
v.) Produce graduates who are grounded in their ability to integrate theory and research into clinical practices.
vi.) Complement the efforts of the few Universities that produce professional Guidance counselors.
vii.) To groom counsellors in trainee that will provide effective support services in school and non-school settings in other to eliminate acts of indiscipline, reduction of youth restiveness, drug related problems, cultism, examination malpractices and other anti-social behaviours, child abuse and neglect, kidnapping tendencies, adolescent abuse, child labour and human trafficking, terrorism, gender based violence, domestic violence and other crime related issues. These services also embrace the provision of educational, vocational and socio-personal counselling. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of guidance and counselling.
2. Point out the distinctions between counselling and psychotherapy.
3. Identify the goals of counselling.
4. Understand the historical development of the counselling profession.
5. Understand counsellor credentialing.
6. Understand the role of the counsellor.
7. Identify the personal characteristics of effective counsellors.
8. Identify personal values in counselling.
9. Have basic knowledge of some theoretical approaches in counselling such as psychoanalytic, affective and cognitive-behavioural approaches.
10. Explore the characteristics of an effective counselling relationship.
11. Introduce the initial procedures and interview of the counselling process.
12. Explore counselling procedures such as: advanced empathy, theme identification, self-disclosure, perception check, interpretation, action strategies, goal setting, termination, and follow-up.
13. Explore counselling selected special; populations
14. Distinguish different models of helping such as counsellor as consultant, group counselling, and crisis intervention counselling.
15. Examine career counselling.
16. Examine diagnosis and assessment in the counselling process.
17. Clarify professional issues such as ethics, legal considerations, current and future trends, research and evaluation in counselling.
Thus, the programme is designed to provide students with intellectual and professional skills which will help them function effectively and fit into the changing academic situation in the nation. The programme provides:
a. Counselling personnel with competences for professional work in private and public sectors.
b. Teachers for effective teaching and learning.
c. Basic skills in techniques of counselling for vocational, educational and socio-personal matters
For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.
Candidate seeking admission to read B.Ed. degree in Guidance and Counselling must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language and Mathematics to form the core subjects, with credit in three other relevant arts; social science or sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
3.2.2 Direct Entry Candidates
Candidate seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Guidance and Counselling programme must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) social science subjects, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects as stated in 3.2.1 above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with NCE and approved equivalents in relevant subjects with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme.
3.2.3 Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.
3.2.4 Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.
3.2.5 Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.
3.2.6 Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.
3.3 Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.
3.4 Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.
3.5 Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.
3.6 Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.
Brief History
The Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling Units of the Department of Arts and Social Science Education were two of the units in the Department in the College of Education of Osun State University.
Educational Management Unit was established and took off after resource verification during 2014/2015 session. The Unit offers Educational Management degree programmes, with options in B.Ed. Educational Management/Economics, B.Ed. Educational Management/English, B.Ed. Educational Management/Political Science B.Ed. Educational Management/Mathematics, B.Ed. Educational Management/Chemistry, B.Ed. Educational Management/Biology and B.Ed. Educational Management/Physics.
Guidance and Counselling Unit also was established and took off after resource verification during 2014/2015 session. The Unit offers Guidance and Counselling degree programmes, with options in B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Economics, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/English, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Political Science B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Mathematics, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Chemistry, B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Biology and B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling/Physics.
Each of the programmes took off with six academic staff who are specialists in Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling apart from other specialists in Education courses in the Department of Arts and Social Science Education. These are supported by a number of Adjunct/Visiting Lecturers drawn from other relevant Departments in the University or from other Universities. The Lecture rooms used by the programme are shared with the other programmes in the Department in the College. Sixty nine and forty five students registered as pioneer students of Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling respectively in the 2014/2015 Session, The total students’ population in each of the programmes currently stands at 138 and 136 respectively.
The students registered for the programmes offer Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling courses, Specialised subject courses and Education courses concurrently from 100 level through 400 level degree in the specialized area of both programmes.
