

History    |    Educational Objectives    |    Programme Outcomes    |    Learning Outcomes    |    Staff List 


The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Osun State University is one of the two pioneering engineering departments under the College of Science, Engineering and Technology established in 2007/2008 academic session as part of the first phase of development of the University.

The department runs a 5-year programme, operating 2-semester course units system in its curriculum that leads to the award of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The 5-year duration is expected to progress from year-one (100 level) through year-five (500 level). Each year is divided into two semesters (Harmattan and Rain), each of 17-18 weeks duration which comprises 2 weeks of registration, 13 weeks of lecture and 2-3 weeks of examination.

The department operates academic curriculum that is tailored along stipulations contained in the National University Commission (NUC) and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards, BMAS documents. The Department has been graduating students since 2012 and has always maintained an enrollment figure which is in line with the carrying capacity for Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme specified in the COREN BMAS document. This policy allows for the realization of the philosophy and objectives of the programme through proper utilization of facilities and equipment for teaching and research in the laboratories.  

The Programme Educational Objectives for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering undergraduate programme are to produce graduates who in a few years of graduation will:

PEO 1 Bring their fundamental knowledge of principles in mathematics, science and engineering to bear on the challenges they take on, developing and applying appropriate models, technical tools, and evaluations to come up with their solutions.
PEO 2 Bring to their careers the self-assurance, integrity, and technical strengths that drive innovation, and the communication and collaboration skills to inspire and guide the groups they work with in bringing their ideas to fruition.
PEO 3 Apply their abilities, talents, and insights creatively and productively in fields and professions beyond those explicitly represented in, or anticipated by, the curriculum.
PEO 4 Be sensitive to professional and societal contexts, committed to ethical action, and engaged in life-long learning (including studies leading to professional certification or an advanced degree in engineering) to remain effective members of the communities.

The PEOs were formulated in line with the mission statement of the University- “to create a unique institution committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skill-based training and a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service. The PEOs-Mission mapping matrix shown in Table 1 shows the contribution of the PEOs to the realization of the mission of the University.

Table 1: Mapping of PEOs to Mission of University


University’s Mission

Academic Innovation

(Teaching and Research)

Skill-based training

Community Service

















The Department also gets adequate feedback from other stakeholders such as employers of our graduates, industries, alumni of the programme as well as parents/guardians. This information provides the basis for evaluation of the PEOs.


The programme outcomes are statements of the knowledge, skills and behaviours that students are expected to have by the time they graduate. The POs for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering undergraduate programme are the same as those approved by COREN. These include the ability to:

a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering to the solution of developmental and complex engineering problems;
b) identify, formulate, research literature and analyze developmental and complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences;
c) proffer solutions for developmental or complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations;
d) conduct investigation into developmental or complex problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions;
e) create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and ICT tools, including prediction, modeling and optimization to developmental and complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations;
f) apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge including Humanities and Social Sciences to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice;
g) understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development;
h) apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice, including adherence to the COREN Engineers Code of Conducts;
i) function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings;
j) communicate effectively on developmental or complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions;
k) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering, management and financial principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments; and
l) recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological and social changes.


For admission into first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualification:
1. Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced level or approved equivalents.
3.2 Departmental Admission Requirement
Requirements for admission into Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme are guided by the University policy on admission and in accordance with the NUC guidelines.

U.T.M.E. Requirements

To qualify for admission into the programme in the Department, a candidate must possess at least five (5) credit passes in SSCE or NECO (O’ Level), obtained at not more than two sittings, which must include the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other Science subject.

Candidates with acceptable passes in the Pre-Degree Programme Examination of the Osun State University and that have an acceptable pass in the UTME may also be admitted into the 5-year degree programme of the Department.

Direct Entry Requirements
Candidates with passes at the Advanced Level (A-Level) in relevant subjects, which must include Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and those with OND, NCE (Upper Credit) and HND (minimum of lower Credit) from any higher institution recognized by the University Senate may be admitted into the 200-level, provided such candidate fulfill the UTME admission requirements of the Department. Candidates with acceptable passes in the Advanced Diploma Programme of Osun State University may also be admitted into the 200-level, provided such candidate fulfill the UTME admission requirements of the Department.

Post UTME Screening
All candidates seeking admission into the University shall be required to pass the University Post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A students may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A grade point of 0 F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum duration for the Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) programme is 10 semesters. Direct entry candidates with ND, NCE and equivalents shall have minimum duration of 8 semesters while those with HND shall have minimum duration of 6 semesters.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

List of Staff (View All)

S/N Name                         Designation 

1. Dr. H. Lasisi Senior Lecturer/Acting HOD

2. Prof. M.O. Omoigui Professor (Contract)

3. Prof. L.O. Kehinde Professor  (Adjunct)

4. Prof. O.A. Komolafe Professor  (Sabbatical)

5 Dr. M.F. Akorede Associate Professor (Sabbatical)

6. Dr. (Mrs.) F.A. Semire Senior Lecturer (Sabbatical)

7. Dr. T.O. Ajewole   Senior Lecturer

8. Dr. O.O. Obiyemi Senior Lecturer

9. Dr. T.A. Abdul-Hameed Senior Lecturer (Adjunct)

10. Dr. M.O. Lawal Lecturer I

11. Dr. K.O. Alawode Lecturer I

12. Engr. O. Oladepo Lecturer I

13. Engr. T.T. Awofolaju Lecturer I

14. Mr. M.O. Bada Assistant Lecturer

15. Miss B.A. Adewumi Graduate Assistant

16. Mr. M.O. Oyedeji  Graduate Assistant

17. Mrs. B.M. Ojuola, Engn. Tech. Principal Technologist

18. Mr. A.O. Esho Senior Technologist 

19. Engr. I.O. Aiyedun Senior Technologist 

20. Engr. O. Akinwale Technologist II

21. Mr. T.O. Balogun Technologist II

22. Miss O.R. Olowu Technologist II

23. Mr. S.O. Olatona Technologist II

24. Mrs. V.A. Ogunjobi   Confidential Secretary I

25. Mrs. F.T. Omotosho Senior Office Assistant

26. Mr. I.A. Taleatu Office Assistant

Engineering Alumni Survey

Employers’ Evaluation Form 




The Department of Civil Engineering of the Osun State University is one of the two engineering departments under the College of Science, Engineering and Technology established in 2007/2008 academic session as part of the first phase of development of the University. B.Eng. degree programme in Civil Engineering was approved by the University Senate and Council in the 2007/2008 academic session. The first set of students was admitted into Part I of the programme in August 2007.

The Department runs a 5-year undergraduate programme, operating 2-semester course units in its curriculum to acquaint the students with the basic knowledge, practices and current advances in the field of Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering is concerned with the planning, design, construction, maintenance and environmental impact of buildings, roads, airports, waterways, railways, bridges, tunnels, docks, offshore structure, dams, water supply, drainage and irrigation systems/schemes, and other major works.
The programme in civil engineering is therefore designed to produce engineers that can meet the challenges in the afore-mentioned areas through service in governmental agencies/establishments, the building and construction industry, transportation industry, consulting firms, teaching and research organizations. The two semesters in the calendar of the University, tagged Harmattan and Rain), each has 17-18 weeks duration. The programme leads to the awards of Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) degree in Civil Engineering.

The academic programme of the Department operates academic curricular that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards and as required by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN. The curricula for the programme are being regularly revised. The last revision took place in 2017 to bring the programme contents in line with Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS) by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and National Universities Commission (NUC). The department is currently working on another revised version of the program to meet the national and international trends in the programme of Civil Engineering.

At the outset, the Department of Civil Engineering was headed by Prof Clement W. Adegoke. The new Department of Civil Engineering was approved by the National Universities Commission. During the past 10 years of the existence of the Civil Engineering programme at Osun State University, the department has produced over 200 graduates. While many of these graduates are currently doing well in government and private establishments, many have since obtained higher degrees and are in various institutions as members of faculty. The department has the culture of retaining its best-performing students. Those in industries and private establishment are holding very senior positions in the public and private sectors of the economy; Directors, Managers, Managing Directors, Chief Engineers, University Lecturers, and State Commissioners.


1. In Osun State University, Civil Engineering is broader than most of the other engineering programmes and it is divided into the following specialized areas: Geotechnical engineering, Transportation and Highway engineering, Construction engineering, Hydraulics engineering, Sanitary engineering and Structural engineering.
2. The aim of running Civil Engineering programme is to produce graduates who are to function effectively in public service, industries, planning, design, construction and management of facilities such as highway, roads, rural and urban water supply, traffic control systems, building, bridges, sanitary and sewage treatment and disposal systems, airport and transportation systems, tunnels, dams, canals, and waterways.
3. The programme consists of lectures, tutorials, laboratory and field works, projects and practical training in industries. The first two years of a 5-year programme is devoted to taking basic science and general engineering courses to give broad-based engineering education. From the third year, most of the courses taken are core courses in the various areas of Civil Engineering.

Mission Statement
The mission of the civil engineering program is to provide students with a broad and thorough education in civil engineering fundamentals, applications, and design that prepares them for the practice of civil engineering at the professional level with the confidence and skills necessary to meet the technical and social challenges of the future. The program provides a broad and thorough education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering mechanics, and civil engineering, coupled with application of modern engineering tools. Graduates will attain the skills for entry-level civil engineering positions leading to professional engineering registration, and will have a solid undergraduate foundation in general civil engineering principles, enabling continued education at advanced levels.

Vision Statement
The civil engineering program will serve the nation by providing a quality engineering education that enables students to enter a profession that can improve the civil infrastructure, and economic welfare. Our civil engineering program will maintain a strong emphasis on undergraduate education with the goal that our program will be recognized for quality instruction in civil engineering analysis and design. An important emphasis of the civil engineering program is preparation of students for professional engineering licensure and practice, and we expect that most of our students will pursue this objective following graduation.