The programmes of the Department operate academic curricular that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.
The philosophy of Educational Management is the acquisition of appropriate managerial skills, abilities and competences such that the prospective education manager would better understand human behaviour and interrelationships.
The B. Ed degree programme is the amalgam of the course in Educational Administration and Educational Planning. The merger of the courses in Educational Administration and Educational Planning has resulted in the new code EDM which is used throughout the B. Ed degree programme where relevant. This means that the new nomenclature covers Educational Administration and Planning.
To make the Educational Management Philosophy functional, the National Policy on Education, section 5 & 9 provide further details on the above goals under Higher Education. The provisions, as contained in sections 5 are as follows:
(a) the acquisition, development and inculcation of proper value-orientation for the survival of the individual and society.
(b) the development of intellectual capacities off individual to understand and appreciate their environment;
(c) the acquisition of both physical and intellectual skills which will enable individuals to develop into useful members of the community;
(d) the acquisition of an objective view of the local and internal environments.
b. Objectives
i. produces qualified personnel, with high-level manpower that would serve as Administrators in Secondary School with adequate knowledge o subjects offered in the schools;
ii train high-level manpower that can contribute to educational planning;
iii produce specialists that would be manager in schools;
iv specialists that would by virtue of their training help to improve educational system through proper planning and administration;
v develop in students such skills and competencies that would allow the them to be self-reliant and entrepreneurial;
vi inculcate in the students the spirit of inquiry creativity, and the ability to thin critically and effectively in solving educational problems;
vii lay in the students a sound intellectual foundation for higher studies and research in Educational Management and Administration.
For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.
3.2.1 U.M.E. Candidates
Candidate seeking admission to read B.Ed. degree in Educational Management must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language and Mathematics to form the core subjects, with credit in three other relevant arts; social science or sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
3.2.2 Direct Entry Candidates
Candidate seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Educational Management programme must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) social science subjects, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects as stated in 3.2.1 above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with NCE and approved equivalents in relevant subjects with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme.
3.2.3 Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.
3.2.4 Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.
3.2.5 Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.
3.2.6 Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.
3.3 Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.
3.4 Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.
3.5 Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.
3.6 Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.
For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.
3.2.1 U.M.E. Candidates
B.Ed. Educational Management
Candidate seeking admission to read B.Ed. degree in Educational Management must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language and Mathematics to form the core subjects, with credit in three other relevant arts; social science or sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
The Management wishes to confirm the regime of fees payable during 2019/2020 academic session by all students. For ease of reference, the tables of fees as applicable to all students are detailed hereunder as categories (a), (b), (c) and (d):
a. Freshers (2019/2020 Session) 100L and the new Direct Entry/Transfer students are to pay the new fee regime as stated below:
Non Science |
Science/ Anatomy/ Physiology |
Nursing/ Law/ Public Health |
All Engineering Courses |
Accounting, Political Science, Business Administration, Economics & Industrial Relations & Personnel Management |
Tuition |
130,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
195,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
Other Charges |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Library |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Games |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Examination |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
Faculty/ Departmental Due |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