1 Professor O. J. Alamu Professor
2 Professor M. O. Omoigui Professor
3 Professor O. A. Komolafe Professor
4 Dr. A. A. Bello Associate Professor
5 Dr. K. L. Abidoye Senior Lecturer
6 Dr. S. O. A. Olawale` Senior Lecturer
7 Dr. F. A. Oginni Senior Lecturer
8 Dr. F. O. Akintayo Senior Lecturer
9 Dr Hussein Mohammed Senior Lecturer
10 Dr. H. Lasisi Senior Lecturer
11 Dr. O. B. Okedere
12 Dr. O. O. Fadipe Lecturer I
13 Dr. M. O. Lawal Lecturer I
14 Dr. A. T. Oriaje Lecturer II
15 Dr. K. O. Rabiu Lecturer II
16 Mr. K. Ishola Lecturer II
17 Mr. O. A. Olawuyi Lecturer II
18 Mr. M. A. Tijani Lecturer II
19 Mr. M. Kareem Lecturer II
20 Mrs. J. O. Adeosun Lecturer II
21 Mr. A. K. Adeyemo Graduate Asstistant
22 Mr. M.O. Thanni
23 Engr. A.U. Adebanjo Graduate Assistant

24 Engr. W. O. Oduoye Senior Technologist 
25 Mr. O. A. Alasi Senior Technologist 
26 Mr.   O. A. Olabiran Senior Technologist 
27 Engr. Olufemi O. Lawal Technologist I
28 Engr. Adigun T. Kasali Technologist I
29 Engr. M. Aderonke Olawale Technologist I
30 Engr. Moshood Oyewole Technologist I
31 Engr. I. O. Lamidi Technologist I
32 Surveyor Ibrahim K. Hassan Chief Surveyor

33 Miss. J. J. Olanipekun Conf. Secretary
34 Miss Lagbaja Bushirat Adebukola Head Office Assistant
35 Mrs Abosede Elizabeth Samson Head Office Assistant
36 Mrs. T. S. Olarinde Lab. Supervisor   

Level Advisers
500 Level Adviser - Dr. (Mrs) Fadipe O. O.
400 Level Adviser - Engr. Oriaje A. T.
300 Level Adviser - Engr. Olawuyi O. A.
200 Level Adviser - Engr. Ishola K.
100 Level Adviser - Engr. Adebanjo A. U. 


Dr Wahab Abideen
Dr WAHAB Abideen A.
Lecturer II (Profile)

The Department of BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES is one of the pioneer Departments in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology of Osun State University, established at the inception of the University in September, 2007. The Department offers B.Sc. Degree programme in Microbiology with plans to offer two additional programmes: Plant Biology and Zoology at the second phase of development.

There are three functional laboratories in the Department that serve the academic programme of the Department. The laboratories are well equipped to cope with the teaching of students and for the use of academic staff for research purposes.

The students registered in the Department offer same courses at the 100 level but start to offer courses in their chosen disciplines from the 200 level. At the 300 level Rain Semester, all students in the Department are required to proceed on six-months Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) as part of their graduation requirements.
The academic programme of the Department operates academic curricular that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.

Microbiology programme is designed to provide a sound understanding of the concepts of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms, in relation to mankind and the environment. The programme is designed to elaborate the importance of microorganisms in industry, health and environmental sectors of the society and planned to equip the students with sound theoretical and practical knowledge in biology. Efforts are geared towards making the training relevant to society, health sectors, research institutes and industry and to inculcate in students the entrepreneurial and problem solving ability. It also offers sufficient knowledge of theoretical principles to enable promising graduates undertake postgraduate work in Microbiology and related disciplines.

The main objectives of the programme are
(i) to broadly educated students for positions in the industry, health sector, research institutes and,
(ii) to prepare the students for graduate and professional studies in the applied areas of microbiology.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

U.M.E. Candidates
For admission into the first degree programme in Microbiology, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry to form the core subjects, with credit in any of the following: Physics, Agricultural Science at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Microbiology programme, must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) of the following: Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects listed above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be recorded for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.


col of_law

Brief History of the College
Osun State University included the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) programme in the academic brief that it submitted to the National Universities Commission (NUC) at the point of seeking approval for commencement of academic activities in 2006. The University scheduled the programme to commence during the first phase of its development. However, at the time the NUC granted the licence to establish the University, the moratorium that the Council of Legal Education, the regulatory body for the professional training of legal practitioners in Nigeria, placed on the establishment of new Law Faculties in Nigerian universities was still subsisting.

When the body lifted the moratorium in March 2009, the University contacted both the Council of Legal Education and the NUC seeking approval for the commencement of the programme. In anticipation of the approval, the University promptly put in place, the necessary facilities and manpower to mount a viable and appropriate law programme that would meet the needs of the society in the 21st century. The Council of Legal Education and NUC approved the programme in September, 2010. Consequently, the University admitted the first set of students into the LL.B programme in November of that year.

The College of Law has designed its programme to ensure that graduates of the programme have an excellent general knowledge of law, including a clear understanding of its place and importance in society. The programme has the intellectual goal of studying and assessing the contents, operation, efficacy and relevance of various rules of Law in the society as well as giving students the skill of critical analysis and appraisal of social, economic, political and other systems as well as issues of their society in the light of the global systems.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

Departmental Admission Requirement
U.M.E. Candidates
For admission into the first degree programme in Geography, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Geography to form the core subjects, with credit in any two other relevant science, social science or humanities subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Geography programme, must have Advanced Level passes in at least two (2) of the subjects which must include Geography, in addition to credit level passes in five of the subjects listed in 3.2.1 above at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND/NCE and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidate with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be record for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

U.M.E. Candidates
For admission into the first degree programme in History and International Studies, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, History or Government to form the core subjects, with credit in any other three arts/social sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level History and International Studies programme, must have Advanced Level passes in History or Government, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidate with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be record for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

Brief History of the Department
The Department of HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES is one of the two foundation Departments in the College of Humanities and Culture of Osun State University, established at the inception of the University in September, 2007. Currently, the Department offers B.A. History and International Studies programme.