Laboratory/ Bench Fee |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
GNS Course Materials |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
Sub Total |
186,500.00 |
221,500.00 |
261,500.00 |
226,500.00 |
211,500.00 |
Acceptance |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
Medical Test |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
Caution |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
Student Hand Book |
500.00 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
252,000.00 |
287,000.00 |
327,000.00 |
292,000.00 |
277,000.00 |
b. Returning undergraduate students (300L, 400L - 2017/2018 Direct Entry) who were admitted in the 2017/2018 Session under the new fee regime that came into operation in 2017/2018 Session:
Non Science |
Science/ Anatomy/ Physiology |
Nursing/ Law/ Public Health |
All Engineering Courses |
Accounting, Political Science, Business Administration, Economics & Industrial Relations & Personnel Management |
Tuition |
130,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
195,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
Other Charges |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Library |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Games |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Examination |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
Faculty/ Departmental Due |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
Laboratory/ Bench Fee |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
162,500.00 |
197,500.00 |
237,500.00 |
197,500.00 |
197,500.00 |
c. Returning undergraduate students (400L and above) who were admitted in 2016/2017 Session and earlier under old fee regime:
Non Science |
Sciences: Anatomy, Physiology, Public Health |
Health Sciences: Nursing & Law |
Tuition |
75, 000. 00 |
75, 000. 00 |
100, 000. 00 |
Other Charges |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Library |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Games |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Examination |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Faculty/ Departmental Due |
2, 500. 00 |
2, 500. 00 |
2, 500. 00 |
Laboratory/ Bench Fee |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
102,500.00 |
107,500.00 |
132,500.00 |
d. MBBS Programme (100L to 200L) admitted in 2018/2019 Session
Fresher |
200L |
Tuition |
550, 000. 00 |
550, 000. 00 |
Accommodation |
70, 000. 00 |
70, 000. 00 |
College/Faculty/Departmental Association Fees |
2, 500. 00 |
2, 500. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Library |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Games |
5, 000. 00 |
5, 000. 00 |
Examination |
10, 000. 00 |
10, 000. 00 |
Laboratory/Bench Fee |
20, 000. 00 |
20, 000. 00 |
GNS Course Materials |
4,000.00 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
20,000.00 |
Acceptance |
40, 000. 00 |
- |
Medical Test |
15, 000. 00 |
- |
Caution |
10, 000. 00 |
- |
Student Hand Book |
500. 00 |
- |
762, 000. 00 |
672, 500. 00 |
Non Science |
Science/Anatomy/ Physiology |
Nursing/Law/ Public Health |
All Engineering Courses |
Accounting, Political Science, Business Administration, Economics & Industrial Relations & Personnel Management |
Tuition |
130,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
195,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
155,000.00 |
Other Charges |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Library |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Games |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
5,000.00 |
Examination |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
Faculty/ Departmental Due |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
2,500.00 |
Laboratory/ Bench Fee |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
GNS Course Materials |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
4,000.00 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
20,000.00 |
Sub Total |
186,500.00 |
221,500.00 |
261,500.00 |
226,500.00 |
211,500.00 |
Acceptance |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
40,000.00 |
Medical Test |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
15,000.00 |
Caution |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
10,000.00 |
Student Hand Book |
500.00 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
252,000.00 |
287,000.00 |
327,000.00 |
292,000.00 |
277,000.00 |
With a heavy heart, the management, staff and students of Osun State University regret to announce the passing away of one of our students; FALOMO, Timilehin Simeon a 500 level graduating student in the department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management in the College of Agriculture, Ejigbo campus of the university.
He went to be with the Lord in the early hours of Saturday, November 2, 2019, after a brief illness. We pray that Almighty Lord will give the parents, family, and friends the fortitude to bear the loss.
Thank you.