The Department plays a pioneering role in the development of interdisciplinary teaching and research. For instance, in January 2010 the Department entered into an agreement with the Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA). Under this agreement, Dr. Jean-Luc Martineau, a French historian and an expert in historical methodology, co-teach, in an adjunct ex gratia capacity, HIS 304: Methods of Historical Research.
Moreover, the Department organises a weekly Departmental Seminar Series that has been attracting scholars from within and outside the country.

The Department operates an academic curriculum that is tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.

Philosophy and Objectives
The Department of History and International Studies seeks to provide liberal arts education with the highest breath in comprehensive human experiences. It offers students the opportunity to study the past, not only for its own sake, but for the perspectives it offers the present. The curriculum lays emphases on training students to understand the nature of evidence and how to interpret evidence. The programme is designed to develop in students intellectual abilities, which will be useful for future careers in diverse fields. It offers perspectives on local history, cultural analysis, cultural diversity, methodology, and gender, while maintaining the traditional strengths in the fields of African, European, American and World history.

The programme therefore seeks to produce students with a mind capable of a rational and intuitive grasp of events in order to bring critical and analytical attitude to bear on national and international issues for the socio-political and economic development of the society. Ultimately, the programme trains a complete person relevant to our diverse and changing world.

Aims and Objectives
The Department of History and International Studies aims at;
i. producing students that are imbued with strength of character, power of judgment, capacity of analysis and effectiveness of expression,
ii. educating students in historical movements and issues of international or global importance to enable them acquire better knowledge of the World and thus promote World peace,
iii. developing students’ ability to appreciate the historical forces that have shaped and continue to shape their immediate environment,
iv. giving students thorough understanding of Nigeria and global issues,
v. instilling in students a critical and broad mind that will enable them appreciate the various dimensions of any given issue,
vi. providing students with advantages usually associated with academic training, viz: critical, analytical and balanced judgment needed particularly in administrative and managerial responsibilities in the competitive global village,
vii. preparing students for careers in the diplomatic service, academia, journalism, government, politics, international business, museums, historical research, public history, historic sites preservation, and Non-Governmental Organisations.

Thus, in order to realise these objectives, the Department offers courses in African, American, and European History as well as issues in International Relations. Also, a number of courses have been designed to introduce students to the use of historical documents in studying the past and understanding contemporary international issues.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

U.M.E. Candidates
For admission into the first degree programme in History and International Studies, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, History or Government to form the core subjects, with credit in any other three arts/social sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level History and International Studies programme, must have Advanced Level passes in History or Government, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidate with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be record for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

Departmental Admission Requirements
U.M.E. Candidates
B.A. English and International Studies
For admission into the first degree programme in English and International Studies, candidates must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, Literature in English and any other three arts/social sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidates must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

B.A. French and International Studies
For admission into the 100 level degree programme in French and International Studies, candidates must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language and any other four subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidates must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). Candidates need not have a previous knowledge of French.
B.A. Linguistics and Communication Studies
For admission into the 100 level degree programme in Linguistics and Communication Studies, candidates must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language and any other four subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
B.A. English and International Studies
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level English and International Studies programme must have Advanced Level passes in Literature in English and one other Arts subject, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects including English and Literature in English at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND, NCE and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with an acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualifications for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

B.A. French and International Studies
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level French and International Studies programme must have two Advanced Level passes in French and any other Arts or Social Sciences subjects, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with an acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualifications for entry into the 100 level of the programme. The NCE, Baccalaureate and the Nigeria French Language Village Diploma in French are acceptable as A-Level equivalents.

B.A. Linguistics and Communication Studies
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level Linguistics and Communication Studies programme, must have Advanced Level passes in two subjects, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects including English at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in a communication related discipline with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidates with an acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualifications for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University Post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures has been given. A student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A grade point of 0F shall be record for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional areas in the University shall be four years (or three years for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

Brief History of the Department
The Department of Languages and Linguistics, established at the inception of the University in September, 2007, is one of the two foundation Departments in the College of Humanities and Culture of Osun State University, The Department offers three degree programmes, namely,
    • B.A. Arabic Language
    • B.A. English 
    • B.A. French 
    • B.A. Islamic
    • B.A. Linguistics & Communication Studies
    • B.A. Philosophy
    • B.A. Theatre Arts
    • B.A. Tourism Studies
    • B.A. Yoruba
There is a functional Language Laboratory in the Department that serves the academic programmes of the Department. The Laboratory is well equipped to cope with teaching of students and for the use of academic staff for research purposes.
The three programmes of the Department operate academic curricula that are tailored along the stipulations contained in the National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards.   
Philosophy and Objectives
The basic philosophy underlying the academic activities of the English sub-unit is the current trend in ELT emphasis on the actual use of language for communicative purposes in actual human inter-actional and transactional situations. The English sub-unit therefore strives to prepare its candidates for the efficient and effective use of the English language in the various situations in which it is used, particularly as regards its social and official functions in Nigeria and the modern world. To achieve these goals, the sub-unit provides a wide variety of practice and use oriented courses without compromising the basic theoretical basis of their knowledge. Applied English courses that are designed to empower candidates to function efficiently in various envisaged capacities with minimum fuss are therefore loaded into the programme. 
The specific Objectives of the English unit of the Department are:
1. To teach candidates functional English language and Literature in English as well as English Linguistics  
2. To empower candidates with the necessary competence in the oral and written medium in English
3. To equip candidates with the basic skills for the use of English for specific social, professional and scientific purposes
4. To initiate and pursue research in the analysis, the use, the function and the teaching of English with particular reference to the Nigerian nation.
Employment Opportunities
The graduates of the English sub-unit of the Department of Languages and Linguistics are trained to be teachers of English Language and Literature at all of the pre-university levels of the Nigerian educational strata. Both the Nigerian Print and the Electronic mass media, being English medium, are ready employers of our graduates. In addition, our graduates have a ready market in the Nigerian Civil Service as well as the Foreign and Diplomatic Service. More generally, they can be employed in the personnel, public relations and marketing units of various corporate institutions, both local and international. They are also highly needed locally and internationally in the publishing industry. By virtue of their training, they are equally employable in the Nigerian young, but prosperous movie industry. Internationally, they can also ply their trade beyond the shores of the nation as actors, actresses, script writers, editors, among others. The Banking sub-sector of the economy is also known to value very highly the English communicative skills of graduates of English.
We are today living in a global village. The need to be at ease in languages other than English, in particular international languages of sciences and technology, international commerce, education and diplomacy, where French excels par excellence, has never been more pressing. In today`s world, language teaching and learning objectives will go from knowledge acquisition to equipping professionals with the skills they need to excel in multilingual environments. It is this mindset that has guided the crafting of our programmes.

The objectives of the Programme are:
1. To teach students quality French language, literature and linguistics as well as expose them to basic concepts in literary criticism;
2. To teach them African literature in French;
3. To enable students to acquire linguistic competence in oral and written communication in French;
4. To train students to acquire translation and interpretation skills with special reference to French and English;
5. To equip them with basic skills to use French for specific purposes;
6. To educate students in historical movements and issues of international or global importance to enable them acquire better knowledge of the world and thus promote World Peace,
7. To develop students’ ability to appreciate the historical forces that have shaped and continue to shape their immediate environment,
Employment Opportunities
The graduates of the French and International Studies Programme are open to a wide range of careers, some of which are as follows: translation and interpretation, teaching, banking and finance, aviation (especially as airline desk officers and air hostesses/ attendants), the Civil Service, international business, the foreign and diplomatic service.
Linguistics and Communication Studies
A knowledge of languages and linguistics is an ever more relevant and essential tool for the field of communication in the ‘global village’ within which we all operate. Hence, the B. A. Linguistics and Communication Studies Programme is designed as a result of a firm belief that our graduates are potential employees and employers of labour in the field of linguistics and the profession of communication. Our graduates should be able to establish themselves as language analysts who would use their knowledge of the structure of language to support the nation’s media communication professionals. 
1. to train knowledgeable linguists, vibrant and entrepreneurial communication professionals;
2. to train students to bring the insight of linguistics into communication as a whole, but particularly to such areas as print and broadcast media, publishing and advertising, marketing and public relations;
3. to produce graduates with adequate knowledge of linguistics, skills and developments in communication technology;
4. to initiate and pursue research in the analysis in linguistics and communication studies.
Employment Opportunities
The programme is carefully packaged to provide the student with knowledge and skills useful to support any career or profession.  Studying language and examine how different styles of written and spoken language can serve different communication purposes will benefit the student who wish to pursue a career in such areas as personnel management, the media, publishing, social and development work. 

For admission into any of the first degree programmes of the University, a candidate shall be required to possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
2. Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level, must have at least five (5) O/L credits, two of which must be at Advanced Level or approved equivalents.

U.M.E. Candidates
For admission into the first degree programme in History and International Studies, a candidate must have the Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or its equivalents with credit level passes in five (5) subjects: English Language, History or Government to form the core subjects, with credit in any other three arts/social sciences subjects at not more than two sittings. The candidate must also earn an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Direct Entry Candidates
Candidates seeking admission by direct entry into the 200 level History and International Studies programme, must have Advanced Level passes in History or Government, in addition to credit level passes in five subjects at the SSCE or its equivalents. Candidates with ND and approved equivalents in relevant fields with at least a lower credit may be considered for direct entry into the programme. Candidate with acceptable pass in the UNIOSUN Foundation Programme are also eligible for admission into the 200 level, provided they possess the requisite qualification for entry into the 100 level of the programme.

Post UTME Screening
All Candidates seeking admission into the University irrespective of their UTME scores shall be required to pass the University post UTME Screening test before being admitted.

Registration Procedure
(a) Students shall normally complete registration at the beginning of the semester.
(b) Any addition or deletion from the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the course coordinator.
(c) A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course by the course administrator before a third of lectures have been given. Such a student who withdraws after this time or who fails to sit for examination without reasons acceptable to the appropriate Faculty/College Board shall be deemed to have failed the course. A Grade point of 0F shall be record for the student in the course.
(d) Late registration in the course may be allowed with penalty of up to 4 weeks after the commencement of registration.