![]() |
Monday, 7th October - End of 2018/2019 Session
November, 2019
Monday, 18th November Resumption for 2019/2020 / Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all students
December, 2019
Monday, 2nd December Late Registration with Penalty
Monday, 9th December Resumption Date for Fresh Students
Monday, 23rd December New Year Break
January, 2020
Monday, 6th January Resumption/Commencement of lectures after New Year Break
Tuesday, 14th January Orientation for Fresh Students
February, 2020
Tuesday, 4th February Faculty of Clinical Sciences Academic Board Meeting
Wednesday, 5th February Faculty of Basic Medical Science Academic Board Meeting
Tuesday, 18th February College of Health Sciences Academic Board Meeting
Monday, 24th FBMS Capacity Building Seminar
March, 2020
Monday, 9th –Friday, 13th March Lecture Free Week
Monday, 16th March Commencement of Harmattan Semester Examinations
Monday, 16th – Friday, 27th March Harmattan Semester Examinations for 300 - 500 Levels
Tuesday, 24th March Matriculation for Freshers
Monday, 30th March – Tuesday, 14th April Harmattan Semester Break for 300 - 500 Levels
Monday, 30th March – Friday, 17th April Markings of Examination Scripts
April, 2020
Monday, 15th April Resumption/Opening of Portals for Registration and Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester for 300 - 500 Levels
Monday, 20th April - Friday, 24th April Lecture Free Week 100 - 200 Levels
Monday, 27th April - Monday, 4th May Harmattan Semester GNS Examination for all levels
May, 2020
Tuesday, 4th - Thursday, 7th May Nursery & Midwifery Council Examinations
Tuesday, 12th May Faculty of Clinical Sciences Board of Examiners
Tuesday, 5th - Monday, 11th May Harmattan Semester Examinations for 100 - 200 Levels
Tuesday, 12th - Friday, 15th May Harmattan Semester Break 100 - 200 Levels
Wednesday, 13th May Faculty of BMS Board of Examiners
Monday, 18th May Resumption/Opening of Portals for Registration and Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester for 100 - 200 Levels
Wednesday, 20th May College of Health Sciences Board of Examiners
Wednesday, 27th May College of Health Sciences Academic Board Meeting
June, 2020
Monday, 1st June FBMS Staff Capacity Building Seminar
Monday, 15th June College Colloquium
Monday, 15th - Friday, 19th June College of Health Sciences Annual Conference
Monday, 15th - Saturday, 20th June College of Health Sciences Student Faculty Assocaitions Week and Dinner
July, 2020
Tuesday, 14th July Faculty of Clinical Sciences Academic Board
Wednesday, 15th July Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Academic Board
Wednesday, 29th July College of Health Sciences Board Meeting
Friday 30th July Late Registration with Penalty
August, 2020
Friday, 7th August End of Lectures for all Levels
Monday, 10th – Friday, 14th August Lecture Free Week
Thursday, 27th August Senate
Monday, 16th – Friday, 28th August Rain Semester Examination
Monday, 31st August – Friday, 4th September GNS Examination
Monday, 31st August FBMS Capacity Building Seminar
September, 2020
Wednesday, 2nd September CHS Academic Board Meeting
Friday, 4th September End of Rain Semester Examinations
Monday, 7th September Rain Semester Break
Monday, 7th September - Thursday, 24th September Marking of Examination Scripts
Thursday, 24th September Senate
Friday, 25th September End of 2019/2020 Session/Commencement of Annual Leave of Academic Staff
November, 2020
Friday, 6th November End of Annual Leave for Academic Staff
Monday, 9th November Commencement of 2020/2021 Academic Session
Monday, 7th October - End of 2018/2019 Session
November, 2019
Monday, 18th November Resumption for 2019/2020 / Opening of e-Portal for registration and Payment of fees for all students
Monday, 2ndDecember Late Registration with Penalty
Monday, 23rdDecember New Year Break
Monday, 6thJanuary Resumption/Commencement of lectures after New Year Break
Tuesday, 14thJanuary Orientation for Fresh Students
Tuesday, 28thJanuary Matriculation for Fresh Students
Monday, 24th– Friday, 28thFebruary Lecture Free Week
Monday, 2nd–Friday, 13thMarch Harmattan Semester Examinations for all levels
Monday, 16th– Friday, 20thMarch GNS Examinations
Monday, 23rdMarch – Friday, 6thJune Harmattan Semester Break
Monday, 23rdMarch – Friday, 6thApril Markings of Examination Scripts
Monday, 2ndJune Resumption/Opening of Portals for Registration and Commencement of Lectures for Rain Semester
Monday, 15thJune Late Registration with Penalty
Friday, 14thAugust End of Lectures for Rain Semester
Monday, 17th – Friday, 21stAugust Lecture Free Week
Monday, 24h – Friday, 4thSeptember Rain Semester Examinations
Monday 7th – Friday,11thSeptember GNS Examinations
Monday, 14th– Friday, 25thSeptember Marking of Scripts
Tuesday, 11thOctober Senate / End of 2019/2020 Session / Commencement of Annual Leave of Academic Staff
The Osun State University economic scholars were recently sponsored by the university to attend the 60th annual conference of the Nigerian Economic Society (NES) at the Nigerian Air Force Conference Centre, Kado, Abuja between 16th and 18th September, 2019 to network, research and deliberate on the Economic Policies and Quality of Life in Africa and other issues affecting the members of the professional body, NES.