Duration of Degree Programmes
The minimum number of years to be spent to be awarded a first degree in a programme of study in non-professional area in the university shall be four years (or three years minimum for direct entry candidates). Registration shall not exceed an additional 50% of the duration of the programme if the student fails to graduate within the minimum number of years.

Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree of the Osun State University, a student is required to have:
(i) completed and passed the prescribed number of units including all compulsory courses specified by the University.
(ii) completed and met the standards for all required and optional courses.
(iii) obtained the prescribed minimum CGPA.

Yoruba Cultural Studies

Yoruba is the largest ethnic language in Nigeria with over 25 million speakers. It is spoken, among other languages, in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo and traces of it are found among communities in Brazil, Sierra Leone, northern Ghana and Cuba. Currently, no university in Nigeria offers undergraduate courses in Yoruba beyond its literature and language components. As a College of Humanities and Culture, the degree programme in Yoruba Studies is to position us as a centre of excellence in cultural studies.

Philosophy and Objectives of the Degree Programme
a. To give the students an in-depth mastery of the history, philosophy, language, literature, culture and life patterns of the Yoruba people

b. To preserve the linguistic, literary and cultural heritage of the people

c. To offer the students the tools for the scientific study of language – the subject matter and goals of descriptive, comparative, historical and socio-linguistics and a deeper understanding of the nature of human language

d. To equip the students with skills for the analysis of history, philosophy, language, literature and cultural issues for the purpose of applying such skills to relevant fields of human endeavour.

Admission and Graduation Requirements
In addition to general admission and Faculty graduation requirements, usually five Senior Secondary School level credits or its equivalent, including English Language (for the 4-year programme) or higher qualifications, or a Diploma in any Arts or Social Science disciplines, in addition to the required credits (for the 3-year programme) are required to be qualified to run the programme. In addition to the above, credits earned at the SSS Level or its equivalent should be discreetly chosen from amongst subjects in the Arts, the Social Sciences and the Sciences. A credit pass in Yoruba language will be an added advantage.

The Faculty graduation requirements apply here. The entire degree programme lasts four years (eight semesters) for UME or three years (six semesters) for the “A” Level or Diploma students.

Career Opportunities
Yoruba Studies graduates are expected go on to positions within major culture industries, economic development agencies, tourism development bodies and local authorities. The graduate will be equipped for many positions in the wider service sector and for moving on to postgraduate research.

Job Opportunities for Our Graduates
• Translation/interpreting
• Cultural Officers
• Literary Analysts and Artists
• Language consultancy
• Media and advertising
• Editorial services
• Film and cinema productions
• General research and documentation
• Telecommunication, etc.

col hum_cul

Welcome Address/Introduction

With the ever-increasing emphasis on ensuring that all undergraduates are given every opportunity to complete their education soundly and within the specified time limits in a fast-developing world, the College of Humanities and Culture, Osun State University, Ikire Campus, is at the forefront of producing high quality, well rounded, globally competitive and entrepreneurial graduates who are going to be catalysts for rapid and sustainable development in the age of globalization.

We are the custodians and projectors of things that illuminate our culture and the world around us. Through the humanities, students are made to understand human society clearly, behave more responsibly, comprehend more fully and feel more deeply. They also learn to express themselves effectively, understand the dynamism of cultural issues, appreciate the power of words and ideas, and interpret human experience.

The Ikire Campus is set within a picturesque piece of real estate surrounded by a natural topography designed for great intellectual work. It is the gateway campus of UNIOSUN, so strategically placed as to grant easy access to students and parents from any part of the country. Our College offers the most innovative curricula in which students are trained in a liberal and democratic manner to comprehend systems and patterns of existence, to think analytically and responsibly in order to be useful in any future task, and to embrace the complex challenges of the present world.

The humanities constitute the cornerstone of higher education in the world. In taking any of the courses we have mounted, students broaden their historical, ethical, social and international perspectives and enhance themselves intellectually and creatively for any job in the ever-expanding national and global markets.


Ikire Osun State

Brief History

Osun State University is a multi-campus University established by the administration of Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola in December, 2006. The University operates six campuses distributed across the six administrative zones of the state. Ikire Campus is one of the six campuses


1. To train students to understand human society

2. To encourage responsible behavior

3. To foster critical thinking and emotional intelligence



1. Effective self-expression
2. Cultural awareness and understanding
3. Appreciation of the power of words and ideas
4. Insight into human experience

Academic Programmes

The academic a programmes currently available are:

  • B.A. Arabic Language and Literature
  • B.A. Christian Studies
  • B.A. English and Literary Studies
  • B.A. French and Francophone Studies
  • B.A. Islamic Studies
  • B.A. Linguistics & Communication Studies
  • B.A. Philosophy
  • B.A. Theatre Arts
  • B.A. Tourism Studies
  • B.A. Yoruba

Physical Development

Our campus is equipped with state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities as well as well-equipped health centre and suitably furnished hostels for our students.