The Conference which started on Monday 16th September 2019 with the opening ceremony had in attendance representatives from national and international institutions like the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) among others. In the afternoon of that 16th, the first plenary session was held. The sub-theme of this session was Conceptual and Structural Issues in Quality of Life. This session was chaired by Prof. Sam Olofin.
On Tuesday the 17th, the first policy round table and second preliminary session was held and it was titled “Leveraging Role of the Public Sector in Enhancing Quality of Life in Africa” and “Opportunities and Challenges of Enhancing Quality of Life in Africa” This session was chaired by Prof. (sir) Ibi Ajayi, a fellow of NES. Some papers presented under this session were Place of Happiness and Subjective Indicators of Wellbeing in Quality of Life Issues by Prof Peter Olapegba. And Environmental Issues, Access to Water and Quality of Life in Nigeria by Prof C.O. Orubu. Prof Olapegba mentioned that Quality of life is a concept that cut across different fields like Sociology, Medicine, Psychology and Economics. He also maintained that happiness is very important as part of quality of life. A rich person may not be experiencing a good quality of life especially if he is not happy. He stated that contentment is one of the indicators to having a good quality life.
The second policy round table was held with the focus on “Leveraging Role of the Private Sector in Enhancing Quality in Life in Africa” followed by the first and second concurrent sessions where different papers were presented. The papers were presented under the following sub-themes; Economic Policies and Poverty in African Countries, Economic Policies and Educational Outcomes in Africa, Economic Policies and the Quality of Health Care and Nutrition, Economic Policies and Quality of Road Infrastructure in African Countries.
On the last day Wednesday, 18th of September, 2019, the third and fourth concurrent sessions were held and different papers by authors were presented under the following sub-themes; Economic Policies and Poverty in African Countries, Economic Policies and Educational Outcomes in Africa, Economic Policies and the Quality of Health Care and Nutrition, Economic Policies and Unemployment/ Economic Inequality in Africa.
Before this session was declared closed, award of Fellow of NES, was given to the CBN Governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele, CON. Chief Bisi Ogunjobi, OON, Prof. Emmanuel Nnadozie and two others were also awarded Fellow of NES on Monday the 16th September.
Among the issues deliberated on was the arising confusion of some people calling themselves chattered Economist, the deliberation which was chaired by the NES president now decree that NES is the only professional body for Economist and that there is nothing like Chartered Economist. Also, that there would be the induction of graduating students of Economics into NES and that professionals should encourage every staff in the Department of Economics to become a member of NES.
In keeping to the promise of creating a unique institution that is committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skill-based training and a tradition of excellence in Teaching, Research and Community service, UNIOSUN on the 25th of September host the flag off ceremony of the three months intensive YESSO training organized by the World Bank in collaboration with the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to confront and combat the alarming problem of unemployment and poverty among youth and vulnerable individuals in the country.
The opening/flag off ceremony which took place at the Olagunsoye Oyinlola auditorium of the Osun State University had in attendance, the Governor of the State of Osun and the visitor to the University, Mr. Gboyega Oyetola who was represented by Professor Olalekan Yinusa, a commissioner designate and the supervisor for youth and empowerment; the vice chancellor of the university, Professor Labode Popoola, represented by Professor Akinola and other dignitaries from all works of life.
The training programme which is scheduled to run in three phases: Life skills training, focus skill training and entrepreneurship training had over five hundred youths in attendance and they were all orientated and set to be empowered through the training.
It will be recalled that the management of the university is already set to empower the Alumni of the university who has a bankable proposal with a tangible amount of fund that he/she can use in starting a business.