.           Asa: Journal of Humanities and Development Studies

.           UJOFOLS: UNIOSUN Journal of Foreign Language Studies

.           Awiye : Journal of Language, Literature and Communication Studies


Grants and Awards

 1. Siyan Oyeweso





Travel grant by the Federal Government to Brazil to attend the 2nd International Conference of intellectuals from Africa and Diaspora, held at the Convention Centre/Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil

September 2006


Travel grant by the Government of Osun State to attend the preparatory workshop on the organization of Global Conference of Black Nationalities, Atlanta, Georgia



Travel grant by the Government of Osun State to attend the preparatory workshop on the organization of World Summit of Mayors, Salvador de Bahia International Conference, Brazil



Travel grant by Centre for Black African Arts and Civilization (CBAC) to attend the International Conference on Multi-culturalism and the prospect for Africa and Africa Diaspora Development at the State University of Bahia, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

November 2011

2. Prof. Olukoya Ogen


Funding Agency






German Research Foundation (DFG) and the University of Munster, (Not yet utilised).

Cluster of Excellence Joint Project No: EXC 2060. Principal Investigator, Prof Dorothea Schulz

Visiting Professorial Fellow

- €5,000

April-May 2025


German Research Foundation (DFG) University of Munster

Cluster of Excellence Joint Project No: EXC 2060. Principal Investigator, Prof Dorothea Schulz –

Country Project Partner


Nigerian Workshop Budget - €6,150.




European Research Council, Brussels

European Research Council KEO Grant Department of African Studies and Anthropology, University of Birmingham.

Visiting KEO Research Fellow


Feb 2025


European Research Council KEO Project

UOB-UNIOSUN-ERC 2024 Post Research Grant

Host and Co-Convener




AHRC and University of Glasgow

Research Grant on Transforming Public Understanding of Grenada's African Religious Heritage. Principal Investigator, Dr Shantel George

Country Project Partner


June-November 2024


Carnegie Corporation

Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship

Host & Research Collaborator,




European Commission ERASMUS Lump Sum NON-EU-Africa Grant

AfriquEurope- Grant on the European Union and Africa in a Multi Crises World.

Project Financial Signatory

€1.1m (Nigerian budget - €6,500.)

2023 -



UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity

IFCD Grant for cultural research and advocacy

Principal Investigator and Project Director

$73, 097

2023-  2025


University of Leeds, LUCAS-LAHRI Visiting Fellowship Scheme

LUCAS-LAHRI Visiting Fellowship research grant on the resurgence and globalization of Yoruba religion

Principal Investigator and Project Director


April 2022


ICT U Foundation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

ICT U Professorial Writing Grant

Visiting Guest Researcher




European Research Council, Brussels

ERC Coastal Yoruba Conference grant. Convener, Insa Nolte



Dec 2016


Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom

ESRC Grantsmanship Workshop. Convener, Insa Nolte



Sept 2015


European Research Council, Brussels

5-Year project on Everyday Religious Encounter in Yorubaland. Principal Investigator, Insa Nolte

Country Director and Co-Investigator

€1.5 million


to 2017


British Academy and the African Studies Association UK

ASAUK Writing Workshop grant. Convener, Insa Nolte





American Council of Learned Societies

AHP Postdoctoral Fellowship

AHP Postdoctoral Fellow




Cadbury Visiting Fellowship, University of Birmingham.

Cadbury Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship

Cadbury Visiting Fellow




British Academy Visiting Fellowship, United Kingdom

British Academy Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship

British Academy Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow




Leventis Foundation, University of London

Leventis Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship

Leventis Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow



3. Prof Tunde Decker 





Tertiary Education Fund (TETfund) Institutional Based Research Grant (IBR) in the year 2017 Intervention. Grant number UNIOSUN/TETfund/17/08. The value of the Grant:N1,300,000.00k.

24 August 2023


(Team Member) UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversty (IFCD) Research Grant for the UNESCO-IFCD-UNIOSUN Project on Empowering Women and Youth Entrepreneurship through Yoruba Oral Arts in Southwest Nigeria. Value of the grant: $73,077 (UNESCO) and $26,933 (counterpart funding from private sector and UNESCO affiliate agencies).

10 February 2023


ACLS/AHP/Carnegie Corporation Travel Grant for Manuscript Development Workshop, College of Humanities, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,. Value of the Grant: $2000.

15-19 March, 2023


Award of Excellence, most outstanding Head of Department, Department of History and International Studies, Students Historical Society of Nigeria, Osun State University,

28 June 2022.


2022 Scholar-in-Residence, American Council of Learned Societies African Humanities Program Postdoctoral Research Programme, Office for International Programmes, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Value of Residency/stipend: $1300.

4 April - 31 May 2022


2021/2022 American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and Carnegie Corporation African Humanities Program (AHP) Postdoctoral Fellow, Value of the Award: $20,000



2020 Guest Lecturer, AFRICA TALKS Seminars, Department of African Studies and Anthropology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

11 November 2020.


Urban Studies Foundation (USF) Postdoctoral International Fellow, Glasgow, Scotland. Value of the Award: £11,000 GBP.



Visiting Scholar, African Studies Centre, School of Area and Global Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Residency: University of Oxford, United Kingdom

1 October 2019 – 30 March 2020.


Visiting Guest Lecturer, Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Presentation of Archival Research findings: Ise Olokun Esin: Self-apprehension and the belligerent poor in colonial Lagos, African Studies Centre Seminars, University of Cambridge, Allison Richard Building, West Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

5 March, 2019.


Africa-Oxford (Af-Ox) Postdoctoral Fellow, Africa-Oxford Initiative, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (Collaborated with Professor Wale Adebanwi, then Rhodes Professor of Race Relations and Director of the African Studies Centre, School of Area and Global Studies, University of Oxford). Value of the Award: £4, 600 GBP.



Visiting Scholar, African Studies Centre, School of Area and Global Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Residency

29 January – 31 March, 2019.


Fellow, Member of the Summer Institute Committee and Member of Faculty, Ife Institute of Advanced Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife. Convened by Professor Jacob K. Olupona, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, United States



 Fellow, Lagos Studies Association, c/o Professor Saheed Aderinto, History Department, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina, United States.



2016/2017 Leventis Postdoctoral Fellow, Leventis Foundation, United Kingdom, Value of the Award: £10,000 GBP.



Visiting Scholar, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London

1 October – 15 December 2016.


Scholar-in-Residence, Goodenough College, London House, Central London, United Kingdom. Conducted Secondary sources Research at the Goodenough College Library.

1 October – 15 December 2016


Travel Grant Awardee, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, University of Montreal, Canada. Value of the Award: £200 GBP.

31 August – 2 September 2016


Award of Excellence, Falola’s Magna Curia Chambers (Students Association), College of Law, Ifetedo Campus, Osun State University,

22 August, 2014.


Travel Grant Awardee, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland and the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra Ghana. Value of the Award: £2000 GBP.

August 2012


Travel Grant Awardee, African Studies Association / United Kingdom Writing Workshop for African Scholars, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria.

14 – 16 September 2011

Dr Adesola Adesote 





Co-Investigator, UNESCO-IFCD-UNIOSUN Project on Women   Empowerment and Youth Entrepreneurship through Yoruba Oral Arts




Academic staff members of the Department have won different grants and awards. Notably among them and the grants and awards won are:

  • (a) Dr. Akindele Juliana A.: Recipient of DIES-International Deans’ Course Africa 2023/2024.

(b) Recipient of University of Birmingham/Osun State University Pre-Doctoral Grant for Ph.D.Thesis Writing in the Humanities, Dec. 9th, 2013, sponsored by European Council.

(c) Osun State University Special Doctoral Scholarship Award, 2007.

  • Dr Toyese Dahunsi: TETFUND (National Research Fund) Research Grant of the sum of N43.9 million naira won by Dr. Toyese Najeem Dahunsi et al in the 2023 Research Grant Cycle for the Research project titled "A Francophone Cultural Enclave in Anglophone Yoruba Land: Migration, Language and Cross-border Trade in Ejigbo, Southwestern Nigeria".
  • (a) Dr. Olamiposi Oyeleye’s Ph.D. dissertation, “Aesthetics of Nationalism in Selected Films of Tunde Kelani and Kunle Afolayan” was recognised for Honorable Mention for the 2022 ASR Prize for Best Africa-based Doctoral Dissertation.2

(b) African Studies Review (ASR) is the flagship scholarly journal of the African Studies Association (USA). The ASR publishes the highest quality African Studies Scholarship in all academic disciplines and is published by Cambridge University Press.  

(iv)     (a) Mrs. Salaudeen Mariam: Travel Grant by British Academy to attend the      2024           Biennial Conference of the African Studies Association of United Kingdom (ASAUK) (partly funded to cover visa application, conference fee, accommodation, and feeding.

                 (b) Travel Grant by Lagos Studies Association (LSA) to attend the 8th Lagos Studies Association Conference (2024)

(c)  Travel Grant by British Academy for International Writing Worlshop on Amplifying Women’s Voices in Hausa Cultural Studies (2023)


       Academic staff members of the department have won different grants and awards. Notably among these grants and awards are:

  • Dr. Waidi Akanji won a Ph.D Tetfund Grant between 2014 and 2016. He also won a Postgraduate Merit Award, Wits University, South Africa between 2014 and 2016 and French Embassy Grant, South Africa in 2016.
  • Dr. Wabiy Salawu won the University of Kent Grant for international conference and research trips in 2015 and Nigeria Tertiary Education Trust Fund between 2014 and 2017.
  • Drs. S,A. Ogundokun, O.O. Alaje, K.F. Faniran and W.A. Akanji are co-investigators in the 2023 UNESCO Grant on project for Women and Youth Empowerment in South-West Nigeria.



Name: Oyewale I. OYELEYE

Host University: got postdoctoral fellowship at the Ariel University, Israel.

Duration: Sept 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025.


Academic staff members of the above-named Department were part of the team that won a grant as indicated below:

  1. Names: Taiwo Ọpẹyẹmi AKINDUTI, PhD and Luqman Abisọla KIARIBẸẸ, PhD

Project: UNESCO-IFCD-UNIOSUN Project on Empowering Women and Youth Entrepreneurship through Yoruba Oral Arts in Southwest Nigeria.

        Status: Research Fellows

Responsibility: Development of training modules, organisation of workshops, conduct of Surveys, analysis of data and development of a Yoruba cultural policy.

        Year: 2023


  1. Name: Luqman Abisọla KIARIBẸẸ

          University Scholar, University of Ìbàdàn                                                 2014-2015

  1. Professor Ayọ̀ Bámgbóṣé Prize in Linguistics and African Languages          2012    
  1. The Prince Ọládégà Odùtọ́lá Foundation Prize in Yorùbá                             2012
  • iii. Dr. Raymond Zard’s Prize in Yorùbá                                                          2012
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Get In Touch

For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
  • Email:
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